Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 452 Maybe... Misunderstanding

Chapter 452 Maybe... Misunderstanding
Li Shuyao came to this cemetery, looking at the extremely realistic lettering, photos, and even some flowers on it, she was a little bit amazed. The owner of this secret room is also amazing, and he was able to restore the cemetery to this level. It's amazing .

Li Shuyao sighed for a while, and then walked on the road that looked clean.

Maybe it's because this place is so realistic and scary, Li Shuyao didn't hear any players around here.

Also, traditionally speaking, people in China are still very afraid of cemeteries. This is because the concept and customs are different. Foreign countries like to build cemeteries in their own backyards.

Li Shuyao wasn't too scared. As a staunch materialist, she didn't believe in anything like gods and ghosts. She was scared before because it was too sudden, and it had nothing to do with ghosts and gods.

As the saying goes, don't do bad things on weekdays, and don't be afraid of ghosts calling your door in the middle of the night!

Uh, no, there seems to be a ghost in this sentence.

As the saying goes, the heart is selfless and the world is wide!

Hmm...maybe it wasn't that appropriate.

Oh, forget it, forget it, I am not afraid anyway!
In order to witness her courage, she picked a small wild flower on the ground next to... beside a stone monument!

You see, I'm not afraid, I even dare to pick flowers here!

Then, she felt a little bit dazzled inexplicably, and when she looked up, an NPC dressed as a security guard took a flashlight and shone on her.

Li Shuyao recalled the scene where everyone played with NPC...

Well, she didn't play with the NPCs much before, and it's almost time to see, why not just play with the NPCs?Otherwise, it seems a pity to come here.

So taking advantage of the light, Li Shuyao grinned at the NPC.

Then she looked at the NPC who seemed to be frightened, and ran away screaming.

Li Shuyao also became interested, and chased after her hissingly. Of course, she didn't run with all her strength. If she ran with all her strength, it would be no fun to catch it all at once.

But this NPC is really cowardly, he ran away scared by himself, could it be that I am scary?

Or... what powerful props did I get in my hand?

This possibility should not be great. I picked this thing on the ground at random. What kind of prop could it be... and if it is a prop, the voice of that NPC calling is somewhat loud.

Tsk tsk, that's because I was scared by myself.

This NPC is not very good. Those NPCs in other places were still interacting with me before, but I was scared away when I got here. It can't be a newcomer!

Li Shuyao laughed unconsciously.

Then the person in front ran even faster... and cried while running, saying that he shouldn't be going to work.

Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, boy, you are a bit... right, since you have come here to be an NPC, you should know that you are trying to scare people!
Look at the NPCs you met before. Although some of them were resisted by the players, they are still very stubborn.

Then Li Shuyao saw two other NPCs wearing the same clothes, also holding a flashlight in one hand and looking this way.

Li Shuyao was the same as before, she gave a ferocious smile, and then matched it with the laughter she had learned in the crew...

It's so lifelike, even if it doesn't add any sound effects, it's very scary.

The remaining two NPCs turned around and ran away in an instant... Even Li Shuyao heard the sound of cursing.

Uh... No matter what, it's not right for you to swear. Besides, isn't the feature of your secret room is that players interact with NPCs? Why did you start swearing?

And the NPCs in this area are not very good, why are they so timid, not only timid but also cursing!This is not right!

Li Shuyao curled her lips, forget it, it would be bad if this really scares people, she took out the previous manual, she is going to see which area this is, so she won't come here next time, The NPCs here are boring!
No wonder no one came here.

Well, but from a certain point of view, it should be quite interesting. The NPC who is so easily scared by the players should attract the love of many people.

But maybe if it's a younger sister, it might be... hehehe.

Cough cough, what are you thinking, it is wrong to think so!

Li Shuyao took out the manual and flipped through it... and couldn't find any cemetery area. Beside the garden of ghosts before, it was not a cemetery, but a place called Abandoned Campus, although it was said to be a five-star horror level. , but they are indoors, simulating the classrooms of the previous campus.

Li Shuyao turned to the other side in disbelief. There was the ghost castle, which was also indoors, and it was made to look like a western classical castle.

"Ah, this..." Li Shuyao opened her mouth, something was wrong, the scene next to this was not an outdoor scene, nor was it a cemetery.

In other words, there seems to be no area related to the cemetery.

Where did this place come from.

Suddenly, an idea flooded into her mind... Fuck, this can't be a real cemetery... Fuck, no, someone opened an escape room store next to the cemetery, what is he trying to do? Don't you feel terrified?

Li Shuyao looked at the little yellow flower in her hand...

Hiss... Throw it away, throw it away!
"Fathers, folks, if you bother me as much as you want, I will just pass by..." Li Shuyao hurriedly folded her hands together and apologized to the big guy, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time!

Li Shuyao, who was just about to return, looked up and saw some lights not far away. She walked over curiously, and then saw a security guard's duty room...

Well, it is indeed the wrong place, this is a real cemetery, and there is a security room here.

Li Shuyao ran under the window of the security room, and felt a little guilty when she heard the whirring noises inside. It seemed a little scary to suddenly jump out of the cemetery with her make-up on such an early night.

"Uh... the brother inside." Li Shuyao shouted.

"Who... who is your brother, don't scream!"

"Shut up! That... this great fairy... we don't eat well..."

"Get out, there is no such thing as a great immortal, this ancestor...we are all good people."

"Yes, yes, we are all good people..."

Li Shuyao: "..."

Although I understand that it was indeed a bit scary just now, but as for the three old men, besides, there is an escape room next to it, and no one escapes normally?
"Well, master, I may have misunderstood..." Li Shuyao scratched her head and shouted: "I am the player who escaped from the secret room next to me, I accidentally jumped out of the wall, I thought this was a venue, sorry. "

After Li Shuyao finished speaking, the room became a little quiet.

Li Shuyao was a little puzzled, so she poked her head out quietly to look in from the window, and then saw the three elders also quietly looking out from the window.

When the eyes met the sixth eye, it was obvious that the sixth eye was startled by Li Shuyao, and the three ran back slowly, one of them shouted while running: "I was wrong, I was really wrong, I shouldn't Sleeping secretly at work, I was really wrong..."

 I'm a little busy today, I almost forgot, so I'll update it for now.

(End of this chapter)

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