Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 481 Make You Greedy

Chapter 481 Make You Greedy
In the ancient era when there was no MSG and refrigerators, the puffer fish in the river was extremely fresh. After all, even if the seafood was delicious, it could not be eaten inland, and it would be spoiled when it was delivered.

But in modern times, puffer fish is actually the same. It is indeed delicious, but it is not as exaggerated as the ancients exaggerated.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison. In ancient times, there were really no particularly good seasonings, so there were very few umami tastes, but now there are too many umami flavors.

In the era when there was little umami, fugu was very powerful. However, fugu is also very poisonous. If it is not handled properly, the blood of fugu can really eat the dead.

So there is a saying of eating puffer fish desperately, which means that this stuff is so delicious that even if you pay the price of your life, you have to taste it.

It's more of a spirit...

So when Fang Xuening said that he would desperately eat puffer fish, everyone was shocked by the spirit of this guy...

Everyone, look at me and I look at you. I don’t know what to say, so I can only silently stick out my thumbs. This eating raw pickle is a posture for you to eat and dismantle bombs. You look at death like home What does it look like.

"If my child is like this, I'll beat him up and down."

"Me too."

"I think it's good, what courage."



Li Shuyao and Chongchong were discussing the truth of the gourmet world here, and then they saw Fang Xuening approaching aggressively, uh, it didn't seem too aggressive...well, anyway, she looked very aggressive.

Then he suddenly fished out a small shrimp from the box, pulled the head of the shrimp, and sucked the shrimp meat into his mouth with a swish, then closed his eyes and began to chew with great enjoyment.

She ate a lot of raw pickles last time, and she has already mastered the skills of how to eat raw pickles.

"I'm going, why are you here? Don't you want to eat?" Li Shuyao was taken aback by Fang Xuening. They just talked about whether canned herring is delicious to eat directly or fried.

"I've decided, I want to eat too!" Fang Xuening ran to the tent to get a small chair, then sat directly between the two of them, and began to eat raw pickles together.

"Haha, it's delicious. I said this is delicious, but you can't eat too much, just eat it once in a while." Chongchong laughed.

"No, this person got sick after eating last time." Li Shuyao rolled her eyes helplessly: "Eat less, don't be like last time."

"If it hurts the stomach, eat less." Chongchong said quickly: "If you are not used to eating this food, it will definitely hurt your stomach."

"It's okay, don't worry, I can take it." Fang Xuening picked up half of the crab and asked: "It doesn't seem like I made this yesterday."

"Well, this is the drunk crab I got from home, it will take a little longer to make." Chongchong nodded.

"It does taste better." Fang Xuening nodded: "This is delicious."

"Haha, right, I really like to eat this too." Chongchong laughed.

Li Shuyao shook her head helplessly beside her, "Okay, eat as you please, if you get sick again today, you will know the price of being greedy."

In fact, there are not many raw pickles that Chongchong brings. She just wants to give everyone a taste of her own specialties, and she can't eat all the stuff.

Then she realized she was sloppy.

Fang Xuening really seems to be full of stuff...

Seeing Fang Xuening hiccupping and running to the faucet in the backyard to wash her hands, Li Shuyao always felt that this thing would not stop tonight.

In the evening, everyone surrounded the big screen and started the karaoke contest. It was really good to sing in front of the fire next to it. This time, Li Shuyao did not grill alone, but everyone grilled and ate skewers. What to eat and what to bake.

Speaking of cooking, maybe one or two of you can do it... Well, that's it.

But grilling, this thing is not difficult, just look at the quality of the meat on it, and then sprinkle with your favorite seasoning, this thing, in fact, everyone's taste is a little different, it is best to bake it yourself taste buds.

It seems that everyone who eats hot pot has their own recipe for dipping sauce, and they stubbornly believe that only their own recipe is the best.

Of course, if the beard is roasted, it is your own business, and you have to eat it yourself!
You can't cook delicious barbecue without eating a few skewers of burnt meat.

We played until around 8 o'clock in the evening, and everyone almost ate up the ingredients. Well, although Li Shuyao and Chongchong ate mainly, everyone ate a lot while singing and eating.

At this time, everyone also felt tired, and several people tidied up the backyard together, took a shower and changed clothes, and then asked Brother Gou to send all his little friends back, and everyone went back to their respective homes.

"Huh, I'm so happy today." Li Shuyao let out a long sigh of relief seeing everyone drive away.

"Tsk tsk, look at them, they are one-on-one, right." Lu Yao looked at the cars leaving and smashed his mouth, Li Yuanjun, Brother Yu, ah, let them drive to beat their partner Well, by the way, Nan Yiyi was also sent back.

Chongchong... Uh, he still skateboarded on his own and went back chicly.

"Yes, I don't know who was escorted by my mother to go on a blind date during the Chinese New Year." Fang Xuening teased.

"Okay, you're starting to tease me." Lu Yao hummed and said, "Let me see where you live tonight."

"Me? I live in Yaoyao's room." Fang Xuening pinched her waist.

"No, no, no, we all think you might be going to the bathroom tonight." Tantai Jingyi put her arms around Fang Xuening's shoulders with a smile and said, "Look at you eating so many greasy things today, drinking too much There are so many iced drinks, and you wear a bathing suit to show your belly, and then you eat raw pickles, you will spoil your stomach if you don’t."

"Yaoyao ate too." Fang Xuening said unconvinced.

"What's your stomach, what's your stomach." Lu Yao patted Fang Xuening's head angrily: "I'm really dying just to eat."

"Huh... that person is the owner of the little fox?" The three people over there were tangling about Fang Xuening's eating of Haisai, and Li Shuyao saw a man who seemed to be walking this way.

Then he seemed to stop walking, looked this way and turned back.

It’s weird.

"What's wrong?" Tantai Jingyi came over and asked.

"I don't know, that seems to be the owner of the little fox. I don't know why he came and went back." Li Shuyao scratched her head in confusion.

Naturally, he was going to come over to ask for the fox and strike up a conversation by the way, but when he got closer, he found that he had broken up... What are you going to do, there is no topic, so he turned and left.

While walking, he muttered: "Why did these people end so quickly..."

Li Shuyao didn't think too much about it, the main thing was that Fang Xuening took a deep breath at this time, and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

In other words, everyone is paying attention to Fang Xuening, and everyone has noticed a slight change in her.

Fang Xuening didn't say anything, and ran home directly, even jumped up to the second floor, returned to her own room for the first time, and slammed the door of her room.

Well, she also has a bathroom in her house.

(End of this chapter)

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