Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 482 Weak and poor but able to eat

Chapter 482 Weak and poor but able to eat
Sometimes parents always teach their children to learn how to stop eating, especially when it comes to eating. Parents will tell their children not to eat so-called junk food, not to eat raw food, not to eat too much cold food... …

Although let's talk, the concept of junk food is open to question, but eating too much of those things is indeed prone to problems.

Everyone likes delicious food, but if you don't control it, you will often suffer some crimes. Most of the parents who "pain" their children will raise a little chubby, and even more terrifying are those who only drink soft drinks and not boiled water all year round.

Although it is said that certain healthy diets are public opinion guidance made by interested people in order to sell certain products, some simple dietary values ​​are still worth learning.

For example, don't eat too much ice, don't eat too much raw food...

It's okay to eat less, but the body may not be able to bear it if you eat too much.

Fang Xuening had a deep understanding of this at this time. When she was sitting on the toilet, her thoughts drifted back to her youthful days. Her mother's teachings kept echoing in her ears, and along with the words coming from her stomach There were bursts of colic, and her heart was also repenting:

"I was wrong, I was really wrong, I shouldn't have eaten so much ice in the first place, if I didn't eat so much ice, my stomach wouldn't hurt, if my stomach didn't hurt, I wouldn't will be reduced to such a sad place..."

But confession is not very useful, what should hurt will still hurt... She ate a lot today, but she felt that there might not be much left in her body.

In the nearly two hours after sending those people away, Fang Xuening almost lived in the bathroom. Every time she came out of the bathroom, she ran back in immediately before lying on the bed for a while.

Hearing the slight humming of the ventilation fan, Fang Xuening felt that his head was a bit empty, maybe it was a little lack of oxygen?
I don't know, I'm just a little bit confused anyway.

But it was just a little bit, there was no way she would pass out in the bathroom!
Lu Yao looked at Fang Xuening with a funny face, clutching his stomach, and walked out holding onto the door frame, then handed over a glass of warm water and two pills: "Take some medicine, at least I can't go to the toilet so often anymore."

"Alas..." Fang Xuening sighed lightly, then took the medicine and swallowed it with her head raised.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect or something, anyway, after taking the medicine, she somehow felt her stomach feel better.

"Actually, you don't need to eat, I don't think there's much left." Fang Xuening said with a pale face.

"Okay, do you still eat so much cold food?" Tantai Jingyi helped Fang Xuening to the side of the bed, and made her sit down on the side of the bed slowly.

"Eat..." Fang Xuening said weakly.

"Are you still eating?" Lu Yao opened his mouth: "You don't know if there are any buts in the back, right? Tell me quickly."

"No, I just want to eat." Fang Xuening suddenly recovered, and then continued to lie there weakly.

Tantai Jingyi looked at Fang Xuening in shock, what the hell is this persistent spirit, if you use this spirit to do something else, you won't be successful, you just do it because of your stuttering.

"You can't do that, you want to eat all of this? Isn't it good to use your energy in the right place?" Lu Yao was speechless.

"Isn't it the right place to eat?" Although Fang Xuening had no strength, she still had to stubbornly defend it for a while.

Lu Yao curled his lips helplessly, and he said the same thing, it is indeed the right place to eat this food, and anyone who lives can eat it.

"As long as you have Yaoyao's ability, it's fine, you'll be fine after eating, you can look at you again." Tantai Jingyi said speechlessly: "You obviously can't bear it and still eat."

"No, no, you don't understand." Fang Xuening stubbornly shook her index finger, and said weakly: "I just have a bad stomach, and I can take medicine to treat it. There is a remedy. It’s delicious if you don’t eat it.”

"That's all right, all right, you can say that if you put a big tank under the ground, you're still talking like this." Lu Yao rolled his eyes: "Drink some water."

"Can you give me some normal saline, I have no taste in my mouth now." Fang Xuening said pitifully.

"Or some normal saline." Tantai Jingyi looked at Fang Xuening amusedly: "Yaoyao went to make porridge for you, let's have some porridge later."

"Okay, okay, okay." Fang Xuening nodded immediately, now she feels that her stomach is empty, it's been more than an hour... right, it made her feel a little hungry.

Tired and hungry.

"Drink some water and rest first." Lu Yao touched Fang Xuening's forehead: "Tomorrow we have to broadcast live."

Fang Xuening, who was nodding, stiffened her neck, and looked at Lu Yao in shock: "God, you are a devil, I am already like this and you still let me broadcast live, can't you let me rest."

"You have been resting for two days." Lu Yao said with a suppressed smile, "The day before yesterday you said that you would help clean up the venue, and today you played for another day, so should it be broadcast live tomorrow?"

" you said..." Fang Xuening pursed her mouth pitifully, and lay down on the bed all of a sudden, looking hopeless.

"Come here, here comes the stomach-warming porridge." Li Shuyao walked in with a bowl of white porridge with a smile. She added some salt and minced ginger to the porridge to adjust the taste. It also added salt and could drive away the cold.

The main reason for Fang Xuening's bad stomach is that the food he eats is too cold. Apart from the iced juice, those crabs are actually cold food.

In fact, there is ginger in the raw pickle, but the main reason is that this stuff is eaten too much... and it is raw, and it will not work after a few additions.

So this bowl of porridge is also to warm Fang Xuening's stomach.

Fang Xuening struggled to sit up, holding the porridge in her hands like a child looking for a hug.

The bowl was covered with a layer of anti-scald mats, and Li Shuyao purposely cooled it a little before, the temperature is just right, it won't be too hot, but it will be very warm after drinking.

Fang Xuening scooped up the porridge with a spoon and blew it lightly, then stretched out her small tongue to taste it slightly, then nodded excitedly at Li Shuyao, directly put the porridge in the spoon into her mouth, and then He started to eat happily.

Speaking of which, the taste of this bowl of porridge is the same, and there are no other ingredients in it, it is pure white rice porridge. If it is not for adding some salt and ginger, Li Shuyao may actually choose millet porridge.

But still the same sentence, there is no harm without comparison, the main reason is that Fang Xuening was too uncomfortable before, and there was no taste in her mouth, this bowl of porridge now seems to be a timely gift to her.

After Fang Xuening drank a spoonful of porridge, he closed his eyes happily, and savored the salty aftertaste in his mouth with an expression of enjoyment. A warm current slowly flowed into his stomach, and his whole body became warm in an instant.

"Tsk tsk, look at the pitiful look of this child." Lu Yao said while shaking his head while hugging his shoulders.

"Well, it's weak and pitiful, but it's still edible." Li Shuyao covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Eat slowly, no one will snatch it from you."

"Hmm..." Fang Xuening gave Li Shuyao a thumbs up while eating: "Yes, Yaoyao's cooking skills have improved, I think the best thing to eat today is this bowl of porridge."

 Last night I dreamed that I looked like Jackie Chan, and then I was running around in the shopping mall to avoid the people who chased me. The people who chased me didn't have any malicious intentions, it just felt like everyone was playing hide-and-seek together.

  Then there was another part in the dream, which had nothing to do with the previous one. It was a story about a soldier who died in battle and traveled to the primitive society...

(End of this chapter)

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