Chapter 475

As the saying goes, if you want to wake up an enlightened master, you need a little food temptation... So Lu Yao had an idea, and lay down next to Fang Xuening to play a food video.

Anyway, she has all of Li Shuyao's food videos, and there are some that haven't been released yet.

These days, her food videos mainly use visual and auditory impact to stimulate the audience's taste buds. Fang Xuening will definitely not be able to see her visually, but her auditory sense is still fine.

Lu Yao found out the food video of making seafood porridge together, and then turned up the sound to a moderate level to ensure that you can hear it, but it will not be too loud to make you feel uncomfortable.

The rice was gurgling and gurgling in the water, the fresh and tender octopus was hissing and jumping in the oily pot, the sticky porridge was scooped out of the pot, and then poured back a little bit...

Fang Xuening sat up quickly: "I'm hungry."

"Haha, let's go to eat." Lu Yao smiled and put away the phone, and then ran downstairs with the sleepy Fang Xuening: "Hurry up and cut, let's mow the lawn after we finish cutting, haha, hi , I haven't been this relaxed in a long time."

For Lu Yao and Li Shuyao, taking two days off during the day when they just won the championship is indeed very leisurely. Well, maybe Li Shuyao took more than two days off.

There are a lot of hot searches about CR on the Internet. CR has won consecutive spring and summer championships, and won the MSI championship in the middle. This feat is not easy. Although it is not unprecedented, it is enough to make almost the whole world think that CR is this year. The strongest team.

Li Shuyao doesn't care what the outsiders say, anyway, the old lady has been tired for so long, so she can't enjoy herself!
Although there are people asking her to broadcast live everywhere now, but let it be for a few days, she is going to wait a week or so before starting the broadcast, let's take a rest first.

After spending more than half an hour, Li Shuyao edited the material of more than two hours to about 40 minutes, and then directly dumped it to Lu Yao.

She remembered the whole process of recording the video, and she knew what was useful and what was not, so she just pulled the progress bar over and cut it.

So she edited very quickly.

Another full video!
Li Shuyao stretched, sometimes the whole video is as simple as that!
After finishing the video, Li Shuyao ran to the closet to find clothes. Well, I have to work later, right? I have to mow the lawn, organize the ingredients, and clean up the house.

In this case, it is not convenient to wear pajamas, and the outer clothes will be dirty, so find some old clothes to wear...

It is also easier to wash after getting dirty.

Although it can be regarded as a small fortune now, the spirit of hard work and simplicity cannot be lost, like the kind of people who throw away clothes after wearing them once are simply insane!
Li Shuyao wore a black suit so that she would not get dirty easily, black short sleeves, black shorts... Then she found a pair of plastic slippers and put on a white sun hat.

Although the lawn is not that big, it still takes a long time to clean it. The sun outside is not small, and it is somewhat shaded.

When she got dressed and came down, it happened that the two had finished their breakfast and cleaned up.

"Go back and change your clothes, work clothes, I'll mow the lawn first." Li Shuyao smiled and then turned to Brother Gou and said, "Brother Dog, go and see if there are other small animals on the lawn. Then don't hurt anyone."

"Meow." Brother Gou rolled his eyes. He went for a walk several times in the early morning, and there were not even small bugs on the lawn.

Anyway, the property regularly deworms the lawn outside, and even adjusts the lawn as needed by each family, so Li Shuyao's family is basically not troubled by insects.

Otherwise, when doing Tai Chi on the lawn every morning, I have to think about whether there are bugs...

Li Shuyao watched Brother Gou go out and run around again, then yelled at the lawn, and after making sure there was nothing there, he took a small lawn mower and started mowing the grass.

This thing is electric, and it is smaller in size and power than the oil-burning lawn mowers in the outside property, and the blade head is also very hidden, which is a relatively safe model.

But if you take this thing out and use it on the large lawn in the community... I guess two of you will be exhausted...

This is suitable for a small lawn like a home, it is convenient to store and use, and the noise is still small.

Li Shuyao slowly pushed the lawnmower in the backyard while humming, and walked on the backyard lawn in the shape of a greedy snake. The lawn she walked changed from dark green long hair to a verdant crop, and she suddenly became full of vigor , feeling very good.

"I've been busy so early in the morning." Tantai Jingyi leaned against the door of the backyard and said with a smile: "I don't know who will pick me up, I just took a taxi back."

"Haha, you don't need to shoot commercials today, I thought you would come back tomorrow." Li Shuyao laughed while pushing the cart.

"They have been busy talking these two days, and it is estimated that the filming will start in two days."

Tantai Jingyi rolled up her sleeves and hugged the place Li Shuyao had pruned before with a rake.

Although most of the grass clippings have entered the small bag of the lawn mower, there are still fish that slip through the net. These should be cleaned up, otherwise there will be too much grass clippings washed out when watering .

While talking about the team, Tantai Jingyi hugged the grass clippings into a small pile, after a while, Lu Yao and Fang Xuening came out, and the two of them took plastic bags to clean up Tantai Jingyi Good grass clippings are packed into bags.

This work efficiency is definitely not comparable to that of professionals, but it is good that they can do it by themselves, and more of them are actually enjoying this kind of fun.

Anyway, seeing the lawn being trimmed neatly, everyone is in a happier mood.

After working for more than an hour, the lawn in the yard was finally trimmed. Although the yard is not big, three or four bags of grass clippings were thrown out after trimming.

Just as Fang Xuening and Lu Yao were watering the lawn with water pipes, the doorbell rang outside.

"It should be that Chongchong is here, I'll go and open the door." Li Shuyao ran out from the main entrance wearing little slippers, and then saw Chongchong standing outside the railing, smiling and waving at her .

"Oh, why are you carrying so many things?" Li Shuyao hurried over to open the door and took the large and small scrolls in Chongchong's hand, unexpectedly it was quite heavy!
"Haha, I was thinking about making some raw pickles today, so I brought some seafood." Chongchong smiled and said, "If you start pickling this afternoon, it will be perfect for eating tomorrow. It doesn't matter if you are not used to it, just steam it."

Li Shuyao opened her mouth, okay, it's the first time she's heard of the idea of ​​steaming raw pickles, but anyway, it's not bad for a day, and you don't know what it's like after steaming.

"Haha, just kidding, just make less and let everyone taste the taste, and do the rest as normal." Chongchong said with a smile: "After all, not everyone can get used to this food, just try it, don't eat it badly gone."

The two were talking and laughing just as they walked into the house, and just put the seafood in the refrigerator temporarily, when the doorbell rang again.

"Hey? Who is this?" Li Shuyao scratched her head, and then ran out again. When she opened the doors, she saw Mrs. Bao Jian and Xiao Rou coming...

Li Shuyao opened her mouth.

Ah, this refrigerator is a little bit out of place.

(End of this chapter)

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