Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 474: Ruthless or You Are Ruthless

Chapter 474: Ruthless or You Are Ruthless

No matter what the boss thinks, the three of them are very happy to eat anyway. Roadside stalls are generally known for their large portions, rich taste, and low cost. It may not be the healthy food that some experts say, but there are quite a few A place where people enhance their sense of well-being.

It is a very happy thing to be full after eating delicious food.

Whether it is the satisfaction of taste buds or appetite, it is the most basic happiness of human beings. As the so-called food and sex are also, food is the first.

In fact, Li Shuyao, who was full, leaned back on the chair and thought wildly, if this human being didn't need to eat, wouldn't there be so many disputes.

Perhaps the most fundamental reason for the turmoil in this world is to have a bite of food.

That is to say, life.

Well, anyway, it is a characteristic of human beings to start thinking wildly when they are full, because generally speaking, human beings will not think so much when they are hungry.

Especially when you are dying of hunger, you can basically overthrow even a mighty dynasty.

Chongchong and Fang Xuening walked around slowly after eating, Chongchong looked at Li Shuyao, who was leaning on the chair with a pensive look, and asked suspiciously: "What is Yaoyao doing?"

"Maybe, thinking about life?" Fang Xuening scratched her head: "Don't worry about her, she often does this, and suddenly she starts to be in a daze, and she doesn't know what she is thinking."

"Ah, here." Chongchong blinked, then chuckled.

"What's wrong?" Fang Xuening blinked.

"It's all right." Chongchong smiled and waved his hands: "I just feel that Yaoyao is very cute now, by the way, the day after tomorrow...well, how are you preparing for tomorrow's party?"

"The swimming pool is all painted out. Tomorrow we are going to mow the lawn in the backyard, and then set up a tent or something. Then at night, we will prepare tomorrow's ingredients and marinate all the meat." Fang Xuening pulled himself fingers thinking.

"I'll help you tomorrow." Chongchong said.

"Ah, no, no, we can come here quickly." Fang Xuening waved her hands and smiled, "Didn't Yaoyao bring Sister Lu in at night, she has nothing to do tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, the four of us will soon I'll be done."

At the beginning, I didn't pull Lu Yao because I was afraid that she would be busy these two days. Li Shuyao won the championship again, and she will release another song in a few days, so she is really busy these two days.

However, they have a team, and some things can be handed over to the team. Although it is still very tempting for those patrons and fathers to wave the money, most of them are sending emails now.

Most of the people who called before were related, and wanted to finalize the advertisement as soon as possible. After such a long period of running-in, everyone has almost reached a tacit understanding, and they will not call every day.

Naturally, Li Shuyao still has advertisements to answer this holiday, but there are not many, that is, a live broadcast, a video, and some are just flat photos and a post.

So now popularity is wealth, and people with high popularity can make money as long as they post a post.

But those who make money will always be those in the head, and there are countless people sinking in the bottom of the sea.

"It's okay, I just don't have anything to do tomorrow, I can go ahead and take some shots, hehe." Chongchong smiled and pulled Fang Xuening to sit back.

"That's fine, I'll pick you up tomorrow." Li Shuyao said suddenly.

"I'll go, your sudden words are a bit scary." Fang Xuening rolled her eyes: "What were you thinking just now?"

"I'm thinking about people and survival." Li Shuyao said with a smack of her mouth.

"Look, I'm just saying that this guy definitely didn't think of anything good." Fang Xuening spread her hands.

"Hahaha, it's okay, don't pick me up, I know the way, I have a psychological burden for you to pick me up, I may not sleep well tonight, haha." Chongchong waved his hand: "It's fine when I get up and go there .”

"Alright." Li Shuyao nodded: "It's getting late, let's withdraw!"


Watching Chongchong gradually disappear into the night on his skateboard, Fang Xuening sighed a little: "Congchong is so powerful."

Li Shuyao followed suit and nodded: "Yes, it's really amazing."

Li Shuyao slightly hooked the corners of her lips, she didn't say that she quietly copied this skill, the skateboarder looks really handsome, but now I can too, wow!
It was almost past 1:[-] when the two of them drove home. The main reason was that Li Shuyao ordered too much and ate a little bit slowly, and then came back a little bit late.

"Where are you going crazy so late?" Lu Yao in pajamas stood at the stairs, looking at the two people who ran out of the garage and asked.

"Hey, I'm going out to shoot a video, or a joint video, look how hard I work." Li Shuyao said while holding the camera in Fang Xuening's hand.

Lu Yao: "..."

So why are you so hardworking? Why is the camera in Fang Xuening's hands!

"Hey hey." Fang Xuening had a smirk on her face.

"Go to sleep, but I'm exhausted, and no one came back at night." Lu Yao rolled his eyes and went back to his room.

Well, she was already lying down and ready to go to bed, and only got up to take a look when she heard a faint sound of a car passing by.

The main reason is that since Li Shuyao is back today, it's outrageous that the two of them are still here, otherwise she would just ignore this little voice.

The two of them simply washed up and went to bed.

Fang Xuening didn't eat much, and she went for a stroll so she slept, but she didn't feel overwhelmed. Li Shuyao... didn't feel overwhelmed at all.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Shuyao got up a little later and didn't wake up until after seven o'clock. After doing a set of punches outside without disturbing Fang Xuening and Lu Yao, she roughly edited the video from last night.

After all, they shot this thing by themselves, and the material took a long time. If they didn’t make a rough cut, the editing partner would have to watch it from beginning to end, which would waste a lot of unnecessary time.

"Yo, our champion classmate edited it by himself, it's rare." Lu Yao, who just woke up, leaned against the side with a glass of boiled water and said with a smile: "Xue Ning still slept like this, she didn't respond at all even after I came in. "

"She should have woken up, but she didn't want to open her eyes, so she turned around and fell asleep again." Li Shuyao chuckled, and picked up a small brown feather from the table.

Well, she got it off a feather duster.

"Hey, you understand." Li Shuyao handed the feather to Lu Yao.

"You are still ruthless." Lu Yao said so, but still took the little feather, and then walked carefully to the bedside, and gently put the feather on the nose of a certain white hair.

The feathers trembled slightly, and Fang Xuening's nose moved slightly.

The feathers shook lightly again, Fang Xuening waved her hands and turned around.

Lu Yao dodged Fang Xuening's arm, and then stretched it out quietly.

The feathers shook lightly again...


"Get up, get up and tidy up the lawn, it's almost nine o'clock." Lu Yao yelled helplessly, but the effect of this voice was not as great as that of a feather, and the thing didn't even move...

All right, the most ruthless one is Fang Xuening, I can't afford it!

 I've been sleepy for the past two days...

(End of this chapter)

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