Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 441: Ready to Advertise

Chapter 441: Ready to Advertise
Everyone is very comfortable eating a warm noodle meal. Brother Gou and Xiaohong’s cat food is also very comfortable, or it has not been so comfortable for a long time. From humans to cats, one or two are lazy after eating Don't want to move.

Cleaning up the dining table today is also very simple, anyway, it’s just a bowl for each person, just put it in the cupboard, and then everyone went to the backyard to watch the rain...

Well, you can't lie down immediately after eating, you have to stand for a while, or you will get fat. Fang Xuening knows this very well. Although she likes to eat, in fact, she doesn't eat a lot every time, and after eating Will stand for half an hour.

Perhaps, this is the secret of her not fat?

The rain is not too big or too small, gently stroking the shy leaves, adding a bit of brightness to the tender green, the rain beats in the swimming pool, smashes itself into countless small water droplets and then gathers together, it seems to be naughty The children are slapping the surface of the water, going round and round, and never get tired of it.

Under the luxuriant grass, some spores were intertwined with each other, forming a small canopy that was either white and tender, or grayish brown, and slowly drilled out of the grass, carefully looking at the world.

When the animals are hiding from the rain, it is the world of other creatures at this moment.

"It's so nice, it's so quiet." Li Shuyao sighed.

"Yes..." Fang Xuening and Tantai Jingyi also nodded together.

"Meow..." Brother Gou and Xiaohong also nodded together.

"Squeak..." The little squirrel family also nodded.

Well, it is impossible to move. There are food, drink and houses here. How could it be possible to move just because you have been frightened several times?Where can I go for lunch after moving?

Squirrels depend on food, so it’s not bad if they didn’t bring you a few litters of squirrels!

Even now, the two big pine trees have become more courageous and come out together, not the same as they were scared to hide in the tree hole and dare not come out.

After watching the rain scene outside for a while, everyone was ready to go back to rest, and it was almost 11 o'clock, just take a shower, and then take a nap at noon!

After a brief rinse, Li Shuyao rubbed her hair and came out of the bathroom, turned around and fell on the bed, then took out her phone and posted a post on Weibo and Station B:
"I'm home, the broadcast will start tomorrow, there will be an advertisement or something from time to time in the past two days, you won the championship, you know everything."

After posting, Li Shuyao lay down and went to sleep. Ads are advertised. There is nothing to hide about this. Which up owner does not advertise? Advertising is one of the main sources of income for up owners.

Li Shuyao has never rejected advertising, but rejected those low-quality advertisements.

For her, firstly, the quality of the promoted products is good, and secondly, the effect of the programs or videos produced by herself is good. If both of these can be achieved, then there is no problem in advertising.

Li Shuyao went to sleep, and the people who saw her message suddenly became excited:
"Thanks to the funder's father, this dead ghost finally knows the live broadcast."

"Congratulations on winning the championship, Yaoyao Beer!"

"It took less than half a year to go from being an anchor to a rookie in the professional arena, from being a league champion to being a world champion. It's incredible. If I hadn't witnessed it with my own eyes, I would have thought I was reading a novel here."

"Is there any father who is the sponsor to remind me to update, when will the vlog of winning the championship be released?"

"I read in the group that Ruo Yao took pictures of hot springs, right? That's a swimsuit. I don't know when it will be released."

"Hohoho, live broadcast tomorrow! Live broadcast tomorrow! It's finally starting, you guys know how I got here this month! Ah, this person hasn't played much since Xiajue."

"It seems that Yaoyao really does not advertise with CR."

"Wait and wait for the live broadcast of Hundred Ghosts Night Walk tomorrow, haha, we are all ready!"

"It's not good if you don't live broadcast the rumor and make a ghost call."

"Female ghost, female ghost, female ghost..."

"Yaoyao's live broadcast is not released by CR, but by himself. Sure enough, Yaoyao's live broadcast contract is also in his own hands."


Generally speaking, everyone is not so repulsed by Li Shuyao's advertisements. One is that she really rarely advertises. After such a long time, if someone else has already had one small advertisement every three days and one big advertisement every five days, but she is currently Played a video ad once.

And needless to say the quality of that advertisement, that pure music song has been loved by many people, and the weekly downloads of this song are still very large, which is considered very good in the field of pure music.

So everyone is thinking, if Li Shuyao advertises again, will he be able to release another song?
So... isn't it blood money?
As for the products sold by other people, if they are really good and you need them, you can buy them. Anyway, they are all bought. Whoever buys them is different. If you don’t need them, don’t buy them. You don't necessarily have to buy it yourself.

If it was in the past, Li Shuyao's Weibo or Bilibili news might only be seen by her fans, but now, as the new king of LPL, if she posts something, it will immediately attract many people's attention.

Especially now that he has just won the championship, the heat has not passed yet, and there are still many people who are still fulfilling the flag they set before, so this post by Li Shuyao was immediately reposted by some e-sports self-media.

Regardless of whether to advertise or not, she can’t always advertise in her live broadcast. Generally, the commercials are finished in one hour, and the commercials have not started by then, or the commercials are over. Always talk about the S game Let's go.

At that time, wouldn't they be able to carry it?

It's all for performance. At this time, any team member of CR, even the coach will have a lot of people watching when the broadcast starts.

Everyone wants to hear the story behind winning the championship, and also wants to share the joy of winning the championship with the players.

However, the current champion team may be that the fried noodle students who did not go abroad are still awake, and the others are basically asleep in a daze.

Li Shuyao was still driving home and cooking. The other team members basically stayed at the base and fell asleep without eating.

When I came back, it was going to be a holiday soon, so Li Shuyao didn't ask everyone to adjust for the jet lag on the plane. Anyway, it didn't affect the game. You don't care how they sleep during the holiday.

After Li Shuyao woke up in the afternoon, she downloaded the first ad that Lu Yao had prepared for her.

This is an ad for a game. The name of the game is Blazing Souls. It’s probably a game about teaming up to rescue hostages. Well, it’s probably about holding a gun. Friends, everyone started to chug in a camp, and just chug for an hour.

After downloading the game, I took a closer look. It seems that both players are players, and one party took the hostages and planted bombs, while the other party rescued the hostages to prevent the explosion.

Hey, it's simple, isn't it just CS, I played it in computer class when I was young.

Isn’t it just that there are more weapons, and there are vehicles such as tanks, armored vehicles, helicopters, ships, etc. The map is a little bigger, with cities, forests, deserts, wetlands, and islands. It looks pretty good.

Li Shuyao went in to play in a daze, and then...

Killed all his teammates...

Hey, this game actually has friendly injuries, that's unscientific!

Looking at the burning helicopter, Li Shuyao suddenly became a little worried about tomorrow's live broadcast...

 Today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow are very busy. There are many and complicated things. I just postponed it before. Let’s change it for now... Well, I had a nightmare last night, and I didn’t go to bed until 2 o’clock in the middle of the night... Sigh...

(End of this chapter)

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