Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 468 She won the championship

Chapter 468 She won the championship
It has been two months since Sun Xiaoming came to this laboratory. There is no mentor system here, but divided into groups. Those who don't know may think that they have come to a certain company.

He was assigned to the logistics group from the very beginning, responsible for the procurement and processing of materials in the laboratory, and faced with a large amount of experimental materials every day, from entry to exit, from classification to harmless treatment, etc. Anyway, the two After a month, he felt that he had an earth-shaking understanding and understanding of the materials in the laboratory.

This is something that I couldn't learn in school at all. The materials are processed for use in the laboratory every day, and the materials used up in the laboratory are also cleaned up.

Every link in this is not very easy. Poor handling in the early stage will affect the data of the experiment, and even lead to the failure of the experiment. If the garbage in the later stage is not cleaned, it will lead to environmental pollution, and may even cause death.

"How about it, do you feel that you are overqualified in the logistics team?" Brother Lei simply sat next to him and took off his mask and glasses, revealing a somewhat pale face.

Most of the experimenters here have pale faces, and they have been active in the laboratory for a long time, and even have less exposure to sunlight, so the director will hold some activities regularly, so that everyone can pull out some belongings from the endless experimental life. Space.

"No." Sun Xiaoming shook his head with a smile: "I might feel a bit disappointed at first, but then I discovered that even the same experimental materials will have subtle differences, and subtle differences can even lead to completely different experimental results. .”

"That's right." Brother Lei nodded, "If you don't even understand the materials in your hands, then you should stop doing experiments. Even if the difference of 0.0001 is magnified by a thousand times, it will be completely different."

"Yeah." Sun Xiaoming nodded. He actually ignored this point before, or no one cared about it.

When the mouse was used up, it was replaced with another one. No one thought about the difference between the two mice, let alone noticed whether the two mice had the same personality.

Some are even more courageous, while others are less courageous.

"Actually, there are quite a few newcomers who come every year, but in the end, very few can stay. Back then, I had to do logistics for a full year and a half before entering the laboratory. Come on." Brother Lei patted Sun Xiaoming with a smile shoulders, then put on the mask and glasses again, got up and left.

Perhaps for him, this short nap is already a rare rest.

Sun Xiaoming's master's degree is nothing here, because the worst ones who come here are master's degrees, and those who come to collect sorted garbage may get you a master's degree in urban ring.

So here no one takes a degree to say yes, they all look at the results of scientific research. Sun Xiaoming, who just came here, even found the feeling he had when he first entered the university campus. He must not be able to keep up.

There are quite a few people who leave here every year, and most of them are newcomers who have been here for a year or two. It cannot be said that all the people who leave have problems, but most of them cannot stand loneliness.

Outside, he was the proud son of the sky, but he seemed to be lost in the crowd when he came here. This feeling made many people feel unbalanced.

In addition, in the first year before entering the laboratory, I had almost no access to experiments, and I was doing all kinds of logistical work. It is not that people do not allow you to do experiments, and some laboratories are always open, and the work is completed. You can go if you want, no one is stopping you.

Sun Xiaoming has been there many times.

He really learned a lot when he came here, which is almost impossible to learn in school.

After Sun Xiaoming came, after a short period of discomfort in the early stage, he gradually figured out his own set of study and life rules...

But Sun Xiaoming didn't plan to be so busy today, he was already busy with his work, he might go to another lab to help out at this time, but today he was going to watch Li Shuyao's game.

When Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening released a new song last time, he could listen to the song while experimenting, but this time he couldn't watch the game. He couldn't do the experiment and watch the game at the same time.

In fact, before he was off work, he was still a little worried that he would not be able to watch the game, so he could only pray that he played as slowly as possible, and he was relieved when he took a look at Li Shuyao before he played.

When he finished his work and ran to the rest area, he happened to see Li Shuyao appearing on the stage, and the battle song rang out on the field.

For Sun Xiaoming, that moment was very happy.

"Yeah!" Sun Xiaoming cheered softly when he saw Li Shuyao cut directly into the body on the flank of the middle lane to start the team, and the baptism of the holy gun directly disrupted the opponent's formation.

Now the situation on the field is very clear, CR has already taken a huge advantage, Li Shuyao, Tantai Jingyi and Totoro have all played bounties.

Well, Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi were created by participating in the group, and Totoro was created purely by making up for the knife...

It's only 23 minutes now, and it's not yet time for Totoro to stand up and carry the game. He pushes and pushes the tower, and it's enough to supplement the damage in the team battle.

Oh, in fact, there is no need for him to supplement the damage. Li Shuyao's Lucian and Jingyi's Ryze do not have low damage.

"Haha, Yaoyao is too cruel, why is she beating so fiercely?"

"I'll go, this one fights two counters and kills one, then turns around and runs away, tsk tsk, why does Yaoyao feel so anxious to get off work, is she in a hurry to eat, haha."

"Yeah yeah!"

After another 5 minutes, seeing the CR people who got the big dragon and went straight to the FSG base, Sun Xiaoming yelled a few times in a low voice, and even waved his fist.

At this time, he really missed the brothers in his dormitory. He used to scream loudly when watching the game, but now he can only wave his fist quietly.

"Call out loud when you get excited, it's okay, the sound insulation here is not bad."

At this moment, a voice sounded from the side.

Sun Xiaoming was startled and almost threw the phone out. When he turned around, he saw a middle-aged man looking at him with a smile.

"The... director." Sun Xiaoming put away the phone a little excitedly.

"It's the last wave, I can't see you like this." The director said with a smile.

"Oh, good." Sun Xiaoming put the phone back up again. At this time, the CR players had already pressed in front of the front tooth tower, and the FSG players were making the final resistance.

Soon, the CR players who already had a huge advantage wiped out FSG. As the FSG base crystal exploded, Sun Xiaoming suddenly heard the director next to him shout: "Yaoyao Beer! CR Beer!"

Sun Xiaoming: "..."

This... is the director?
Fuck, why does it feel like the image is a bit out of place.

"The director also likes the alliance?" Sun Xiaoming scratched his head and asked, although he was quite excited before, but now he is more curious.

"I don't like it." The director shook his head and said: "But I see everyone shouted that, I thought you would shout, how is it, Yaoyao won the championship, are you happy?"

Sun Xiaoming opened his mouth, ah this...

"Happy." Sun Xiaoming nodded: "The director also knows Yaoyao?"

"Well, Li Shuyao, I do know her, an old friend's daughter." The director smiled and patted Sun Xiaoming on the shoulder, stood up and said with a smile: "You have inspired me, maybe, sometimes let everyone watch the competition and the competition. Live streaming is also a good choice, it’s getting late today, go back and rest early.”

"Ah, what about you, Director?" Sun Xiaoming blinked.

"I have something else to do." The director looked at his watch and walked out of the lounge with a smile.

Sun Xiaoming looked at the phone, and when it was over, Li Shuyao jumped up from her seat...

It looks like I'm really hungry.

 Last night's dream was a story about an undercover agent entering a family, working overtime for the family's son-in-law...and finally after catching the criminal, staying and flying with this daughter...

(End of this chapter)

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