Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 446 It's Over

Chapter 446 It's Over
"It's okay, it's okay, this game is like this, at the beginning, I always accidentally TK for a while, it's okay, it's okay."

"Yes, yes, it will be fine once you are proficient, and I did the same at the beginning."

"It's okay, it's okay, if you can win this game, you can win this game."


The teammates rushed out to comfort Li Shuyao, including the medical soldier who was killed by her, and also used the microphone to comfort her...

"Haha, I'm sorry, sorry, this one didn't aim, haha, let's continue, I don't believe it, I have to kill the enemy today... I'm coming, I'm coming, I feel that I have gradually started to adapt to this game, don't worry Now, I will definitely lead you to victory!"

Li Shuyao just ran out of resurrection, and the words "great victory" appeared on her page.

Well, teammates led her to victory.

On the results settlement page, the person who was number one in their team killed 16 people, that's scary!

"Ahem, I've been playing with this for a couple of times, but I haven't seen what the hostages look like, so let me see what the hostages look like!" Li Shuyao chuckled.

There is still a big difference between League and this game. Many League of Legends masters are similar when they play a game like this. After all, they are novices, so the audience didn't think it was a big deal, and even found it quite interesting.

As soon as the game entered, it was a map of an island. This time, she really saw what the hostages looked like, and she saw it at the very beginning.

This time they were bandits, and the hostages were right next to her when they came in, so they could see clearly.

"This one, I can definitely win. Let me tell you, at worst, my old lady will kill all the hostages for you."

In the beginning, the bandits couldn't kill the hostages. Only when the police entered the place and rescued the hostages could they shoot the hostages. Moreover, there were a lot of hostages. Unless they killed them all, the police could win.

So choosing to kill hostages is not a very good choice.

Moreover, the police do not need to take the hostages away, and they can directly count as winning if they guard the area where the hostages are located for more than 8 minutes.

Therefore, both the police and the robbers have many ways to win, it depends on how you choose.

However, Li Shuyao felt that, as the king of TK, the hostages should not be able to escape...

She has a unique experience in perishing together. Although she may not survive, the enemy should not even think about going out!The Death Squad knows, if you don't know, go ask!
So, Li Shuyao happily continued to play.

Soon, 2 hours passed without knowing it. However, it seems that except for a few newcomers or players who really don't like this type of game, most of the audience didn't mention the end of time.

Li Shuyao has basically forgotten the passage of time. This game is really fun. The main reason is that the content of the game is quite rich, and the confrontation between players is different every game, so it is quite interesting. And as the number of times increased, her performance became better and better, from the one who needed to be led to the leader of the team.

It even started to direct later.

Li Shuyao also drove a submarine, but this time there was no accident, it just sank the opponent's ship directly...

Called a suicide attack!
So, Li Shuyao played like this for an hour, until the biological clock reminded her that it was time to go to bed, and she suddenly realized that it was past 12 o'clock.

"Oh, today's game is really good. We've been playing it for so long without knowing it... Cough cough, this benefactor's father pays money, haha, just kidding."

Li Shuyao didn't start again after finishing a game, but stopped:

"Let's sum it up. This game is indeed very fun, but it is difficult to get started. It's just me... Right, those with such a high talent in the game only managed to get used to it after playing for so long, so everyone don't It's normal to be discouraged because you don't play well at the beginning, haha."

"It's really fun to get started gradually. Players who like FPS can try it, but everyone should play moderately, don't indulge in the game, and relax properly. Don't delay your life and work because of the game."

"Overall, it's a very good game. In the future, when we are tired from playing in the alliance, we can play two games. Right, I feel that I have gradually begun to control Thunderbolt. Hey, isn't it just a game? We can get started very quickly. Well, haha, even though it was always TK at the beginning, we’ll just carry the game afterwards.”

This is not Li Shuyao's bragging. After all, the learning ability is here. Although she was a bit inexperienced when she first played, she gradually began to master the rules. Her level quickly rose from a novice to a level close to that of a master.

The plane no longer falls, the car no longer hits the tree, the grenade can hit the enemy accurately, and even learned to seal the smoke!

This is actually very fast, her teammates all recognized Li Shuyao's game talent, and not many can get started so quickly on the first day of playing.

League of Legends and this game are two completely different fields. Before mastering the rules of this game, she is just a novice with faster reactions.

In fact, she is already very good, otherwise she would not be so accurate in hitting her teammates. After all, if she is not very close, there is no mark on the heads of her teammates.

"Of course, I can't grow so fast without the tolerance and guidance of the water friends. Our wave of water friends are here to guide me and tell me a lot of skills in the game. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to do this. Get started."

Li Shuyao built a room, and then released the password after a while. In fact, some masters have been screened out. There are quite a few people playing this game now, and the speed of those who can snatch them in is not slow.

"Okay, today's game part is basically here. Tomorrow... Let's broadcast live tomorrow, and live broadcast the league tomorrow. Well, I didn't play the league today, but I will play the league tomorrow. Let's sing the day after tomorrow, haha , It’s been a long time since I broadcast live for three consecutive days.”

"After these three days of live broadcast, there may be an advertisement, that is, we will broadcast live for four days, and we will update the video of an advertisement after a while."

"Haha, there are three commercials in total, thank you for your support, and thank you to the audience for your support. Without you, there would be no father looking for me, right, so thank you for your company, thank you for watching me today The audience, thank all the audience who gave presents today, thank you."

"Then in the end, I will sing to you the smallest I have a big dream. It can be regarded as a stage victory. During the singing period, I will give you 100 pieces of my team uniform."

Today's lottery is going on all the time, and it's mainly some of Li Shuyao's peripherals. The most expensive one is a complete set of co-branded peripherals. A total of ten sets were given away, as well as some graphics cards and game consoles.

It can be said that there are several W's in the gifts given out today, and the lottery activities have basically never stopped from the beginning to the end... The result is that the popularity has remained high, and even broke through 500 million at one point.

Of course, Lu Yao is the main operator. Today is the first day of live broadcast after winning the championship, and it is still an advertisement. Naturally, there will be more lottery draws, and it is also a way to give back to fans.

In this way, the sponsor is satisfied, the fans are satisfied, and station B is satisfied, and Li Shuyao will not lose money.

(End of this chapter)

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