Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 48 Li Shuyao's Cat Training

Chapter 48 Li Shuyao's Cat Training
In the end, everyone let the poor dog go. As a metallic cat, Li Shuyao also wanted to see if the genes of this guy would be passed on, and the DNA of this guy was broken like that before. After being repaired by her, can she still have children?
At this moment, the soul of research in her heart is slowly rising. Who said that she can't do research without studying biology?Can't do it casually!
So, Brother Gou was brought home safely by her.

Fang Xuening also looked relieved, sure enough, her daughter has grown up and knows how to protect her daughter, this is very good, very good.

After returning home, Li Shuyao threw Brother Gou to the ground, and Brother Gou who returned home seemed to have regained a familiar smell, and his four calves were thumping back and forth as if he was about to take two steps.

However, I haven't stood up and walked for so many days. Brother Gou is obviously a little uncomfortable.

"Brother Dog, stand up!" Li Shuyao clasped his hands on his chest, looked at the kitten expectantly, then turned to look at Fang Xuening: "Come on, I'll support you, you shout with me .”

Fang Xuening walked to her side with a blank face: "I...what am I calling?"

"Just shout, Mengmeng, stand up!" Li Shuyao shouted excitedly.

"Mengmeng? Isn't it called Puppy? Why did it change its name to Mengmeng?" Fang Xuening looked puzzled: "Also, you bark so disgustingly."


This ignorant woman!snort!

But Li Shuyao really didn't intend to help, and she couldn't actually help much. If the kitten couldn't stand up by itself, then it really wouldn't be able to stand up in the future.

At that time, it will change from a little strong cat covered in metal to a tip meow who can only lie on its stomach.

"Brother Dog, stand up."

"Brother Dog, stand up."

"Brother Dog, stand up."


Brother Gou thumped his legs and crawled forward, Li Shuyao cheered on this guy from behind, Fang Xuening... Uh, Fang Xuening secretly took out his phone and recorded this scene.

Well, this is also a video, what should I name it?
The first day for a cute pet to enter the house?
The first day for a cute pet to recover from injury?
This is not good... No, there is no hot spot, as a video, how can there be no vector name, even if everyone finds out that you are a headline party, but you have already clicked in, this beauty is cute, Are you willing to go out?
No one is willing to leave it alone.

Well, it should be.

Shocked, a kind father treats a kitten like this at home!
Well, that's about it.

Fang Xuening nodded in satisfaction, and then chased Li Shuyao and Brother Gou all the way behind. Speaking of which, she was quite interesting to watch, the little cat was crawling hard in front, Li Shuyao followed step by step, and then a Encourage the kitten vigorously, as if encouraging it to get up.

Uh, it seems that it is indeed encouraged to get up.

The little cat worked very hard, and its four calves moved forward very quickly. Except that it didn't stand up, it was almost catching up with an automatic mop.

"Bump..." Little Mob... Uh, Brother Gou ran forward all the way. As expected of the fastest cat in the old cat's house, it was a pity that he didn't look at the road and bumped into the stairs from the first floor to the second floor.

"Woooo..." Brother Gou covered his head and yelled Wuyang Wuyang.

"Pfft... Brother Gou, you are so stupid. You can't stand up, but you even bumped into the stairs. I will call you a stupid dog from now on." Li Shuyao squatted beside him and nodded Brother Gou's head: "You Tell me why you are so stupid, you can't even stand up."

Brother Gou turned his head and glanced at Li Shuyao, then tilted his head and rubbed against Li Shuyao's hand: "Meow..."

"Okay, okay." Li Shuyao ran to the cat litter built by the nearby pet hospital, took out some kitten food and ran to Brother Gou.

"Hey, if you stand up, you will have something to eat, if you don't stand up, you will be hungry, you can figure it out!"


As soon as Li Shuyao finished speaking, Brother Gou stood up immediately, then rushed to Li Shuyao's side, jumped into her hand, and began to lick the cat food with peace of mind.

Fang Xuening blinked her eyes in bewilderment. Didn't the situation mean that this guy couldn't stand up anymore? How could he stand up with just one swipe and even run and jump high? This...this guy was lying before?

This cat can lie to people?Did you pretend to be pitiful before?Who did this cat learn from?

I'm still a foodie, I stand up when I have something to eat, but you are always lying on your stomach, how come you get up when you have a little food, you are not firm at all!
"Hmph, Brother Gou, you've learned badly." Li Shuyao picked up Brother Gou by the nape of his neck and picked him up.

"Meow..." Brother Gou looked at Li Shuyao innocently, and even licked the corner of his own mouth: "Meow."

Li Shuyao took Brother Gou to its cat's nest, then pointed to a small bed and said, "This is your bed, you will sleep here from now on, you know."

"Meow meow."

Then Li Shuyao brought Brother Gou to the cat toilet: "This is your toilet, you will go to the toilet here from now on, you know."

"Meow meow."

"This is where you eat and drink water. Just eat enough. Be regular every day. Don't push yourself to know it. After eating, you have to take a walk. If you develop a little chubby cat for yourself, I will abandon you every minute." I know."

"Meow... Meow... Meow..." Who are you talking about, chubby meow!
"This is your toy, you can play here usually, you know."


"This is the cat climbing frame, you can just squat here."


"This is the backyard. I installed a small gate for you. You can go to the back to play when you have nothing to do, but you have to take a bath by yourself after playing, you know."


"This is the door of the front yard. There is also a small door for you below. You can go out to play at ordinary times, but don't run out until you grow up. You know that you are easy to be chased by dogs if you run out."

"Meow meow meow!"

Fang Xuening was speechless watching Li Shuyao point out the door to the kittens one by one from behind, how could this cat be trained like this?Can you just say a few words?Are you training cats or people? Training children is not so useful, and you are still holding someone by the back of the neck. Doesn’t it hurt?
There is also that little kitten, you agree to a sentence when people say it, do you understand it, what do you promise if you don’t understand it, it also meows, it’s quite rhythmic, and it’s very emotional, if you don’t know it, you think it’s you I really understand, a deceiving little cat spirit!
"Basically that's all, do you understand?" After Li Shuyao took Brother Gou around, he put Brother Gou next to its den, and gently tapped Brother Gou's head.

"Meow." Brother Gou nodded.

Fang Xuening feels a little tired, you two really dare to speak and the other dare to agree, if you understand what you understand, agree.

No, why did you agree!
Just as Fang Xuening wanted to complain, she was shocked to see that Brother Gou really crawled onto the small bed and rolled over, and then quickly ran to the place to eat and drink, and began to eat with peace of mind.

" know?" Fang Xuening opened her mouth.

"Understood, what a big deal." Li Shuyao waved his hand: "It's almost time for us to eat."

"Ah...ang...ah?" Fang Xuening looked at Li Shuyao, who was running to order takeaway, and Brother Gou, who was eating cat food beside her. She felt that her world view...had collapsed again.

 There is one more day tomorrow, I will rest the day after tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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