Chapter 479

Brother Gou scoffed at Fang Xuening's statement, and even shook his fur. Although he admitted that he was influenced by Ma Ma's lecture, it doesn't mean that other pets can also receive the same education, such as Xiao Hong That little fool doesn't understand anything at all!

Li Shuyao, who was diving below, met Chong Chong underwater. Both of them were wearing diving goggles, so they could see each other clearly.

The two greeted each other with a smile, Chongchong took a careful look at Li Shuyao in surprise, and then waved his hands with a smile.

Li Shuyao is not surprised that Chongchong can dive, not to mention that she got the skills from others, and they have posted diving videos, so everyone basically knows that Chongchong can dive.

However, few people know about Li Shuyao's ability to dive. She has never told anyone about this matter, nor has she uploaded relevant information. I am afraid that it is only the old fans who pay close attention to her who know that she has rescued people in the water. .

However, going into the water to save people and diving are actually two different things, so in fact, everyone is not so sure whether she can really dive.

This swimming pool is not deep, which is 1 meters. It is not suitable for diving, but it is just for fun. Li Shuyao can even touch the bottom of the swimming pool.

As for the reason why Chongchong was surprised, she saw that Li Shuyao's diving posture was very standard, as if she had received professional training.

She did it for this special exam at the beginning... Could it be that Li Shuyao also took the exam?

Didn't she go to play professionally as soon as she became an adult, and there is still time for research?

Maybe it's talent?

If it is on this girl, it seems that talent can also explain it.

Li Shuyao came out after swimming in the water for a while, she calculated the time, the leg of lamb in the oven should be almost ready.

She watched someone else's video at station B before, and bought two big lamb legs. Yesterday, she marinated them all night with great effort. Today, after various modifications, she baked them in the newly bought large oven.

In the middle, she took it out and processed it a few times to avoid the situation that the outside was burnt and the inside was not yet cooked.

Throwing the swimming cap and goggles aside, shaking the hair that was tied up before, and walked to the side of the oven. As soon as the lid of the oven was lifted, a strong smell of barbecue came out.

This taste is very domineering, and it directly overwhelms the smell of oden that has been surging for a long time.

"Wow, it smells so good, I want to eat meat, I want to eat meat!" Student Fang Xuening was the first to react to this smell, threw the little red in his hand aside, and then jumped into the water with a plop. Brother Gou, who was watching Xiaohong's joke next to him, poured it from beginning to end again.

Seeing the barbecue coming out, everyone got off the water cushion excitedly.

Generally speaking, everyone took good care of their little pets. Even Xiaohong who was thrown into the water was picked up and put on the shore before swimming to the shore.

Brother Gou was a little speechless looking at Xiaohong, who was still so silly. He always felt that this guy had gradually become stupid since he came here. He played like Fang Xuening all day long, a bit like a wild animal. There is no more vigilance!

Sure enough, a good life can easily corrupt a kitten!In the future, I must write this into Taizu's family motto, and future generations must be prepared for danger in times of peace, and must not succumb to Ruanxiang!
"Brother Dog, why don't you come over to eat meat!"

As soon as Li Shuyao greeted her, Brother Gou rushed over and went to TNND's family training. I will talk about it later, and now I will fill my stomach first!
Li Shuyao looked at that guy by the pool and stared into the distance, and knew that it was adding drama to herself again. A kitten doesn’t know what to do with so many things all day long. Like Xiaohong, it’s good to eat and play every day, and sleep after playing. , A kitten who thinks about so many things is not afraid of hair loss!

Originally, Li Shuyao thought that everyone should be hungry after working all morning, and that the roast leg of lamb and oden are ready, and everyone should eat first when they come up.

But she obviously forgot the self-consciousness of being an up master and the up master's family members. You can put what you eat in the back first, and you must keep up with the shooting!

So Li Shuyao was called to wait before he could cut it. Then several up masters who took the video shot the oden and roasted leg of lamb in front and back, left and right, up and down, and in circles.

He even squeezed the mutton vigorously, and cheered as he watched the juice coming out of it.

Fortunately, everyone is not mainly shooting food this time, so I just took a simple shot without looking for various angles... Many food up owners can toss and cool the food alive in order to take the desired shot...

"The filming is over?" Li Shuyao saw that everyone seemed to be a little bit unsatisfied but had put down the cameras, so she picked up the meat-cutting knife and even played tricks with it.

"Wow... Yaoyao, you... you are so amazing."

"Yes, yes, just like the martial arts masters in TV dramas."

"Well, can you play again?"

"Uh... okay." Li Shuyao nodded, the meat-cutter knife was flying up and down in her hand, those who didn't know thought this guy was an assassin.

Flipping the knife casually a few times, Li Shuyao asked Fang Xuening and Tantai Jingyi to hold the plates on both sides, and then quickly began to cut.

The knife under the lens turned into bursts of silver light dancing continuously on the leg of lamb, pieces of meat quickly flew up from the leg of lamb, and then fell to the plates on both sides.

"Hey... good sword skills, hahaha!"



"This one-handed knife technique and the elbow sprinkle salt or something, how can this plate of meat be worth hundreds of dollars, haha."


Li Shuyao's hand immediately won the house's applause, everyone is a lady, right, it is definitely impossible to hold the leg of lamb and eat there, so she cut it into small pieces so that everyone can eat it.

Naturally, there is nothing to say about her cooking skills. This has been verified countless times. After a few plates of meat were cut, everyone immediately praised her...

Then I saw that this guy changed to a big knife and cut the sheep bones into pieces...

Every time the knife was cut, everyone's hearts trembled a little. When Li Shuyao finished cutting, the little pets either ran behind Brother Gou, or trembled in someone's arms.

It's terrible, no one can bear this knife.

After cutting it off, Li Shuyao erected the bone, and cut it in half with a knife.

After cutting it in half, the smooth and tender bone marrow leaked out. There is quite a lot of bone marrow in this big bone. Several puppies and little foxes looked at the bone marrow and unconsciously smashed their mouths.

Seeing Li Shuyao cutting bones as if cutting potatoes, everyone was a little confused. Seeing her arrange the cut bones in a row, Nan Yiyi was a little curious and smashed the bones with the chopsticks in his hand.

Feeling the hard touch from the chopsticks, she opened her mouth, and finally confirmed that it was a real bone, not some pastry or something like that.

Seeing Nan Yiyi's appearance, Li Shuyao chuckled, this little girl is so cute, her flesh was shaved from this bone just now, why is it not a real bone.

"Come and taste it, the bone marrow is already cooked, and it will be delicious if you sprinkle some green onion on it." Li Shuyao said with a smile, "It's more convenient to cut and eat."

(End of this chapter)

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