Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 478 Sure enough, cute pets are more compatible with swimming pools

Chapter 478 Sure enough, cute pets are more compatible with swimming pools
After a little fox was disinfected, Li Shuyao excitedly ran over to pick it up. When she saw the little fox before, she wanted to rua-rua, and now she finally had a chance!
How could there be no little fox if Li Shuyao asked Brother Gou to bring the little fox over by calling his name this morning?

Seeing Li Shuyao pick up the fox, the others followed suit and began to choose their favorite cute pets. There were also those like Fang Xuening and Lu Yao who were not interested in pets...

The two of them just lay there wearing sunglasses, and those who didn't know thought they were asleep.

Nan Yiyi was very interested in that sugar glider before, and she had been staring at this little guy before. After seeing this little guy passed the disinfection, she couldn't wait to hug this little guy up.

At first, the little sugar glider moved in Nan Yiyi's hands a little uneasy, but gradually settled down when he felt that the other party was also very gentle.

After Nan Yiyi stroked it a few times, she turned around and ran to the side of the tent, then tiptoed slightly, and put the little guy on a pole of the tent.

"Come on, little guy." Nan Yiyi watched it lie on it and stared at herself eagerly, clapped her hands and waited there with her arms outstretched, um, the other hand is holding a camera, this scene needs to be recorded, Time for a slow motion or something.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Chongchong asked suspiciously while holding a little rabbit.

"The video I watched on the Internet is that this guy can glide, you know, I'm waiting for it to fly down here." Nan Yiyi said with pouting.

"Oh, yes, yes." Chongchong nodded a little excitedly: "I also saw that video, and I remembered it when you said that."

Then they both waited excitedly here.

"What are you two doing here?" Sister Na hugged a small puppet as if holding a baby...

Then, the three of them stood beside the tent together and looked at the little sugar glider excitedly.

After a while, a circle of people stood beside the little sugar glider... Well, there were also small animals in their hands.

Being stared at by so many pairs of eyes, the little sugar glider was a little frightened, then turned around and pointed his little butt at the others.

Brother Gou looked at the other people in Xiaorou's arms, and then at the little guy standing on the tent and yelled:


Why are you ashamed, you are all your own, hurry up and dance for me!
This guy usually dances happily when we play together, why is he still shy today.

The little sugar glider turned around slowly after hearing the dog's barking, then took two steps back slightly, aimed at Nan Yiyi's right hand, and jumped down.

In the air, the sugar glider spread its limbs, and a web-like gliding device seemed to appear on its body. Amidst the exclamation of a group of people, it precisely landed on Nan Yiyi's hand.

"Wow... Hahaha, it really is like this." Nan Yiyi touched the small head of the sugar glider in surprise, but didn't put it on it again.

It's good to have a look at this thing, it's not good to let people dance all the time, and it seems that I don't like it just now.

"Let's change into our swimsuits, it's so hot." Mrs. Bao Jian said, looking at the big sun next to her.

"Ok, Ok."

"Let's go, let's swim for a while and come to eat!"


A few people added up to see that the time is almost up, and the barbecue will be ready soon, now let's swim in the water for a while, the weather is so hot, let's cool off before eating!

In this way, everyone went to change clothes one after another. Even Lu Yao and Tantai Jingyi who had been lying down before got up and changed their clothes. It's so cold, it's just right to go into the water now!

Everyone excitedly went back to the room and began to change into their swimsuits. After all, today is called a swimming pool party, and the water in the pool is not that deep.

Chongchong was the first to change his clothes, without using any props, he got into the water with a plop, and came over to the other side of the swimming pool after a while.

"Wow, Chongchong, you are so amazing." Fang Xuening wore a sleeve, and then jumped into the water all at once, causing a large splash of water, pouring Xiaohong, who was watching the play next to her, into a mess. Cat.

Xiaohong was a little depressed, it was always wet these two days.

Brother Gou snickered in the corner of the tent, he knew that these people must go down to play in the water, he didn't want to get soaked, it would remind him of the fear of being dominated by a bath!
Then Brother Gou felt that a pair of hands picked him up.

As soon as Brother Gou turned his head, he saw Li Shuyao's half-smile face.

"Ah, are you very envious? If you are envious, go together." Li Shuyao pointed at the cute pet who was interacting with other young ladies by the pool and smiled.

At this time, everyone has basically come out, perhaps because they want to appear on camera, so everyone is wearing conservative one-piece swimsuits, and the video recorders basically only take pictures of themselves, and most of them are swept away by others. , and the main subjects are those cute pets.

Of course, there are also people who get together to chat, so they will also appear on the scene.

Everyone lay on the water mat with their pets in their arms and played pet rafting in the swimming pool. Listening to everyone's laughter, it seemed that everyone was very satisfied with the combination of cute pets and swimming pools.

In addition, not all pets don’t like water. For example, a few puppies are easily scratched by the dog. It's so easy to come and go!
"Meow meow." Looking at the little brothers over there who were already wet, Brother Gou quickly shook his head, joking, except for that duckling, none of them could stay in the water forever.

"Oh oh oh, so you want to play too, okay okay, let's go play together." Li Shuyao was wearing a black one-piece swimsuit, and then ran towards the swimming pool with a smile in her arms and the little white cat in her arms.

"Hahaha, I'm coming." Li Shuyao laughed loudly, and then jumped down while aiming at the empty water.

Well, if there is a slow-motion camera, you may see Brother Gou's slightly ferocious face at the moment Li Shuyao jumped up...

Brother Gou is naturally not afraid of water. He can swim, even better than that little duck. However, this guy is a bit of an idol, and he doesn't want his little brother to see him wet.

Besides, everyone is female, Brother Gou has no interest in these aunts at all!Look at the grins of those puppies, it feels like a lost cat!

"Haha, it's comfortable." Li Shuyao touched her face. Although the water in the swimming pool was warmed by the sun, they were actually even hotter by the sun.

And this will not irritate the skin too much due to the large temperature difference.

Brother Gou was thrown onto the water cushion by Li Shuyao, and then was collected by the aunts playing on it, accepting the crazy "love" of the big guy.

Everyone is very interested in this little cat who just pointed out the country, because the big guys really can't imagine how a little cat can be so responsible.

Then Fang Xuening began to tell everyone about Li Shuyao's experience of telling the history of 24 to Brother Gou...

Everyone seemed to understand and nodded.

Got it, I have to tell history to my pets when I go home!

 Today is the last day of the match, RNG come on, try to double kill T1!

(End of this chapter)

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