Chapter 450
After successfully collecting the Five Elements Orbs and fighting wits with the NPC protecting the Five Elements Orbs for a while, everyone successfully entered the rest area. Although it is a bit gloomy here, there are tables, chairs, food, Water or something, and toilets.

This is the marked rest area, there are staff, but they are all wearing normal clothes, and there is no makeup, just to give players a buffer and a sense of security.

After all, the mentality of terror cannot last for too long, and people are afraid that they will really scare the players, so they will set up a rest area in the middle, and then this rest area will be connected to several other areas with different themes. Players can choose by themselves Go to other areas.

After playing for a while, it’s actually quite good to come here to rest and rest. Eat something and drink some water. Except for the dim lighting and atmosphere, the rest is like an ordinary restaurant, which relieves your nervousness a little.

The bathroom is no different from the bathroom in ordinary shopping malls, even brighter, warmer and cleaner.

Maybe people have also thought about it. If this place is too scary, no one would dare to go to the bathroom. After all, the horror scenes in many horror movies are in the bathroom, especially the public bathroom.

If you are still worried about going to the toilet, it will be a bit too much, and the happiness index will plummet.

Of course, there must be those who like excitement and want to be nervous, but after all, they have to take care of the mood of more people...

"So...there's a horror bathroom built here? Don't they feel scary when their own employees come in to clean it?" Li Shuyao just came out of the normal bathroom when she was dragged into the horror bathroom next to her by Fang Xuening.

Good guy, there are "bloodstains" on the walls here, the windows are whistling and there is wind noise, the door of the bathroom is purposely made tattered, and some dirty-looking paint is also painted on it.

There are also some fake viscera or something in the corner.

Li Shuyao felt that going to the toilet here would cause obstacles in her heart!She just wants to wrap herself tighter here, she doesn't want to go to the toilet at all!Can't even pee!
"Why would someone like to go to the toilet in this kind of place?" Li Shuyao was puzzled: "Is it such a big thing?"

"Oh, I just like it. Look, this little heart is so cute." Fang Xuening ran over and kicked a fake heart lying quietly on the ground.

"Tsk tsk, so you like this tune, come on, you go to the bathroom and I'll take a look." Li Shuyao hugged his shoulders and pouted.

"Wow, wow, I didn't expect you to want to watch me go to the toilet." Fang Xuening laughed mischievously, stuck out her little tongue slightly, and bumped into Li Shuyao's shoulder happily.

"Come on, come on." Li Shuyao raised her eyebrows. You can't be cowardly at this time. As the saying goes, as long as you are not embarrassed, the one who is embarrassed is someone else. As the saying goes... Well, this, it was all mixed in a bathtub anyway.

"Tut tsk tsk tsk tsk..." Fang Xuening hugged Li Shuyao, just about to say something, when Tantai Jingyi's voice sounded from behind:

"What are you two doing?"

Tantai Jingyi looked at the two thieves in a strange way:
"What are you two doing in the toilet? Still in such a disgusting toilet."

"Oh, she wants to go to the bathroom here." Li Shuyao shrugged.

"Oh, she wants to watch me go to the bathroom." Fang Xuening also shrugged.

Tantai Jingyi: "...You two continue."

Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening glanced at each other, then patted each other in disgust, and hurried out together, since they couldn't use this toilet anyway.

"Where are you going next?"

Back at the table here, Tantai Jingyi ate a sandwich and said:
"How about this Ghost Garden? I just experienced the Chinese style, and then try the Western style. Let's intersperse."

They didn't eat much at night, mainly because they were afraid that they would spit out nervously after they came here, but they played around with the previous theme, and they felt pretty good, and they could still play with NPC brothers and sisters, right? It didn't feel so scary all at once, it was more joyful.

After this joy, I feel a little hungry.

So the three of them came here to order something to eat. The food here is generally relatively small and light, and probably they didn't think about letting everyone eat here.

If you order too much, people will advise you not to order too much...

Don't think that people are afraid that you will get fat or that you won't be able to eat and waste things. They are purely afraid that you will vomit when you are playing, so they will not be easy to clean up.

"Okay." Fang Xuening nodded, then suddenly tilted her head and thought about it, there seemed to be some precautions in this area, oops, I can't remember it, forget it, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if he pays attention or not Pay attention, the game is over, anyway, play by ear when the time comes!
Li Shuyao also nodded, she doesn't care, anyway, just go in and get the props to decrypt, it's easy!
This couldn't trouble her as a genius girl at all!
Well, it's easier to play some chasing games with NPCs at most!
Anyway, she didn't know what was going on, those NPCs seemed to like chasing her very much, no matter the younger brother or the younger sister, they always liked to chase her for a while.

Isn't her makeup scary?

It seems that I still have to scare those NPCs, otherwise they will think that they are easy to bully!

The three of them ate, drank and rested for a while, and then went to that ghost garden. After passing through a long corridor, Li Shuyao and the others came to an open-air... garden.

Li Shuyao looked at the Buxus lobularis nearly one person tall on both sides and sighed slightly, what kind of garden is this, this is obviously a maze!

Good guy, this boss is really generous. He built a maze with plants here, which is really amazing.

Li Shuyao looked at it and explained that there would be NPCs attacking them in this maze, and they might have to find a map to get out of the maze under the interference of these NPCs.

There will be a total of 4 map fragments, which are in different corners of the maze. Find these fragments and combine them to get out of the maze.

Of course, if you're a cow or lucky enough, you can get out without a map.

There are such great gods, their space sensing ability is extremely strong, and they can even walk out of the maze with their eyes closed.

But such masters are a minority after all, and they won't come here to challenge the maze with nothing to do, so basically everyone has to rely on the map to walk.

Even some idiots can't go out after getting the map, they can only go out under the guidance of NPC.

"Let's go, haha, how about we compare who will go out first?" Fang Xuening cheerfully pointed to the three forked roads ahead and said with a smile: "This maze can be entered through three entrances, but there is only one exit in the end. Here comes the small rest area, when the time comes, let's see who comes out last."

"Come on, I must be the first!" Tantai Jingyi said with a smile, she likes competitions the most!
"Come on, let's compare, whoever is afraid of whom, besides, isn't it just a bush as tall as a person, I jumped over it at once." Li Shuyao pouted, and jumped out if she couldn't find the exit !

(End of this chapter)

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