Chapter 483

Student Fang Xuening's diarrhea improved significantly after taking medicine and porridge. He was also young, and his body was relatively good, so he soon fell asleep.

The main reason is that sometimes going to the toilet is actually quite exhausting, especially when you come out and go in again, it really takes a lot of energy. After drinking a warm bowl of porridge, Fang Xue Ning immediately lay down and fell asleep.

I didn't go to Li Shuyao's room today, and slept in my own room.

Li Shuyao looked at Fang Xuening who was falling asleep and shook her head amusedly, this guy is desperate to eat as much as she can... Forget it, let's upgrade her skills.

After watching Lu Yao and Tantai Jingyi leave, Li Shuyao put her hands on Fang Xuening.

In fact, Li Shuyao has always been relatively conservative about applying skills to others. Except for Brother Gou, she has never tried it on others.

She was really worried that if a monster was created, it might be too late.

Moreover, system upgrades require energy. If there are too many upgrades, don't let others suck them up all at once...

But if she upgrades a little bit on the basis of others, she thinks there should be nothing wrong, and if she upgrades a little bit slowly, there shouldn't be any fucking situation where she can't control her power.

Looking at Fang Xuening's panel, Li Shuyao sighed softly, this guy's singing talent is really good, plus she usually practices intentionally, so in fact she is gradually improving herself.

It's just that the speed of improvement is relatively slow.

Li Shuyao didn't intend to upgrade Fang Xuening's singing skills. After all, this thing is also Fang Xuening's food. If she upgrades it, she can't control it...

Tsk tsk, it suddenly became mysterious.

Anyway, that's what it means. Let her do singing slowly, and improve herself slowly. She mainly wants to add a little physique to this guy.

Li Shuyao picked up these attributes casually, and then upgraded the physical fitness of this guy, especially the intestines and stomach.

At least the resistance to these will be higher next time.

Upgrade a little bit at a time, first observe and observe.

After being promoted to two levels, Li Shuyao obviously felt that this guy was sleeping more soundly. Unfortunately, energy seems to be something that cannot be transmitted directly. It can only be transmitted through abilities such as upgrading, repairing, and increasing genes.

After all, you also need energy to operate.

Li Shuyao thought about it, repairing is to continuously output energy, increasing is to output energy at one time, upgrading is to give an initial energy, and then upgrade the rest by yourself.

Well, Li Shuyao has system energy, so she can use it directly, while Fang Xuening has to rely on sleeping or eating to supplement it.

She didn't want to fix any genes indiscriminately, so she could only prepare more delicious food for her tomorrow.

Li Shuyao scratched her head, maybe, today is not a very good time to upgrade, this guy seems to be a little weak now, is the porridge enough for him?

All of a sudden, she had a lot of tricks in her mind. If she encounters any enemies in the future, she doesn’t need to go up and fight. Just pat him on the shoulder and give him a skill to upgrade wildly, and he will lie down on the spot. down to sleep.

Wow, Kaka, I suddenly became a magician.

After the upgrade, Li Shuyao didn't go back to sleep. She was still a little worried. After all, it was the first time for someone to upgrade. It would be bad if something went wrong, so she should pay attention to it.

Li Shuyao didn't dare to sleep, for fear that the thing would suddenly twitch while she was sleeping, so let's keep an eye on it, alas, one or two don't worry!
Li Shuyao thought for a while, and went out to take out the "History of Song Dynasty" that she hadn't finished reading. It's really thick, and she hasn't finished reading it yet.

The main reason is that she didn't watch it all the time, after watching it for a while, she put it down to do other things.

She is not studying history books, she reads them when she is interested, and throws them aside if she doesn't want to read them. There is no burden to read them.

She doesn't want to look at her phone tonight, there are too many things disturbing on the Internet, and when she opens it, it will be full of little red dots, so forget it, it's good to read a book quietly.

After returning, Li Shuyao turned off all the lights, sat directly beside Fang Xuening, opened the curtains slightly, and just watched the moonlight.

Her night vision ability was adjusted from that of Brother Gou, and she can see clearly with a little light, so there is no need to turn on the lights or anything.

After a while, Li Shuyao was attracted by the stories in the history books. She read history books more because of a story. Just watch the excitement, and sometimes she has to look up the translation of classical Chinese.

History books pay attention to small words and great meaning. Just a few words can explain a profound truth. Just a few words are a person's life, which gives others unlimited room for reverie.

Li Shuyao likes to read and think at the same time, looking at these mere words, and then fantasizing about what happened in that era.

Looking at it, Li Shuyao gradually became a little sleepy. It has been two or three hours, Fang Xuening seems to be fine.

Thinking of this, she leaned against her side and fell asleep little by little, and the thick book fell on Fang Xuening's arm, but this guy didn't show any signs of waking up, and went on as soon as he turned around. asleep.

Early the next morning, Li Shuyao was woken up by the powerful biological clock. Looking at Fang Xuening who didn't seem to wake up at all, she sighed helplessly. He couldn't finally inject her with glucose himself.

Following the appearance of a martial arts master in the TV series, I put my hand on Fang Xuening's neck to test it out. I don't know whether this guy's pulse is normal or not, but it still feels quite powerful.

The breathing is normal and the pulse is strong. There should be no problems with this product for the time being. Upgrading will never kill the person, at most it will make the person fall asleep.

Recalling the last time I slept with one pole for so many days...

Uh, it is somewhat in danger of death, this thing is always easy to starve to death when sleeping, so if you let him sleep for seven days, it will really pass.

It also has previous experience, so Li Shuyao didn't dare to upgrade Fang Xuening too much yesterday, just upgrade the body of this good-for-nothing.

As usual, I exercised with Tantai Jingyi, cooked a big pot of porridge at the same time, and ordered some fried dough sticks, buns and other takeaways.

Li Shuyao reckoned that Fang Xuening wouldn't sleep for too long, after all, she only raised two levels superficially, so she should be able to sleep for several days.

But obviously Li Shuyao made a mistake in judgment, and last night was indeed not a good time to upgrade her. Fang Xuening slept until 1:[-] p.m. before suddenly sitting up from the bed.

Just sitting up, the bastard stared at Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi who were sitting next to her, and then puffed out her mouth and took a deep breath: "I'm so hungry!"

Li Shuyao froze for a moment, why did this sentence sound so familiar.

Could it be that those who have finished leveling up will say this?
 I'm a little busy today, so I'll make an update

(End of this chapter)

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