Chapter 467

"Haha, brothers, am I being ordered in a crisis..."

Li Shuyao helped her headset, looked at the screen in front of her and said with a smile:
"It's the last game, let's cheer up."

"Look, I just said that this guy is definitely not nervous at all." Tantai Jingyi smiled while checking her equipment: "She doesn't feel like a tiebreaker at all."

"Brother Yao, how excited you are to hear this music." Xiao Ye smacked her mouth: "This is our first tiebreaker."

"Why does it feel like we've been playing five games since the spring finals?" Coffee Bean scratched his head: "Spring finals, MSI finals, and summer playoffs, how many fifth rounds are there?"

"Let's fight." Totoro leaned on the chair and smiled slightly.

"Yeah, let's fight, let's fight, you can't win if you don't fight." Tantai Jingyi said with a laugh: "Our goal is a grand slam, haha, what is a grand slam if you don't play all the games?"

"That's right, haha ​​I want to play Lucian, haha, come on, come on, brothers, get up, haha." Li Shuyao couldn't wait any longer!
Well, I just thought about it for a long time, and I feel a little hungry, so hurry up and finish the meal!

There should be no such expedition ceremony today, and we can eat quickly!

"Brothers, let's make a quick decision!"



"I know, brother Yao is hungry!"


"Why don't you play the fifth game?" Shi Qiulian sat next to Xiao Hui, and handed Xiao Hui a cup of hot milk. These children ate a little to pad their stomachs for the game, and they should feel a little bit now. Hungry.

"Thank you."

Xiao Hui took the milk with a smile and said:
"Actually, I thought about it in the fourth round. I will try my best to fight. If I lose, I will let Brother Yao play. I know that Brother Yao will let... well, it was given to me in this game. .”

"If I can win within 4 rounds, then I will go for it. If I can't, then I will make Yao's summer split a happy ending."

"Then do you think that Yaoyao will definitely win if she goes up?" Shi Qiulian asked.

"Of course, Brother Yao will definitely win." Xiao Hui nodded.

Shi Qiulian nodded, then said with a smile: "You still have a long career, don't be discouraged."

Shi Qiulian didn't ask Xiao Hui if he let go in the last round, asking this question is an insult to Xiao Hui's professionalism, every normal professional player will definitely go all out when he enters the arena.

He was really trying his best to win the last round, but the final outcome was a pity, but it doesn't mean he didn't work hard.

"Well, I understand." Xiao Hui smiled: "Don't worry, I won't be discouraged, I still won two rounds."

"Well, if you win, you have two-thirds of the credit." Shi Qiulian smiled and touched the back of Xiaohui's head, sighing slightly in her heart.

No one wants to win, she can see the loss and regret in Xiao Hui's heart, she can also see that Xiao Hui actually wants to go up to the fifth game, and he is also confident to win the fifth game.

In addition to operations and routines, what fried noodles have taught you for so long is to tell you that you must have the confidence to defeat all opponents on the field. No.

And they have won two rounds, and it's not like they haven't won.

As for whether the fifth game was a lot of pressure...

To be honest, the pressure is really great, but the ability to withstand pressure is also a must for every player.

In fact, many players' mentality will collapse in the fifth game, and many times it can be clearly felt that the fifth game is one-sided.

Even though they fought back and forth in the previous round, they were overwhelmingly crushed in the fifth game. In fact, there were problems with both mental and physical strength.

But CR's players don't really have much pressure. They played a lot of BO5s this year, and they also played a lot of fifth rounds. Xiao Hui actually played fifth rounds in the previous playoffs.

Xiao Hui's thoughts are actually very simple, just hoping for a perfect ending, listening to the waves of cheers outside, Xiao Hui smiled and leaned on the sofa.

Sure enough, Brother Yao is Brother Yao, who can have such a high popularity no matter what, and has such an excellent mentality... Dare to take out top laner Lu Xi'an in the final game.

In the video, everyone in the team was laughing, especially Li Shuyao was laughing so much that she was almost lying on a chair.

"Pfft..." Xiaohui laughed unconsciously: "Look, this is Brother Yao's strength. She can always make our team lively. It's a pity that I have never been with Brother Yao. Played a game."

"Regret? If you really want to fight, you can play together." Fried Noodles pushed the door open with a smile and walked in: "It's not that Yaoyao can't fight in other positions, it's okay for the two of you to play together."

"Ah? This... the regular season can still be played, so next year?" Xiao Hui scratched his head and said.

"No need, you can start playing after a while." Chao Nian sat on the other side of Xiao Hui.

"After a while? What competition?" Xiao Hui frowned and thought about it.

"Idiot, S11." Shi Qiulian laughed.

"Ah? World Championship? Forget it, it's too dangerous." Xiao Hui quickly shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, it can be used as a tactical reserve. You continue to play top laner, and Yaoyao goes to play mid laner or AD. Look at her top laner always playing Lucian, what kind of skateboard shoes, and even wanted to play VN just now! You like it so much Play AD and lay down the road for me!"

Shi Qiulian pursed her lips: "It's done, only the world where chinchillas are injured has been achieved, hahaha."


"If it doesn't work, it's okay to play in the middle, haha, but this round is expected to be played very quickly." Chao Nian smacked his mouth.

"Oh...Brother Yao is hungry." Xiao Hui suddenly realized and nodded.

Shi Qiulian: "..."

What exactly is Li Shuyao's image?

CR was very happy on and off the field, and the audience below could also see the state of the CR players, maybe they were influenced by them, maybe they burst out with great enthusiasm after seeing Li Shuyao finally came on the field, so although they have already shouted four times It's been a game, but the audience is still very excited in the fifth game.

At the same time, in another relatively remote and secret place, a young man in protective clothing sat in the rest area, pulled off his mask and glasses, and smiled happily while holding his mobile phone.

"Xiaoming, I see you have been watching for a long time, what are you looking at." Another person in a protective suit came over and said, "I have passed by twice, you have caught fish today."

"Brother Lei, I only read it after get off work, haha." Sun Xiaoming chuckled.

"Get off work..." Brother Lei was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "I forgot there was such a word."

"Everyone is too tired, you should rest." Sun Xiaoming sighed: "I think there is nothing wrong with accepting some entertainment sometimes. After all, it is supposed to relieve stress and make life less boring."

"Boring?" Brother Lei smiled: "Actually, there is nothing boring. Every time there is a new discovery, there will be a new surprise. You just came here, and you will gradually find out later. The fun in it makes people linger."

"However, the director does not object to other entertainment activities, and often organizes us to sing together, but everyone always feels that it is a waste of time."

Brother Lei patted Sun Xiaoming on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"If you think it's too hard here, just leave. Before you become a regular, you can't leave even if you want to."

(End of this chapter)

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