Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 455 This is a coincidence, isn't it?

Chapter 455 This is a coincidence, isn't it?
Students Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi, who were willing to gamble to lose, took a bath together after returning home at the request of a certain white hair...well, public bathing!
Here, 1 words that are easy to be targeted by the god of harmony are omitted.

After playing around, Li Shuyao also began to prepare for the next summer split. In fact, this summer split, she and Xiaohui will start to rotate. This is also what was agreed before, so during the summer regular season, she Not every game.

After all, Li Shuyao has repeatedly expressed her willingness to retire after playing this year, and she is very firm...

In fact, Shen Zongyue talked to her after MSI, but she still didn't let go, so it's normal for Xiaohui to play more in the regular season of the summer split.

It is still necessary to let Xiao Hui play more games, otherwise when Li Shuyao leaves, he might not be able to withstand the pressure.

However, the training still needs to be practiced, so in order to have enough time to catch fish in the middle of the training, she plans to release two songs throughout the summer split.

One is a chorus with Fang Xuening's faded version of faded, and the other is a song sung by herself. This song is also very suitable for the e-sports industry, or this song originally originated from the e-sports industry. derived from it.

It wasn't that popular at first, but it gradually became popular on the Internet.

In fact, many songs were not that popular when they first went online, but gradually became popular after encountering an opportunity.

For example, last year Daoxiang was not so popular, but now, as long as you turn on a certain sound, the young lady is changing clothes in the countryside...

Well, Li Shuyao can only sigh that a certain sound really has unparalleled power in destroying music. Anyway, this thing is popular because he brought it up, but you can’t listen to it all the time. It’s easy to listen to it too much. threw up.

So Li Shuyao took Fang Xuening to record the next day. Anyway, she was confident about this thing, Fang Xuening could also add some of her own ideas, and the final result was pretty good, roughly the same as before. The details have some small adaptations of their own.

In fact, I can't say which version is better, anyway, she is the original version in this world!

In addition to making music, Li Shuyao also recorded some cooking videos. Anyway, she recorded quickly, basically she didn't need to repeat the recording over and over again, and the editing was also handed over to Lu Yao and the others, so she was busy for two or three times. Today, I basically finished the video that will be released in the next two or three months...

After all, there will be some game videos released at that time, so I won’t stop updating. If it doesn’t work, I’ll just shoot a few nlogs. Anyway, she won’t have so many games in the summer split.

This means that Li Shuyao doesn't have the intention to explode the update at all, otherwise it would not be a problem to update every day.

After finishing the two music and the cooking video, Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi easily returned to the team. She plans to release these two songs this summer.

She has been preparing for her own song for a while, and will release it at the end of the summer split, which will be considered a warm-up for the World Championship.

Regardless of whether he can enter the World Championship or not, it is still a warm-up.

If he can't enter the world championship, Li Shuyao will go home directly, if he enters and leaves the world championship...

"I don't know if the Riot official will ask me to make the theme song for the S game." Li Shuyao scratched her head while driving, but still felt that the possibility was not very high, after all, they have their own production team.

"What?" Tantai Jingyi, who was sitting next to her, tilted her head: "What theme song?"

"Haha, I was just wondering if Riot will ask me to make the theme song for this year's S competition, but after thinking about it, the possibility is not very high." Li Shuyao laughed.

"Oh..." Tantai Jingyi nodded: "Fist is not very likely, they have their own team, and it is estimated that the theme song is already being produced, but it is possible for you to create a song to cheer."

"Ang? What do you mean?" Li Shuyao blinked.

"If the S competition is held in China, many domestic singers will definitely be invited to create e-sports-themed songs to create momentum. In fact, it's just for hype. I probably won't let you go." Tantai Jingyi said.

"Hmm..." Li Shuyao nodded thoughtfully, "But I originally planned to release a related song before the S competition, and I have already produced it for Sister Lu."

"Is that the one you recorded two days ago?" Tantai Jingyi asked.

"Yeah." Li Shuyao nodded.

"Oh... That's quite meaningful." Tantai Jingyi nodded.

After driving to the base, Li Shuyao took out her mobile phone after thinking for a while, put on a bluetooth headset and called Lu Yao: "Crooked, Miss Lu."

"What's the matter? Are you at the base?" Lu Yao seemed to be walking, and could clearly hear the sound of high heels hitting the ground.

"Yeah, we've arrived at the base." Li Shuyao nodded.

"Well, train well, don't worry about the video, I will take care of it for you here." Lu Yao said quickly: "Is there anything missing, I will bring it to you."

"Yeah, I know." Li Shuyao walked into the base with big bags and small rolls of food: "I have a lot of something... huh? Bring it to me?"

"Well, the contract will be negotiated in two days, and I'll tell you about it." Lu Yao continued.

"Ah, fine, you can do as you see fit." Li Shuyao waved his hand: "Well, I just have something to ask you. Has the official asked us to make music?"

"There are many officials who ask us to make music, which official are you talking about." Lu Yao laughed.

"It's the official of the alliance."

"Hey, you got it." Lu Yao said a little surprised.

"...It really is!!!" Li Shuyao stared.

"Yes, there are even two." Lu Yao laughed and said, "I'm just going to talk about this contract. One of them can use the song you just produced. As for the other song, I think you should Think carefully about it."

"What kind of song?" Li Shuyao asked.

"The official plan is to find 4 to 5 female heroes to form a group following the model of the South Korean girl group, and then create a song in English, Korean, and Chinese. This is too difficult, and I am going to talk to you." Lu Yao said : "They will not only find us for this song, they will find several parties to make music, and finally finalize one, determined music."

"This project should have started at the beginning of the year. The skins of several heroes are almost designed, and now we are waiting for the song."

"Oh...that's it..." Li Shuyao rubbed her chin: "That's those heroes."

"Akali, Evelyn, Kai'Sa, Ahri...and then, Seraphine." Lu Yao thought for a while and said, "It should be these few."

"Oh...isn't that a coincidence?" Li Shuyao smacked her lips: "I happen to have a suitable song here."

"Huh? You have it again?"

 Try to write a bath in a more obscure way to see the effect, haha

(End of this chapter)

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