Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 456 She wants to make a bug!

Chapter 456 She wants to make a bug!

"Haha, comrades, eat and play first, I'll go back!"

After hanging up the phone with Lu Yao, she followed Tantai Jingyi and put the snacks she bought in the hall, and then ran out quickly. She wanted to go home and make music first!
This contract must be won!

She came to play professionally to increase her popularity. What platform can be bigger than the official platform for selling skins?It is no exaggeration to say that it may even be more popular than winning the championship.

If he wins the championship and sells skins, then the popularity...

If you get both of these two items, you will be able to play professionally by yourself. This is also due to the fact that you have opened the door, otherwise you can't even think about it.

"Ah... what's wrong with Brother Yao?" Xiao Ye scratched her head: "What's going on?"

"Is the rotation unhappy..." Xiao Hui said a little worriedly.

"Don't worry, it's too late for her to be happy to be able to fish." Tantai Jingyi rubbed Xiaohui's head with a smile and said: "She just answered a phone call, it seems that she wants to make some music, it has nothing to do with you."

"Huh...that's good." Xiao Hui nodded a little anxiously. To be honest, he was very happy when the coach announced that this season would start a rotation instead of a mere substitute, but immediately after that he felt a little nervous.

He could feel the improvement of his own strength, but he also knew that he was not as good as Li Shuyao.

He was worried that he was not up to the job, and that Li Shuyao would not be willing, so in fact, he never went home after returning from Xuedao, and practiced at the base every day.

"Don't you guys eat it? These potato chips taste really good. Although it was quite salty when you first ate it, the more you eat, the better it tastes, my God." Coffee Bean said holding a bag of potato chips beside him.

"Woooooo..." Totoro raised the braised duck neck in his hand, then chewed up the bones and swallowed it.

"I'll go, you swallowed even the bones?" Xiao Ye looked at Totoro in shock.

"It can bite." Totoro said as a matter of course: "And the taste is very good."

"You can do it!" Xiao Ye gave him a thumbs up!

After Li Shuyao ran out, she drove home directly. For this song, Li Shuyao has a ready-made one, as long as she makes it up, she can even sing it first, and then ask the officials to find someone to sing it!
Now the time is almost 3 pm, 20 minutes to get home, 5 hours to just make music, then 10 minutes to pass to Lu Yao, 20 minutes to return to the base.

Well, come back to bed before ten o'clock!I can also take everyone to train together every morning, perfect!

Li Shuyao ran all the way home excitedly. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Fang Xuening laughing and picking up Brother Gou's two front paws and then dangling back and forth in the air.

Let's say I'm playing, in fact, if I ignore that devilish smile, I can still be considered playing.

But looking at Brother Gou's disgusted face, it doesn't feel like he's playing... Then he looks at Xiaohong next to him lying in the nest with a look of lovelessness... No matter how you look at it, it feels like he was played badly look.

"That... what are you doing?" Li Shuyao looked at Fang Xuening suspiciously.

"Ah? You... ah... why are you back? Didn't you return to the team..." Fang Xuening opened his mouth, then turned to look at Brother Gou: "Okay, you little cat, we made a deal To one, you actually called someone!"

Brother Gou turned his head helplessly, which meant that he couldn't talk, otherwise he would have to yell at you.

"I'm back for the whole song, what are you... doing?" Li Shuyao blinked, how could this guy always give herself something unexpected.

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay, I'm teaching Brother Dog, Brother Dog doesn't know the basic physiological composition of cats, I'm giving it a physiology class, oops, what kind of emperors are you teaching it every day?" Phase, what is the strategy of soldiers and horses, what is the use of that thing, what can a little cat understand, brother dog, ah, even if this cat is a god cat understands, it can’t be used, right, So let's talk about this physiology class, and give us a litter of kittens to be serious."

Li Shuyao helplessly watched Fang Xuening talking nonsense here in a serious manner, but she believed in one thing, maybe Fang Xuening really wanted to hug a litter of kittens.

This guy has always wanted to see what Gouge and Xiaohong can produce.

"Go ahead and play." Li Shuyao waved her hand, she has no time to take care of Brother Gou and Baimao's affairs now, she has to hurry up and make music and win this contract!
As for the quality, she is not worried. This song was tailor-made for KDA by Riot back then, and with the experience of the previous popstars, this song is more mature and complete.

This well-crafted song fits the characters of these heroes very well, and it also fits the game very well. It is quite perfect from content to conception.

This is another song that combines Chinese, English and Korean. In fact, it is not easy. Different languages ​​have different language habits. intonation.

The release of this song is the joint efforts of many people. The long list of producers in front of the song can tell how luxurious the production team is.

And now, at least she produced the song part by herself, tsk tsk, I'm so excited just thinking about it!
It is estimated that the official will invite her to participate in the production together, or choose from the songs provided by everyone and then modify it. Maybe if you have not cooperated with the LPL official before the opening song of the Spring Split, you may not be able to invite yourself.

But if she can directly provide a finished product, what expressions will those people have, hehe...

Seeing Li Shuyao rushing into the recording studio, Fang Xuening froze for a moment, then she turned her head to look at Brother Gou: "Wait, did she just say she was going to make music? Didn't she finish making music before? What kind of music are you going to make?"

She originally wanted to go in and take a look, but she stopped after taking two steps. It is better to wait until she is recording to help, because she can't be disturbed when she is composing lyrics and music in the early stage.

Just keep playing cats!
"Hehehe, brother dog, when will you give birth to a kitten? Auntie has been waiting for a long time..."

Not long after Li Shuyao went in, Lu Yao called Fang Xuening's cell phone.

"Has Yaoyao gone back?" Lu Yao asked directly at the beginning.

"Ah? Ah... yes... you are back." Fang Xuening nodded, "I came back in a hurry, and now... uh, I ran into the recording studio now, yes, I just said that I was going to record The song is coming, ah, I haven't started recording yet, I should be writing a song, huh? You want to come? And bring someone? Oh... let me ask."

Fang Xuening quietly ran to the door of the recording studio, then knocked on the door quietly, poked a small head in and whispered:

"Well, sister Lu wants to bring someone to watch your recording, okay?"

"Okay, come on, it's okay." Li Shuyao, who was typing quickly on the computer, nodded. This is an opportunity for her to promote herself, just like the two previous times when she made a song face to face, she achieved it in the circle Li Shuyao will naturally not refuse her own style and legend.

Since you want to win this courage, then you have to act more legendary, and calm down those people all at once!

Don't care if it's reasonable or not, anyway, if I can do it, I'm great!
In this world, there are some unreasonable people in various industries, leaving legends in their respective fields.

That is basically the BUG level in various fields.

All she has to do is this BUG! !
(End of this chapter)

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