Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 50 What Little Stars

Chapter 50 What Little Stars

Around midnight, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening were lying on the bed leisurely watching the food video she just released. Although it was not released for a long time, people soon came in to watch it.

Li Shuyao has now achieved her own fame at station B, mainly because her father's name is too popular. Although she hasn't arrived yet, she has already reached 1000 million views, and it is estimated that she will become a station B station. Another evergreen tree video, and it's the kind that goes viral.

One of the similar videos on station B is so good that it explodes in quality, and the other is one that has created a generation of famous memes. These videos are watched repeatedly by people, and there will be 3000 to [-] million views.

But generally speaking, one or two videos will burst out suddenly. If the quality of subsequent videos drops, the audience will still not buy it, so some ups suddenly have a video with 2000 million views, and then gradually reduce to There are also tens of thousands of 10,000+.

Of course, if you can maintain high quality all the time, then you will gradually become a head anchor, such as some who specialize in video editing, or some masters of manual technology, who rarely release an episode, and when they are released, they are high-quality goods. Almost every video has 500 million views.

Generally speaking, Station B is a website that focuses on quality rather than the number of fans. If your video is not well done, no matter how many fans you have, the playback volume will not be high, and even if you post too many, you will lose followers.

At the same time as the video was released this time, Li Shuyao also posted a dynamic: "The video of the usual meal, interspersed with other series in the middle of the music video, to fill in the blank period. The new song is being produced and needs a little time to polish."

Li Shuyao also expressed an attitude. During the production period of the new song, she will post daily to fill in the blank period. If everyone thinks that she is lost, watch it if you like it, and pull it down if you don’t like it. The song will still be produced, and fans will not be disappointed. .

Li Shuyao doesn't care about the number of views of this series, there will always be people who like it.

The following comments came out quickly as well:

"You can post this kind of daily routine more often, it looks very good."

"The little fairy is really the most beautiful! She is also beautiful when eating."

"Deep! Night! Release! Poison!"

"Hiss, I'm so greedy, I couldn't help but get up and have a supper."

"It's not bad, it's a bit like the up owner of the gourmet area, haha."

"I came to follow from Chongchong. I love to watch both songs and food."

"Damn it, I'm losing weight! You can't watch this kind of video!"

"Hiss, it's not too much to say that the number one beauty singer in the gourmet district is not too much."


"It seems that there are quite a lot of people who like it." Fang Xuening looked at it, and there were more than 1000 people watching it at the same time, which is quite a lot. After all, it's getting late, and it hasn't been long since it was posted.

Well, it's still hot.

"It's okay, not in the name of father." Li Shuyao said casually.

"..." Fang Xuening curled her lips, the video she watched once had tens of thousands of viewers at the same time, it was crazy!
Fang Xuening sighed softly, the number of fans of this product is almost surpassing her own, as expected, original music has a future, no matter how good the cover is, it can't do the original.

Of course, she refers to those who are of similar level. If the original level is too poor, the level of cover singing is too good.

"I'm going to write a song for you in two days. Which language are you good at?" Li Shuyao said with a smile while watching the barrage.

"Huh? Write it for me?" Fang Xuening has been covering Li Shuyao's songs for the past two days. After all, they seem to be quite popular now, and she is quite satisfied, and the popularity is soaring.

"Yes, you are my good friend, and your singing skills are also good, what's wrong with writing a song for you, we are blessed to share together." Li Shuyao hugged Fang Xuening with a smile and said: "Our video styles are different. I'm a painting MV, and you're a real person. I can do a cover song when the time comes."

"Really..." Fang Xuening was very pleasantly surprised. With the first three songs, at least no one can compare Li Shuyao's composition ability now. If she can really write a song for her, then she will be able to break through herself Under the current situation, the number of fans has skyrocketed again.

She is a real old-fashioned music song up master. Although her strength is about 150 million, she has also caught up with Li Shuyao's popularity recently and gained tens of thousands of fans. But if she really keeps releasing good songs, the number of fans will continue to leapfrog .

And she can sign better contracts with some music platforms.

"Of course, you can choose whatever style of song you want!" Li Shuyao sat up and waved her hands, her mind is so broad!

Fang Xuening nodded vigorously, and then began to think about how to order songs.

" can do any type?" Fang Xuening asked.

"Of course!" Li Shuyao nodded: "But don't fail the trial, don't blame me if you get harmonized."

"Cut, how could I be that stupid?" Fang Xuening rolled her eyes: "Well... let me think about it."

"Think about it, this one can be your title song, and I can write it in English too, so I don't need to be limited to Chinese and Japanese." Li Shuyao thought for a while, and she could actually learn Korean when she has time. There are also a few songs with good melodies over there, even if she doesn't sing them herself, she can sell them for money.

"English ones are also acceptable?" Fang Xuening's eyes lit up. In fact, the songs she covers are mainly in Chinese and English. She herself also publishes cover works on some other websites. Mainly in English.

It would be pretty good for her if there is a song that is mainly in English.

Because English is relatively popular, it can be used both at home and abroad, and she can post on both sides at that time, which is exciting to think about!
"If possible, I want English." Fang Xuening thought for a while and said, "I want something ethereal, free and easy, and atmospheric... Uh, is this okay? It won't restrict the subject matter too much."

"Okay, let me choose for you... Uh, write a song." Li Shuyao waved his hand, what a big deal, there are plenty of English songs like this.

"Really, haha, I love you to death." Fang Xuening jumped up excitedly, and clacked on her body.

"Ahem... Go, get up! I'm crushed to death! Why is it so heavy?" Li Shuyao was pressed down on her stomach by Fang Xuening, and she almost lost her breath, and kept rolling her eyes.

Fuck, it would be quite embarrassing to be the first time traveler to be crushed to death by a friend.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, I'm a little excited." Fang Xuening patted Li Shuyao's broad chest twice, and then scratched her head embarrassedly: "Don't worry, I will definitely sing your song well."

"...So, why did you shoot there." Li Shuyao frowned.

"Uh, it's so late, let's go to sleep." Fang Xuening immediately went back and lay down obediently, with only a small head exposed and a pair of big eyes blinking like little stars.

"Hmph, can you sing Little Star?" Li Shuyao raised her head slightly.

"Ah? What is that?" Fang Xuening looked confused.

"Hmph, little stars can't sing, you are indeed a spy sent by aliens, accept punishment!" Li Shuyao pounced on Fang Xuening.

Tickling art!
"No...not...hahaha...what a little star...hahaha..."

 Can you sing Little Star~
(End of this chapter)

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