Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 463 Electronic music can be so beautiful

Chapter 463 Electronic music can be so beautiful

Today is Saturday, which is a rest day for many people. After all, if you choose to broadcast live at 12 o’clock, it must be better on the rest day. After all, there are still more people who rest on weekends. If there are many people, naturally there will be more people who can sleep late.

Li Shuyao was sitting in front of the MIDI, Fang Xuening was standing next to her, and the camera was opposite them. At this moment, it felt like a small band.

Li Shuyao smiled and said to a microphone protruding from the MIDI: "Although this is an electronic song, everyone who has heard fade should know that this is a very gentle movie with a strong sense of rhythm."

"When electronic music and pure voice are combined, a very wonderful chemical reaction will be produced. We don't even need to understand what the lyrics are saying, just feel the music quietly."

"I hope this song can bring some imagination and emptiness to you who are exhausted by life."

"Then, please enjoy the following, faded."


Meng Sijing looked at Li Shuyao who was seriously starting to play the piano, and sighed slightly. Speaking of which, she had to go to work tomorrow, but she heard that a new song would be released, so she couldn't help but want to listen to it.

Compared to many people in the group who are fans of Li Shuyao's games, she is a relatively pure music fan. She will also watch Li Shuyao's game live broadcasts or games, but most of them are used as background music, played on the big screen, and then do other things .

But she listens carefully to every song related to Li Shuyao, interprets it, and understands the meaning of the song and the story behind it.

She has a special playlist on NetEase Cloud, which contains all the songs of Li Shuyao, and now she has released a lot of songs, and the list can be played repeatedly for a long time.

On many insomnia nights, she fell asleep listening to Li Shuyao's songs.

Sleeping with headphones is not good, so she turned it on and set it to automatically shut down. Anyway, I use a spare mobile phone, so I don’t have to worry about the mobile phone running out of power when I go to work the next day.

Speaking of which, if it wasn't for Li Shuyao's songs, she might not have been able to stay in this company for so long.

Those who joined the company with her last year have basically left now, and she is the only one left... The manager talked to her two days ago, and maybe she will become a team leader soon.

Although it is definitely a rookie group, the treatment is much better and it will be easier.

This is the first step towards a turning point in her career. After becoming the team leader, at least she no longer needs to face heavy basic work, and the level of customers she contacts will become higher and higher.

Maybe in a few years, she will become a project manager when she is around 30 years old.

It is a bit hypocritical to say that Li Shuyao's music has changed, but she enjoys relaxing in the music, and it is true that a better attitude makes her work more freely.

At this moment, she was lying on the bed, holding a spare mobile phone, and turned it on...

In fact, she wanted to listen to it with her eyes closed, so that she could fall asleep after listening to it. Anyway, when the phone ran out of battery, it would turn off by itself.

But today's Li Shuyao is really beautiful, so she couldn't help but want to look at it for a while.

On the other phone, screenshots of Li Shuyao's live broadcast today are constantly being sent out in the group. I have to say that Li Shuyao, who has been well-dressed, is indeed extraordinarily moving today. The few Li Shuyao fans she added are a little crazy today. Messages flow out one by one.

She has heard the electronic music of fade many times, but this time she felt that the prelude was a little different, and it seemed to add a bit of melancholy that belonged to time.

When Fang Xuening's voice sounded, she felt a sense of amazement, and also saw the cheers in the barrage.

And when after a short pause, the two harmonized "where are you now" appeared, she even felt a little dazed. Such a pure voice made her want to cheer along with her.

Immediately afterwards, the melody was completely activated. The familiar rhythm and full melody seemed to pull her into the deep ocean. In her mind, she unconsciously remembered that she was driving through the city, and the whole world was this melody .

And at this moment, the fan group is also very busy:

"My God, what kind of fairy harmony is this, I'm a little drunk."

"I declare, this song is my favorite song."

"It's the first time I describe a song as beautiful, but this song is really beautiful."

"Sure enough, the production of Yaoyao must be a high-quality product, it's really nice."

"I have always meant that pure music should not add lyrics, but Yaoyao told me that I am superficial."

"This is the most perfect pure music plus lyrics I have ever heard, how can it be so good."

"This is the romance of Yaoyao. Even electronic music will make you feel warm and healed."

"In other words, this song should express some sadness."

"The first time I heard it, I felt a little amazing."

"Xiao Ning's voice is really pure. Listening to this song feels like eating the purest snow water from the top of a snow mountain."

"My mind is full of where are you now"


Naturally, the fan base is full of praises for Li Shuyao, and the quality of this song is also strong enough. It's not like many songs that feel a bit unpleasant when you listen to them for the first time, but after listening to them repeatedly, you will feel more and more delicious.

But this song is the kind that makes you fall in love the first time you hear it.

After singing it once, Fang Xuening stroked the microphone and said with a smile: "Actually, every time I sing this song, I feel very comfortable. This song is very dreamy and beautiful. Then, everyone will Let’s watch this dreamy MV together.”

Lu Yao switched the live broadcast back to the computer, and it was still a familiar animation, but this time it seemed that the picture quality was better.

In the picture, a boy wearing a hood and wearing black clothes is walking in the streets of the city, surrounded by heavy traffic, but he seems to be a little separated from the world.

Some stumbled into a car, and with the sound of closing the door, the car started to move a little bit.

It was raining outside, and the rain slapped on the car window, and a layer of fog turned the outside world into glorious lines that seemed meaningless.

As the chorus of "where are you now" sounded, the surrounding scene suddenly changed, it was still him, but he was riding on the empty train, traveling through the mountains at night.

He stared blankly at the world outside the window, everything seemed to be going backwards quickly.

When the melody started to rise, the surrounding scene changed again. At this moment, he seemed to be riding on the legendary Nautilus, traveling under the ocean, surrounded by blue water, dolphins chasing fish, and sunlight shining on coral.

He still looked out in a daze.

In the next moment, he seemed to fly into the sky again, looking at the boundless blue sky and continuous white clouds.

Accompanied by a series of fast-paced melodies, pictures that seemed to be in his memory kept flashing.

After the sound of the drumbeat that seems to be reorganizing the chaotic melody, the flashing picture of the memory is instantly emptied. He stands in the endless wilderness. The camera is constantly rotating with him as the center of the circle. He silently lowers his head and looks at the ground under his feet. .

When everything stopped and the melody ended, the scene flashed back to the car, he got out of the car silently, and walked into the street with the gradually weakening tune...

 As usual, the MV is the scene I saw when I was listening to this song...

(End of this chapter)

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