Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 451 Hey, I Jumped Over

Chapter 451 Hey, I Jumped Over
It was already very late, and the stars in the sky were not so bright. It seemed that there might be rain tomorrow, but there were some strange-shaped street lamps around, and the flickering lights made the surroundings seem more quiet.

Li Shuyao touched the tall bushes and slammed her mouth with emotion. They are all real plants. It is not easy to trim them out, and it is even more difficult to maintain them later. In case a seedling is missing or a tree is missing, Replanting is not so easy.

It's not that it can't survive if it is planted, but that the color and height will be different after planting, which requires the superb skills and minds of gardeners.

Otherwise, change the map regularly.

In any case, maintaining such an "ecological" maze is not a small expense.

How does Li Shuyao feel that this boss is doing charity...

It would be good if this place becomes an internet celebrity check-in place, but this is just one of several themes, and the boss really puts his heart into it.

Li Shuyao walked and walked along the maze, listening to the hey ha ha music next to her, she really felt a little nervous. It was not scary to say it, at most it was a little empty, after all, the atmosphere was here, right?

She decided that this time she would go out and find a fool to copy it boldly to see if there is a gene for boldness. It is said that courageous people are really courageous... Well, you know what I mean.

I have to say that since there are real plants here, the air here is really good, there is a fresh smell all around, and there are no nasty mosquitoes.

I don't know how the owner of this store does deworming, but it seems to be quite successful.

If you think about it, if you don't succeed, these NPCs hidden in the maze will be killed by mosquitoes all day long...


"Ay Ya I gi……"

Just thinking about NPC, Li Shuyao was startled by an NPC jumping up from the U-shaped flower bush next to her... This really has nothing to do with being timid and timid, anyone who comes so suddenly will be shocked jump!

Li Shuyao rolled her eyes at that NPC, then ran to this guy, and looked at the small box behind her.

"Oh~ beautiful little devil, let me see the little box behind you~" Li Shuyao blinked with a smile, showing a very kind look.

It's just that the makeup on Li Shuyao's face makes her more or less unkind.

"Oh~ this beautiful ghost lady, you can watch it if you want." The NPC lady spread her hands, she just wanted to scare the players who came to look for the map, she was not a monster guarding the map, people just looked at it if they wanted to chant.

"Uh, isn't my appearance scary?" Li Shuyao said, pointing at her face.

"No, you are very beautiful." The NPC lady shook her head: "I have been here for half a year, and you are the most beautiful ghost I have ever seen."

Li Shuyao is very satisfied with what the NPC lady said. Although the adjective most beautiful ghost is somewhat strange, these NPCs must have seen a lot in this kind of secret room.

Sure enough, my sister is the most beautiful ghost even if she is dressed as a ghost.

Look at the NPCs in the secret room and they all gave affirmative answers.

Li Shuyao who was holding the map suddenly froze for a moment, no, why would I accept the setting that I am a pretty ghost, hiss...

Blame that white hair!I'll tickle her when I go back tonight!
But it's really fun here. Each module will also be divided into horror levels, a total of five stars. For example, the horror level of the Ghost Garden is only two stars, which is not so scary.

The place they entered at the beginning had a three-star horror level.

This is actually for the players to choose. If you don’t have a strong psychological endurance, you can go ahead with one star and two stars. For those old players in the secret room, the one star and two stars are less challenging. Samsung is the start. Four-star and five-star are what they like to play.

Li Shuyao felt that this Ghost Garden couldn't touch two stars at all, it wasn't scary at all, it was only one star.

After taking a map from a pile of maps, Li Shuyao continued to walk into the maze bouncing around.

This maze is not small, and there are many points for taking maps. Players are likely to get maps with the same number, but if they only get a part of the map, there is actually a chance to get out. It all depends on the player.

After successfully obtaining the two maps, Li Shuyao almost understood where she was, but it was a pity that there was no exit direction in the two maps, so she still didn't know how to get out.

But, wouldn’t it be enough to walk in one direction in the maze? You can always walk out in this direction. What, the road ahead is blocked?

Hi, is that a problem for Li Shuyao?It's not a problem at all, okay, if it doesn't work, just jump over it, it's not too high anyway.

What?Is this cheating?

Tsk tsk, that rule stipulates that you can't jump over the maze. If you can't get through, it's because you can't.

Anyway, Li Shuyao took out the manual of the Chamber of Secrets, and turned to the chapter on The Garden of Hells, and there was nothing in it saying that jumping over the bushes was not allowed.

Well, there is a saying that you can't get through the bushes.

Cut, my wife can use such a low-level method!
Looking at the plant wall in front of her, which was almost a little taller than herself, Li Shuyao smiled. After looking around for no one, she took two steps back. After a short run-up, she stepped hard on the ground...

Li Shuyao jumped up, turned somersaults in the air, and landed on the ground with ease.

"Hey hey, didn't I just come here? That's the way it is in the maze." Li Shuyao pinched her waist and looked at the wall in front of her and scratched her head. How about jumping over?
Say jump and jump!

Li Shuyao took a few steps back, then passed over in a hurry.

"I jump..."

"I still dance..."

"I'll keep jumping..."


After jumping over several walls in a row, Li Shuyao felt that she was quite lucky, because she didn't seem to meet a few players and NPCs.

And I could still hear the voices of some other players before. Although I couldn't see anyone, I could feel that there were players, but it became quieter and quieter here.

"Could it be that we are about to reach the exit?" Li Shuyao scratched her head. It is also possible. After all, there are always fewer people reaching the exit, so it is normal that the closer the exit is, the fewer people will arrive.

Well, reasonable, very reasonable!
"I jump!"

Li Shuyao jumped over at once, and then saw a fence that was a bit higher than before, but at the moment she didn't think about it so much, she took two steps back, jumped, and walked from inside the fence crossed over.

Then...then Li Shuyao never saw the fence blocking her again.

After being stunned for a moment, Li Shuyao pinched her waist happily: "Ahaha, let me just say, the maze is not a problem for me at all..."

Then Li Shuyao rubbed her chin and thought: "It's possible that the place where it came out is not quite right. Did I turn it out from the side? No, I remember that this direction is right...Forget it, this should be It’s the area next to it, what’s in it?”

Li Shuyao walked forward for a while, and then saw scattered stone monuments on the hillside...

Hey, it really is still a big deal, this secret room has so many tombstones.

 The source of inspiration - that's kind of the thing, and then I made some adaptations.

  I had a dream last night... well, how should I put it, it's a bit indescribable, the kind that you want to be harmonious... just... you know.

(End of this chapter)

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