Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 445 TK King Li Shuyao

Chapter 445 TK King Li Shuyao
Since it is an advertisement, Li Shuyao can't directly say that this game has bugs, but such a serious bug that can't drive a car can be found by others even if you don't tell it. Surely someone will find this serious bug!
This time Li Shuyao didn't grab the driver's position, and let a water friend become the driver.

Li Shuyao sat in the back and watched the road ahead nervously... Well, it was quite smooth.

It shouldn't be, isn't it going to start turning around at this time, why is it running so straight, won't the car vibrate and then fall off?

Obviously the control of this car is difficult, so just go along the road?

You are wrong, you should hit a tree.

Hiss, it turned over!

This is unscientific, what about bugs? Where did the bug go?
Damn it, is this bug only aimed at talented girls?How did the other party accurately identify it?

Could it be that the other party has invented advanced artificial intelligence?
hiss!It's so terrifying!

At this moment, a huge flame shot up, and before Li Shuyao had time to be happy, she saw the picture of her side losing the game.

Well, this huge flame is not the flame caused by the vehicle hitting the tree, but the explosion caused by the enemy detonating the bomb.

So in the first round... Li Shuyao and the others still lost in the end. Since all 20 of them were half-disconnected for nearly 6 minutes in a row, the opponent easily completed the task. No matter how powerful the 4 of them were, they couldn't beat 10 people.

Not to mention rescuing the hostages, they were quickly beaten back by the other party, so they completed the task calmly, and finally detonated the bomb.

"This... This game is mine, and it's my reason, but it doesn't matter, I think this game is still very interesting."

Li Shuyao touched her chin and said:

"Look, this game still needs a little bit of operation to get started, those novice players pay attention, don't fly a plane, drive a car, etc., it's not very good, you know, this flower and plant Life is also life, so my suggestion is to run the map, I think the map is the most reliable, I don't believe I can hit a tree while running."

So Li Shuyao started another game.

This time it is a city map. The map is not as big as the previous map, but the terrain is much more complicated. A city full of tall buildings is full of various bunkers, and every building can be entered, so this is comparable to a forest. Pictures are much more fun.

The map is smaller, so you don't have to worry about the vehicles anymore, the run is over!
Anyway, Li Shuyao's teammates ran faster than each other this time, one or two rushed out in the teammate channel, for fear that Li Shuyao would drive another car or something.

Li Shuyao followed slowly behind with a sniper rifle in her hand. Anyway, she was in a hurry to snipe her. She found a place to hang out by herself... Cough cough, just find a commanding height to suppress the enemy. This matter is too simple, she I just want to say that it's so easy, I can't order... ahem, the building next to it is quite tall.

Soon, gunshots were heard from a distance. Because the map was not big, the two sides exchanged fire very quickly. Li Shuyao also ran to the top of the building and opened the mirror in the distance.

Some places glowed with fire, and some places white smoke rose.

Li Shuyao saw a battlefield. Two people on her side were fighting fiercely with three people on the other side. At this time, she needs to stand up!

"Don't panic, don't panic, I'm coming, I'm coming, I've already aimed at the opposite side... Huh, don't be nervous, here I come..."


"Fuck, I'm dead..."

After one shot, a voice suddenly appeared in the teammate's voice, Li Shuyao looked at the team kill prompt that popped up next to her and opened her mouth, what the hell, how did I get there, the enemy I was clearly aiming at, How did you hit your own people?

"Sorry, sorry, I made a typo." Li Shuyao hurriedly apologized, anyway, the apology is over.

"No, no, I jumped over suddenly just now, Yaoyao, you are fine." The teammate who was just killed hurriedly said.

"It's okay, it's okay, I killed the two people on the opposite side, it's okay, it's okay."

"Don't worry, you can win this game."

"Yaoyao, don't worry, you can just cover us from behind."

"Yes, yes, Yaoyao, you just need to put a gun in the back."


The water friends are still very warm. When they saw Li Shuyao made a mistake, they kept comforting her. They can be called good teammates in China!

Li Shuyao couldn't help sighing, sure enough, the anchor still has preferential treatment at this time, if this is a passerby game, it is estimated that he will be scolded by this time.

Although she is not afraid of being scolded, but after all, it is a live broadcast, and it is not good to scold people...

"Don't worry, I'll change the place. This place has been exposed. Next, I will definitely not let you die from the bullets coming from the front." Li Shuyao jumped off the roof of the building and started running forward.

"Hey, why do I feel that Yaoyao's words seem to mean something."

"Yaoyao, why don't you just spy on that place."

"Uh, actually, you don't need to snipe."

"Well, being beaten to death by Yaoyao is not considered to be killed by a bullet flying in front."


While his teammates were having a nervous exchange, Li Shuyao suddenly yelled: "fire in the hole!" followed by a bang.

"Team Kill, the romantic under the bed was killed by a nursery rhyme in the book with a grenade."

"Oh, it's a teammate... Fuck, I thought it was an enemy... I just threw a grenade..." Li Shuyao scratched her head apologetically when she saw this prompt: "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, this flirtatious ghost! It wasn't intentional, I was just a little bit nervous, just a little bit."

"It's okay, it's okay, I just ran over, accidentally, it's okay, it's okay." Merry Ghost said quickly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Li Shuyao hurriedly apologized, good guy, I apologized after playing a game.

After this incident, the atmosphere of the team was somewhat out of order. However, the teammates were really fierce, and soon they gained the upper hand. Li Shuyao was no longer behind. In order to prevent similar things from happening, she hugged Shoot and start rushing forward...

Then she was brought down gorgeously... well, not completely down, there was still a trace of blood, Li Shuyao dragged her injured body and ran to a corner and shouted:
"Medical soldier...medical soldier, can you save me, help!"

Immediately after that, a water friend came over to add blood to Li Shuyao. This was a well-paid emperor-level one, and Li Shuyao's blood volume was filled up.

"Doctor NICE!"

Li Shuyao recovered to full blood, looked at the other side's window that was constantly emitting flames, gritted her teeth, and took out another grenade.

It was the window on the opposite side that made me almost die. It is not a gentleman not to take revenge!Watch me throw a grenade to blow you up!
"Fire in the hole!" Li Shuyao yelled and threw the grenade out.

Then she and the medical soldier watched the grenade hit the window frame with a "boast" and then bounced back.

"Fuck, get out of the way..."


Li Shuyao looked at the sparks exploding in the screen and sighed softly, okay, this game might not suit me that much.

 This game is purely made up by me without this game. I borrowed from Tactical Squad, PUBG, Battlefield, CS, and then added some of my imagination.

(End of this chapter)

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