Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 49 Aren't Food Videos Posted Most of the Night?

Chapter 49 Aren't Food Videos Posted Most of the Night?

Li Shuyao can understand Fang Xuening's mentality, but she can't explain it. How can she explain it? Could it be that she has a system to strengthen the kitty's intelligence, even if she can't fully understand it, she can still understand it?

If she really said that, she might be forced to take care of by that guy Fang Xuening soon... This guy must think that he is not sober and talking nonsense here.

Don't care about her, let her guess. Anyway, I didn't do anything out of the ordinary, I just took the kitten around and realized that the kitten is smart by itself. I want to know that I should study the kitten.

Sure enough, this guy went to study the kitten after eating and tidying up. After looking over and over for a long time, he didn't see any difference. It seemed that he was just a stupid cat.

Li Shuyao received a communication from the Sixth Director.

"We want to shoot a video together... At that time, she and another beauty will be up, do you want to go together..." Li Shuyao scratched her head. Although the previous video did make her a wave of fans, or it was Let her settle down and become a real up master, but also let her experience what social death is...

Up master is a new profession. Some ups are free. They will publish their works on various platforms, accumulate a large number of fans, and then make money through some channels and advertisements.

Some are signed, perhaps with a brokerage company, or with a platform.

Putting these aside, from the perspective of the audience's senses, the up hosts in the living area are more friendly, and there are frequent live broadcasts, and the up hosts who often appear in real people will have a closer relationship with the audience.

Li Shuyao often appeared on camera before. Although she didn't show her face, she was able to see the real person anyway. However, she didn't appear on the camera in the two official works of the song, and even if she appeared on the camera, it felt a bit far away.

After all, it is a work of art. The more artistic it is, the farther it will be.

But after linking up with Chongchong once, and after linking up with Out of Focus Ji and the others once, this feeling was pulled in all of a sudden, as if the audience was someone next to them, this feeling is very fan-absorbing.

After all, there are some differences between Bilibili and other traditional platforms.

and so……

"Otherwise, I'll go to participate... It doesn't matter if you die in the society, anyway, there will be a lot of people praising yourself." Li Shuyao scratched her head and decided to participate. The sixth director is a senior at station B. Master Up, you are still very good at bringing newcomers on board.

Especially the aspect of bringing beautiful girls.

The three of them have already created a group of beautiful up hosts, and the group who is about to shoot a video with her is one of the up hosts he will support recently.

I heard that it was originally on the side of the out-of-focus base, but was turned over by the sixth director.

Haha, I don't know if it's real or just a joke.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Shuyao directly agreed. At present, she is still in the rising stage, and she can appear on camera as much as she can. This is also a way to integrate into the old up master. After all, the six leaders are considered veterans in the ranks of up masters.

In the past two days, she has been picking and choosing, and she is going to choose a few good eating videos to send out. She has saved a lot of such videos before, and some of them are of poor quality. deleted.

There will be some small problems in the early stage of eating and broadcasting, and they will gradually mature in the later stage. Li Shuyao has also learned a lot from Chongchong in this regard.

After almost deleting more than a dozen videos, Li Shuyao finally felt that she could almost watch them. Both the food and the people performed well, and she often communicated with the camera, tasting food and so on.

Editing all afternoon, Li Shuyao asked classmate Fang Xuening to help check it out in the evening. This guy has been studying kittens all afternoon, and he knows how to fish every day, and doesn't do anything serious!
"What's wrong? I'll be broadcasting live later." Fang Xuening looked at the time, and it wasn't time for a break, so why did she pull herself over.

"I edited some videos of eating, and I'm going to post more videos of other aspects, what do you think?" Li Shuyao asked with a smile.

"You want to develop in the gourmet area?" Fang Xuening asked in surprise.

"Besides you, the first person I met was Chongchong, and the first joint contribution was eating with Chongchong, so posting some food videos shouldn't be a problem," Li Shuyao said.

"Well, it's actually up to you..." Fang Xuening scratched her head: "But, the music area has developed into the dance area, and some have developed into the living area, but very few have developed into the food area."

"Look, the up in the music section usually takes a long time to release works, because even a cover song takes a long time to make carefully. If you post some messy things, you are digging your own foundation, so everyone also There is no time to edit the video of the food section.”

"As for the food section, most well-known ups are very diligent, some post once every two or three days, some post once a week, and some even post every day, so the music section doesn't have so much time to post so many videos. "

Li Shuyao opened her mouth, obviously you want to fish.

"If you don't post videos often, you won't be able to get along in the food area. If you post frequently, it will slow down your progress in posting music videos. Joint submissions are different, after all, you are just a guest." Fang Xue Ning shrugged: "Of course, it's okay for you to send fast."

"After all, before my live broadcast, the distance between me and the audience is still quite far. It's not like the audience and up, but like a traditional singer and fan."

This sense of distance is actually not very good for the up owner, but after she started live broadcasting, it improved greatly, and her income also skyrocketed.

"Well... it's a trial, anyway, as long as the quality of my music video doesn't drop, it's fine, right." Li Shuyao laughed.

And also, although the audiences in the food area and the music area may be somewhat different, when your number of fans reaches a certain level, there must be overlap.

"Okay, anyway, you have the final say." Fang Xuening nodded, she was just giving suggestions, and the specifics of how to do it were up to others.

Fang Xuening sat down and watched Li Shuyao's video, and then gave her some advice before going live, and Li Shuyao re-edited it herself.

Even made a short opening and ending by myself.

The title should not be too long, about three to five seconds is enough, after all, it is a new program, and a title that is too long will make many people give up.

Almost finished tinkering, and the time is already past 10 o'clock in the evening. This editing video is indeed a hard work. She has edited these half-finished products and edited them all afternoon. This is still her quick hand, no matter it is ideas or materials. Looking for a long time.

Well, she also asked a few more familiar ups for common material packages, so that she can add materials when editing videos.

"Almost, let's upload it. Make a series called Yaoyao's Dinner, um, it's not bad." Li Shuyao directly clicked to upload the video. Calculating the review time, it should appear around 12 o'clock.

The food video should be uploaded in the middle of the night soon!
Dinner doesn't have to be eaten at night, it can also be sent at night.

 Group A is about to decide the qualifying quota today, come on FPX~
(End of this chapter)

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