Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 464 Very Quiet

Chapter 464 Very Quiet

This MV was naturally also drawn by Li Shuyao, and it took her two or three days to finish this short 3-minute animation...

Uh, although it is quite annoying to say this, it has been a long time for Li Shuyao, after all, she used the rest time after training to draw.

Anyway, the computer with the best configuration in the base is used...but it can be used, because the computer for drawing is somewhat different from the computer for playing games. If the configuration is not good enough, it may not be used at all.

After all, the picture quality required by Lu Yao this time is a bit high, not only the production team, but also her original artist must paint well enough.

The protagonist of this MV... Well, it is true that the image of the original author of this song is used, but more of the profile and back view, after all, she doesn't know what he really looks like.

Li Shuyao felt that being in a different world, putting this image in the MV should be regarded as a kind of tribute to him.

The MV is totally some stream of consciousness of her own.

She always feels that the MV is actually everyone's different understanding and interpretation of the song. Your understanding is one way, and my understanding is another way.

This is what Li Shuyao thought of when she listened to this song. She just drew out the picture that was surging in her mind. There is no logic in saying it. After all, it seems a bit unscientific for a person to walk around.

But art is something that is sometimes unscientific.

She dare not say that her work is art, but after this video was made, she was very touched.

She always feels that those things that can touch people's hearts should be considered works of art.

After the MV ended, the screen switched to the two of them again. As the author, Li Shuyao smiled with a microphone and said:
"This video can be regarded as some pictures I imagined when I was listening to this song. I don't need any understanding or analysis. Just imagine the pictures you see."

"What do you think of when you hear this song, what do you think of when you watch this MV, that is the song, what this MV wants to show."

"Next, we will dedicate this song to everyone."

After Li Shuyao finished speaking, she nodded with Fang Xuening who was standing beside her, and the familiar melody sounded again.



Hearing the sound of music again, Meng Sijing let out a long sigh of relief, and changed from lying on her side to lying on her back. This time she closed her eyes and felt the charm of the music.

Gradually, drowsiness hit her little by little, and she seemed to have fallen asleep in a vague way. This feeling was very strange. She could hear her own slight breathing, the sound of music coming from the side, and she could also see the previous MV Those pictures inside...

It's just that the picture is somewhat blurry.

She knew that she was asleep, but she was sleeping very lightly now.

She has experienced this feeling many times. At this time, if her thinking is more active, or the external stimulation is stronger, she will wake up directly.

But in this music, she inexplicably feels a little detached. This feeling makes her feel like she is wandering in the deep sea, or riding on a fast-moving vehicle.

Vaguely, she heard Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening's concluding remarks and good night in gentle voices.

"Good night……"

Meng Sijing said something quietly in her dream, and then gradually fell asleep.

Fang Xuening's live broadcast room on the phone was turned off, and after a while, the light on the phone also went out.

Everything is very quiet.


"Phew, it's finally over. I can go remove my makeup. Oh my god, I feel like I'm wearing a mask." After turning off the live broadcast, Li Shuyao tore off the dress on her body, kicked her high heels once, and The combed hair was shaken loose...

T-shirt flip flops worn for months on base... er, flats!I'm a little used to it, but now I'm not used to wearing skirts and high heels.

Then she saw the smiling eyes of Fang Xuening and Lu Yao...

"Hey, what's the matter?" Li Shuyao rolled her eyes.

"You don't understand, in fact, sometimes not wearing anything is not so attractive..." Fang Xuening smiled and rubbed over: "It's just wearing something like this..."

"Ahem, stop making trouble, it's all hard work, hurry up and wash up and rest, I'll clean up here tomorrow."

Lu Yao came over and patted Fang Xuening on the head, then looked at Li Shuyao and said:
"Pay attention to the influence, and you will become famous before the camera is turned off."

"I know, I know, it's troublesome." Li Shuyao waved her hand, sure enough, girls can't do anything about it, sometimes it doesn't mean that you don't care and you can do whatever you want.

"Let's go, let's take off the makeup, hehe." Fang Xuening grabbed the dress in Li Shuyao's hand and threw it to Lu Yao, then kicked off the high heels, and ran upstairs with Li Shuyao.

Lu Yao looked at Fang Xuening running and rubbing back and forth, somewhat speechless, and didn't know how this guy could sing such a clean tone, it's really unfair!

Shaking his head slightly, he walked out of the piano room with a dress in his hand and two pairs of just-heeled shoes in his hand.

After putting the high-heeled shoes in the shoe cabinet, Lu Yao took out his mobile phone, glanced at the work group, and the group was reporting real-time data... Looking at the data that generally reached the goal, he nodded slightly.

Anyway, today's goal has been achieved.

The benefit brought by the previous fade was really not small, especially the continuous stream of foreign copyright fees made Lu Yao feel a little bit emotional, these foreigners really love to play.

But all the money was donated, and they also contributed their part to the domestic education cause. Lu Yao also thought it was pretty good. She was also very happy to see the letters sent by those students who had been admitted to university.

After a while, the new students will start school, and she plans to continue to sponsor these students to go to college.

Well, after a while, the Hope Primary School will be built, should I ask Li Shuyao to make a video?
Forget it, she can keep a low profile if she wants to. There is really no need to hype it up.

Sitting on the first floor and looking through the data of this song, Lu Yao was still very happy. She watched it for more than 20 minutes without knowing it. When she stretched her waist and was about to go upstairs to wash and sleep, she saw Li Shuyao wearing this pajamas Deng Deng Deng ran down.

"Why don't you sleep?" Lu Yao asked a little puzzled.

"Oh, that girl is hungry, I'll make her a bowl of noodles... Do you want some?" Li Shuyao rolled up her sleeves and walked to the kitchen.

"Ang...then...that's fine, let's have a bowl." Lu Yao thought for a while, then nodded, it seems that it would be nice to drink a bowl of noodle soup before going to bed.

"Success, I'll cook less. It's warm to drink with a bowl of noodle soup." Li Shuyao chuckled. Although the weather wasn't cold, drinking something hot at night would make it easier to sleep.

The following noodles are naturally very simple. After a while, the warm Chicken Thicken Mushroom Noodles are ready.

So, the three of them sat around the table and sucked noodles, while Brother Gou and Xiaohong licked the noodle soup on the small table next to them.

After eating, three people and two cats stood at the door of the backyard, feeling the warm wind blowing slowly in the summer night.

At night, it is also very quiet.

"Tsk's a loss." Li Shuyao took a deep breath.

"What's wrong?" Fang Xuening asked suspiciously.

"I didn't go to the beach this summer! What a shame, I must go to the beach next year!"

Well, purely for playing with water, no other ideas!

 The past two days have made me lose the mood to write about e-sports at all... Oh, hurry up and finish writing about the summer and world championships, I won’t write about e-sports, and I won’t write about it in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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