Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 440 How could the two of them quarrel

Chapter 440 How could the two of them quarrel

The noodles in Li Shuyao's pot hadn't been cooked yet, and the cat food had only been fried for a while, when there were footsteps on the stairs, and then a certain white-haired man with disheveled hair, disheveled clothes, and even his eyes barely opened was barefoot Just walked down.

Tantai Jingyi looked at this guy and couldn't help laughing: "Haha, it will come out after smelling it."

Li Shuyao also looked up, and then rolled her eyes: "You are sleepy, hurry up and wash your face, good guy, why don't you welcome me with a forgotten shoe, what's the matter, are you planning to take me in?" My subordinates, may I ask whether the general is preparing for the Southern Expedition or the Northern War."

Student Fang Xuening stood on the jogging platform from the first floor to the second floor, shook her messy hair, rubbed her big eyes that could not be opened, and scratched the floor with her fair little feet, then murmured Duzui said: "I don't want to fight in the north and south, I just want to eat..."

"The meal isn't ready yet, we can eat after washing up." Li Shuyao said helplessly, "You haven't opened your eyes yet, so you're not afraid of getting food in your nose. You can still're really good at it."

"Ahh..." Fang Xuening yawned big, blinked vigorously, and then saw herself without shoes, and the curious eyes of the two kittens below.

Fang Xuening opened her mouth: "I... I didn't open my mouth just now, not repeating words."

"I know, I know." Li Shuyao waved his hand perfunctorily.

Tantai Jingyi...

Well, Tantai Jingyi was already laughing and patting the sofa.

"Meow meow meow."

"Meow meow meow."

Brother Gou and Xiaohong also followed Li Shuyao for a while.

Fang Xuening: "..."

By the way, why are you two little cats sitting side by side at the stairs, waiting for the fruit to be divided? Let’s see!Look again!If I look at my old lady again, I will kick and wash you!
Fang Xuening ran down, stretched out her little foot and stepped on the backs of Brother Gou and Xiaohong, then turned around and ran away.

Dog brother:"……"

Xiaohong: "..."

What was it just now?What's wrong with this product?Sleepy brain is not awake?

Brother Gou was speechless, if the meal wasn't almost ready here, it would go up and down to fight with this white hair, hehe, it's fine if you don't cook, but you still step on me, you are contemptuous of my majesty!
Li Shuyao shook her head helplessly and then continued to cook, while Tantai Jingyi was laughing beside her and turned over, okay, this is not sleepy anymore.

With the stimulation of delicious food, Fang Xuening's washing speed is supersonic. Li Shuyao just packed the cat food here, and just prepared to fish out the noodles, and the goods have already come down.

"Tsk tsk, as expected, you will never miss every meal." Tantai Jingyi stretched and stood up, then hugged Fang Xuening: "Haha, snack."

"Wrong." Fang Xuening shook her head: "I don't miss every delicious meal, not all the meals I don't miss, sometimes I just sleep through it."

"You still have the nerve to say it." Tantai Jingyi rubbed Fang Xuening's hair.

"Oh, I just combed my hair." Fang Xuening tried her best to get rid of Tantai Jingyi's clutches, and then ran to the kitchen in a hurry: "Haha, I'm sorry for such a big pot of food. "

"Meow!" Brother Gou immediately became unhappy, why don't you just step on me and eat my food!

"What's wrong with Brother Gou today? Didn't he just kick him earlier? As for holding grudges like this?" Fang Xuening chewed on the cat food, then watched Brother Gou and Xiaohong cats pawing and pulling at his trouser legs.

"Well, let me ask you, there is such a person who snatched your food and kicked you just when you were about to eat, what should you do?" Li Shuyao laughed while scooping up noodles .

"I can't kick him to death!" Fang Xuening stared, and then gradually felt that the food in his mouth was not very tasty: " mean, this is cat food?"

"Hmm." Li Shuyao nodded with a smile.

"'re not mistaken, right? There's fish, shrimp, and... ham. This is cat food? Whose cats eat this?" Fang Xuening's expression was incredulous Looking at Li Shuyao.

"Meow meow meow!" Brother Gou hopped onto the table, with two little paws in front lying on the basin, then stretched his neck and screamed, our cat just eats like this, what's wrong!
"Hey, you little white-eyed wolf, I usually raise you for nothing, right? As soon as you Mama came back, you started blowing your beard and staring at me, hehe, wait, wait for you Mama to go to the game Yes, you will still be in my hands when the time comes!"

"Meow meow meow!" Are you in charge of me, I don't eat by myself every day!

"I provide you with food and drink, and exercise your independence every day. I am really blind!"

"Meow meow?" How can you talk nonsense with your eyes open, bullying cats can't speak!

"You still look innocent, my God!"


"@&$?, ?^(#^...?@!, '—』'[^#%@;, *@..."


Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi watched helplessly as one person and one cat suddenly started to pick each other up. It was hard to imagine how these two lived.

Both of these two seem to be wronged by themselves, which really hurts the listener and tears the listener.

"Why do they both seem to be saying something reasonable..." Li Shuyao spread her hands, "How can these two people mistake themselves as victims."

"Maybe... because we are full, why don't we eat without them." Tantai Jingyi shrugged.

"No!" "Meow!"

Fang Xuening and Brother Gou instantly united the front, the quarrel is the quarrel, and the meal still has to be eaten!

Especially when Brother Gou saw that Li Shuyao had already served Xiaohong a bowl of cat food to eat next to him, he didn't care about arguing with Fang Xuening, so he ran over and rubbed Li Shuyao's arm, and then began to be happy Have a meal!
Student Fang Xuening also acted as if the incident just now had never happened, holding a large bowl of noodles, and took a sip of the noodle soup happily: "Oh~ it's delicious~ haha, Yaoyao, it's great that you're back. I feel that the takeaway is not delicious, and I am thinking about cooking by myself."

"You should order takeaway." Tantai Jingyi said while eating noodles, "Don't waste food."

"Look at it, look at it, don't let people work hard, talk about how boring this person is!" Fang Xuening curled her lips, and then took a small mouthful of noodles, feeling the strength of the hand-rolled noodles in her mouth. The roots were beating, and Fang Xuening let out a long breath: "This is the noodles, those soft noodles outside are really unpalatable!"

"So why do you order noodles for takeout? There are not many delicious noodles for takeout. After covering the road all the way, all noodles are lumpy." Tantai Jingyi waved her hand: "Based on my many years of experience in takeout, takeout This thing, just fill your stomach, don't think about how delicious it will be."

"Not necessarily, even the self-heating hot pot is delicious, and there are some delicious ones for takeout!" Fang Xuening swallowed the noodles in her mouth and said, "Well... For example, if Yaoyao goes to take out, It must be delicious."

"It makes sense, haha." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile: "In case the Internet can't survive in the future, let's pool money to open a shop, Yaoyao will be the chef, I will be the cashier, and you will be the waiter, how about it?"

"Why am I a waiter?" Fang Xuening's eyes widened.

"How about you stay singing, haha..."

 It's May Day... Well, I'm still locked in school... I have a deep understanding of this festival.

(End of this chapter)

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