Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 465 Xia Jue

Chapter 465 Xia Jue
Li Shuyao's regret... Actually, it can be realized, but she is lazy, and she is unwilling to do another thing when she is done with one thing.

Now her busiest thing is the playoffs. They won the first place in the regular season, so they directly entered the semi-finals of the playoffs, and there is no game ahead of them.

But everyone did not dare to relax, after all, they have come so far, it must be a lie to say that they don’t want to win all the championships, since they have this ambition, they have to work hard.

Therefore, CR is basically in a tense state from the players to the coaching staff.

Also in order to alleviate this state, Shi Qiulian opened the activity room and added some books, chess and cards, toys and other things in it, which looked very much like a kindergarten entertainment corner.

However, the books inside should be incomprehensible to children, and the toys are also psychological toys. There are many people who patronize it. Many analysts like to come here to play chess after get off work.

Well, they're all living at the base now anyway.

Now the team that plays Tai Chi every morning is very large, not only the six of them, but also the coaching staff, staff, and many people from the second team and other game divisions have also come.

After all, Li Shuyao and his team's achievements over the past few years are obvious to all. Not to mention relying entirely on this Tai Chi, better physical fitness must have played a certain positive role.

As other divisions began to plan similar adjustments, Yan Xiaohua's team also received a lot of data support.

With the progress of the LPL summer playoffs, the performance of the song faded is also soaring, especially CR's winning streak all the way to the winner's group finals, and then to the finals...

Although the 3 to 2 all the way seems to be a bit stumbling, but that is also the way to the finals. The spring and summer have entered the finals twice in a row. CR has already pinched the ticket for the S game. The second seed has a problem.

The winner is the No. [-] seed, and the runner-up is the No. [-] seed.

And their opponents...

It turned out to be FSG.

It can be said that this year's LPL was dominated by CR and FSG, and the summer finals became a repeat of the spring finals.

Speaking of which, FSG's strength is really strong, and the state is also at the peak, but Li Shuyao always feels that there is a problem with their mentality.

The mental state is actually one of the states on the spot, which is why more and more teams are equipped with psychoanalysts.

During the training match, FSG and CR had a [-]/[-] win rate, but in the game, CR could win...

Tai Chi training is actually to allow a team to maintain their peak state as much as possible. Without this training, every team will have peaks and valleys.

This training is to prolong your peak and give you the bottom line when you are low.

And FSG is obviously at the peak, so the two teams are comparable.

"So although we have a psychological advantage, don't take it lightly. Don't think that we are invincible with this training. It's not like this. This training just makes us reduce the trough."

Fried Noodles stood in front of the whiteboard and talked eloquently. He was very satisfied with this team, but the game was about to start, so everyone should be calm and not too proud.

After all, after winning all the way, there will always be some pride. He has this, not to mention the young players.

Li Shuyao was the one who kept her normal mind the best.

Because this guy has always been like this... No matter what time he seems to have no pressure, he has always been so heartless.

And this time there seems to be a little more Buddhism.

Li Shuyao listened to the cheers from the audience outside, and heard Chow Noodles chattering about the tactical arrangements... However, she was quite calm in her heart, after all, she had played so many matches.

He patted Xiao Hui who was a little worried beside him, he was the starter in this game.

This is Li Shuyao's request, but she will go up to play the fifth game.

It means that no matter how you play, I will give you the bottom line. If you win, it will be yours, and if you lose, it will be mine.

This somewhat heroic decision made Xiao Hui cry on the spot... Afterwards, Xiao Hui became Li Shuyao's loyal supporter. If he hadn't been preparing for the battle these two days, he might have already faced off against those crazy people who scolded Li Shuyao on the Internet.

But in any case, this is his first start on such a big stage, which is a major test for his mentality.

Starting and being a substitute are completely different experiences. Li Shuyao felt that since Xiao Hui was to be cultivated, it was necessary for him to make his debut on the stage of the Summer Finals.

"Don't be nervous, the audience are all radishes and vegetables, and the opponents are all potatoes and sweet potatoes, so let's just play a ranking game." Li Shuyao patted Xiao Hui on the shoulder and laughed.

"Brother Yao, I... It's not like I haven't played a game before." Xiao Hui was a little helpless, he was a little nervous, but not because of the people and opponents at the scene.

"Don't be afraid, I'll give you the bottom line. Even if you lose two games in a row, my sister can still give you a chance to let the second chase the third." Li Shuyao laughed haha: "It's a pity that it's not the finals of the S game, or else the level will let you mess up." Skin, lol."

Xiao Hui was a little touched and laughed along with him, Fried Noodles walked over, rubbed Xiao Hui's head and smiled, "Absent, huh?"


"Come on... I'm going to play soon." Fried Noodles walked to the front of the players, stretched out his right hand and put it in front of everyone, and said with a smile: "Come on, old rules."

"Old rules!" Jingyi smiled and stood up, putting her hands on it.


"Haha, the final is the final."

"Brothers, it's the final again, haha."


Li Shuyao finally put her hands on it, and she looked at her teammates with a smile. Speaking of which, she really enjoyed the process of playing with everyone. This kind of feeling that everyone is united is really good.

Perhaps this is the charm of the collective.

People are social animals, and a life that has not been experienced in a group is incomplete.

"3.2.1, come on, CR!"

Following Tantai Jingyi's loud shout, everyone clapped vigorously, and then walked to the open space in the middle of the room with laughter.

Everyone concentrated and calmed down, and under the leadership of Li Shuyao, they began to practice the simple version of Tai Chi step by step.

No matter how nervous or excited they were before, after this set of Tai Chi, they will calm down and face their opponents calmly and focusedly.

Through the adjustment of breathing and movement, let your mind calm down.

This action has almost become the standard configuration of CR, because everyone will play it before each game, and the director will also give a close-up to save face. Even if there are other things to be broadcast at that time, they will give a small window. What.

At this moment, a show was being performed outside, and the big screen above gave two small windows, showing the current situation of the two teams in the preparation area.

FSG is doing the final tactical deployment, while CR is doing Tai Chi...

"'s Yaoyao and Jingyi, haha, they're doing Tai Chi again." Fang Xuening laughed and pushed Lu Yao next to him, cheering along with many audience members.

Lu Yao smiled slightly. In fact, she could go to the backstage to watch, but she still felt that it would be more interesting to watch here.

For example, it is very interesting to see a certain platform boss holding up Li Shuyao's light sign and whimpering, and you can't see it in the background.

(End of this chapter)

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