Chapter 457

After the questioning, Fang Xuening quietly withdrew. Now that she is creating, it is better not to disturb him, although it seems that she is not too afraid of being disturbed every time she is creating.

Fang Xuening scratched her head. In fact, she didn't quite understand Li Shuyao. Generally speaking, writing, especially short stories, is thought-provoking. Interrupting it rashly may break the inspiration. Creation is stuck in a bottleneck.

However, Li Shuyao never seems to be afraid of interruptions. In the past, she even chatted with her while creating... just, it's outrageous.

It was precisely because she was used to Li Shuyao not being afraid of being disturbed during the creative stage that Fang Xuening dared to ask, and she asked cautiously.

After all, she had to shut herself in the room when she was thinking about the second creation, for fear of being interrupted by someone...

"She said yes..." Fang Xuening whispered to Lu Yao after closing the door.

"Okay, we'll be there in about half an hour."

After hanging up the phone, Fang Xuening let out a long sigh, then held up the kitten and said, "Brother Dog, Brother Dog, we are really exhausted. Someone will come soon, so let's pack up quickly."

Fang Xuening put Brother Gou next to her, then patted Xiao Hong who was pretending to be dead, and started cleaning up.

In any case, the hygiene on the first floor still needs to be cleaned up. The half an hour Lu Yao gave her was not for Li Shuyao, but for her, Fang Xuening.

Lu Yao must wish to show up at Li Shuyao's music making scene with the person she wants to bring, and then appreciate the shocked expression on that guy's face.

Well, anyway, ever since Lu Yao was shocked by Li Shuyao for the first time on the spot, she began to enjoy others being shocked. The opening song of the lpl spring competition not only shocked the other party, but she also made money. The factory produces music, among other things, and the small money is earned.

And there are many opportunities for cooperation in the future.

For example, this time, the official also noticed this versatile player who just won the MSI championship. Professional players create their own music, which is also a very good point for the official to hype.

Cross-border is always a hot topic, and it is even more remarkable to be able to achieve such impressive results in both fields.

So this time the official music production team flew over a few people to be responsible for domestic music creation. In fact, they mainly sought cooperation with those singers to create songs for the S competition. Collaborate with overseas music production teams.

After all, it is mainly in English.

At that time, South Korean girl groups will also be invited to sing. After all, they are girl groups that want to form an alliance, and the source of the sound has almost been determined.

They even have several versions of the song now, but they are not harmonious when they integrate Chinese. For some teams, Chinese is still too difficult.

Giving Li Shuyao a chance is also a try. After all, she has released English songs before, and it is said that she can also speak Korean. If she can perfectly combine these three languages, it can also be used as a reference.

So when Lu Yao invited them to Li Shuyao's house, they were somewhat surprised.

In fact, they have also heard the rumors about Li Shuyao becoming a song in one day. After all, the LPL team has a good sense of what they say.

However, for them, they couldn't believe it without seeing it with their own eyes.

So they are still quite interested to see.

As for whether it was produced on-site or prepared before, it is actually quite easy to tell the difference. After all, the songs they requested are very distinctive. Even if Li Shuyao has produced related music before, can these heroes be all So accurate to choose?
If there is such a situation, they will admit it. Anyway, what they want is that the music is good enough, not to compare the production speed with others.

So Oliver, the team leader who came here this time, followed Lu Yao to Li Shuyao's house with two assistants.

Speaking of it, Lu Yao's English is actually good, not up to the level of translation, but it is no problem to communicate with foreigners normally.

Anyway, communication does not take grammar.

But Oliver is also a China hand, his Chinese is very good, and he is also very interested in the culture here.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why he was sent here.

Oliver was quite interested in Li Shuyao's own recording studio at home. Although it would be more convenient, there are still a few people who have a recording studio in their own home.

After stopping at the door of the house, Oliver was full of praise for the environment of the community where Li Shuyao lived, especially when he passed the gazebo, rockery, and small pool before, he was a little amazed.

Well, foreigners always show some exaggeration, but in fact, it is just that they like to use exaggerated tone and gestures to express their emotions, not that they have been shocked to that extent.

He liked Chinese pavilions and Chinese gardens very much. After seeing this, he began to tell Lu Yao about some information he had checked.

Then Lu Yao discovered... This guy actually knows more about Chinese architecture than she does.

"The environment here is really good. I will live here in the future." Oliver pinched his waist and looked around, then said with a smile in a strange tone.

"The environment and service here are really good, and we also welcome guests who love our culture." Lu Yao said with a smile.

"Well, of course, the culture here is very, very attractive. In order to understand the culture here, I have to learn Chinese, otherwise the translation will always feel worse."

Oliver smiled and gestured:

"If you don't come here and see for yourself, you won't know what nonsense those media are talking about every day. Oh, I really want to punch those nonsense reporters, haha, Chinese Kung Fu, haha."

"Haha, come on, let's go and have a look together, Yaoyao is probably about to start recording." Lu Yao invited Oliver and his two assistants to go inside, but he didn't answer his words about beating someone.

She knew more or less, maybe she just wanted to make herself happy, but who knows what she really thinks in her heart.

But it doesn't matter, this person really has a lot of research on Chinese culture, no matter whether he has a high emotional intelligence or something, anyway, I am very happy to get in touch with it.

Walking in the door, Oliver was full of praise for the neatly trimmed lawn and small shrubs at the door.

Anyway, the environment created by mild obsessive-compulsive disorder is still very comfortable. After all, everyone likes a clean and tidy environment.

Fang Xuening is just a little obsessive-compulsive about the environment, and nothing else.

In fact, Lu Yao gave Fang Xuening half an hour to see if there was anything that needed to be adjusted, after all, the house was usually tidy.

Pushing open the door, Lu Yao saw the smiling Fang Xuening and two Gouge and Xiaohong waving their front right paws like two beckoning cats.

"Oh haha, this must be Fang Xuening. I like your music very much. Your voice is like being kissed by an angel. Haha, these two kittens are so cute." Oliver talked to Fang Xuening very enthusiastically. Say hello.

Lu Yao...well, Lu Yao glared at Fang Xuening, what's going on with these two cats!

I'll clean you up at night!
 I went to bed a little late these two days, and woke up a little late, well, I can't sleep so late anymore!
(End of this chapter)

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