Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 453: A Younger Sister Yao Falls From The Sky

Chapter 453: A Younger Sister Yao Falls From The Sky
Many horror movies and games have such plots. You look out of the window in fear, and then a grimace suddenly appears outside the window. It doesn’t matter if this grimace is good or not, it’s definitely scary anyway.

It's scary enough to put an ordinary human face here, not to mention Li Shuyao's makeup like this, the cosmetics they use are pretty good, anyway, they haven't spent it for so long.

The lipstick was still blood red.

Fang Xuening painted a small umbrella.

You have such a face poking out from under the window quietly, no matter how courageous you are, you will have to panic for a while. This is not playing a game, it is reality!

Especially after laying the groundwork for such a long time, the atmosphere has reached this point, and it can scare people no matter what...

Li Shuyao was helpless, and then explained to others earnestly.

She could actually walk away, after all, people didn't realize what happened, but she always felt that if she left like this, she would feel bad.

Li Shuyao sighed slightly, as expected, she was too kind.

After Li Shuyao's explanation, the people in the room finally believed it, and they gradually came to their senses. After all, if it was a real ghost, it would be impossible to talk to you like that outside.

I was really scared at first, but now I am slowly recovering.

" thought you were here to play, and we thought it was someone from below..." A young man inside patted his chest with lingering fear: "Don't do this in the future, what should I do if I really want to scare me to death? .”

"I misunderstood, I misunderstood..." Li Shuyao smiled and waved her hands.

A few people looked at me and I looked at you, and suddenly found that this "ghost" who had been chasing them before seemed to be pretty good-looking.

If all ghosts look like this, then what are you afraid of, I didn't see clearly before, now I see clearly... Well, it's still not bad.

Once a person has passed this test in his heart, the change will be huge in an instant. Whether it is a demon or a fairy is only a matter of thought, and whether it is a hero or a bear is almost all in a matter of thought.

Therefore, Li Shuyao felt the changes in the expressions of these three elders in an instant.

It's just... subtle.

All right, these three just have nothing to do, so she doesn't have any burden on her heart.

After saying hello to the three old men, Li Shuyao turned around and left. There was still a bet over there. Although she seemed to be going out, she didn't leave the door... She said she would go there first Next to the rest area.

You have to go to the rest area to meet Fang Xuening and Tantai Jingyi.

Seeing Li Shuyao drifting away, the three elders felt somewhat unsatisfied.

"I've been looking at the mountains for a long time, and every ghost I see has a pretty face. It's not right, this ghost seems to have a pretty face... What kind of eyes do you two have? That ghost, no, that girl is indeed very beautiful what."

"Yeah, we didn't say it wasn't pretty."

"Yeah, it's really pretty."

"Then what kind of eyes do you have?"

"I'm thinking, should I go to the secret room over there to play, I heard that there are many young people in there, tsk tsk, I'm sure I'm not afraid of ghosts, I'm just a cemetery watcher, can I be afraid of ghosts? I'm going It must be the king there."

"Just you? Are you not afraid of ghosts? Tsk, I don't know who was kicked out and ran around just now, and even took us along."

"Don't say it's useless, did you run or not?"

"I was taken by you!"

"You ran away."

"I was taken by you."

"You ran away."


"You... don't you think that ghost just now looks familiar..."

"Have you ever seen a ghost?"

"I don't know, it just feels a little familiar...Forget it, don't think about those useless things, go to patrol quickly."

"Still...still going."

"Nonsense, aren't you afraid?"

"Who, who said I'm scared! Just go!"


Here, Li Shuyao, who had retraveled through the cemetery, was thinking of all kinds of gods in her heart, such as Ami tofu, and the Sanqing teaser, anyway, everyone who knew it would shout twice, in case any one would be useful.

Passing through the cemetery smoothly, Li Shuyao bowed to the big guy again devoutly. It wasn't any god or ghost, it was pure respect for the deceased.

After running for a while after leaving, Li Shuyao saw the familiar wall.

It stands to reason that there is indeed a little distance here, and they are not close to each other. Why didn't I realize that I ran far away just now.

Could it be that I was also affected by this slightly scary atmosphere?

No way, can I be scared?
Li Shuyao took out her phone, turned on the camera, and took a look...

Oh, let me go, this is a bit scary, she suddenly understood why the old men were so scared before, and it was really scary to get out of the cemetery in such a state at night of.

Li Shuyao shook her head, sure enough, she still had to blame a certain white hair, yes, it was that white hair's fault!
Looking up at the high wall, she finally understood why the wall was so high. This is the outermost fence. Look carefully at the iron railings hidden among the bushes.

This is not the wall of the maze, this is the wall of the entire secret room... When I jumped over it, I felt that the wall was tall and thick, and it was a waste of strength, so I just jumped over it by clicking on the wall.

Thinking about it now, it should have been tapped on the iron fence. At that time, I thought it was tapped on a thicker branch...

It's quite embarrassing now, she must be saying that she can't go back directly through the main entrance, so she can only turn back.

It's easy to talk about it, but it's a bit... well, it's a bit like sneaking into someone's house.

Forget it, even if it is discovered at that time, it can be explained clearly. It is really impossible to find three masters to witness, if not...

Then turn it over again.

Well, it's better not to let others find out, go out quietly and go back quietly, just pretend nothing happened!

Li Shuyao first listened carefully, there was indeed no sound of footsteps on the opposite side, and also, this place is relatively remote, so no one usually comes here.

After making sure that no one was passing by, Li Shuyao backed away for a while, then took a few steps to run up and jumped up, thinking that the iron railing should be in the middle, then tapped towards the middle, and then...

She tripped gorgeously.

"Wow...why isn't the railing in the middle...well, get out of the way..." Li Shuyao flew sideways in the air, and then saw a figure standing in front of her.

At this time, it was too late for her to turn, the main reason was that the distance was too short, the height was too short, and there was no time for her to adjust, and then she pounced gorgeously...

Fell to the ground.

Well, although it is said that Li Shuyao fell very quickly, he hid even faster!Li Shuyao didn't hit anyone at all, and fell directly to the ground.

"Yo, what are you singing about? A sister Lin fell from the sky? Oh no, it's sister Yao...haha."

Tantai Jingyi laughed and helped Li Shuyao up:

"Tsk tsk, are you trying to cheat and didn't turn it on properly, the game crashed? Hahaha..."

 I'm a little busy today, a lot of things in the morning... Sigh, I had a wonderful dream last night, I forgot about it when I was busy in the morning, and I changed it today.

(End of this chapter)

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