Chapter 484

Li Shuyao first gave Fang Xuening a bowl of porridge to pad his stomach. This time it was not the complete white porridge like last night, but also added some minced meat, broken eggs and the like, and there was naturally some minced ginger in it. Yes, most people can't eat ginger in chunks, but if you eat some ginger, there is no problem, and you don't even feel the taste of ginger.

After drinking nearly half of the pot of porridge, Fang Xuening breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and stretched, and then slowly strolled around the room: "You may not believe it, I just felt that I could eat Next cow!"

"I see." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile: "You have eaten half a cow just now."

"Hehe, it's okay, okay?" Fang Xuening smiled and shook her little fist: "You may not believe me when I tell you, but I feel like I'm much stronger now."

"Yeah, what you said is right." Tantai Jingyi rolled her eyes speechlessly: "I have to shoot a commercial this afternoon, so I'm leaving first, and I'll come back in two days."

"I'll see you off." Li Shuyao said with a smile.

"No, I'll take a taxi back." Tantai Jingyi waved her hand, Fang Xuening's appearance is a bit scary, let Li Shuyao stay with her here, in case something happens...

"Hey, Jingyi, come back. What happened to that look in your eyes just now? I really feel that I am a little stronger. It's not that I have a brain problem!" Fang Xuening looked at Li Shuyao next to her with her mouth pouting: "You Believe me or not."

"I believe it, I believe it." Li Shuyao said with a smile.

"Ha, you don't believe me, do you?" Fang Xuening pinched her waist.

Li Shuyao: "..."

The heavens are pitiful, she really believed it, she personally promoted her level, how could she not know?This guy not only has a better physique, but also has better gastrointestinal function.

She decided to upgrade some genes again tonight, otherwise it would be bad if the food intake suddenly increased and she gained weight in the future.

In any case, this product has to rely on its sound and appearance to make a living.

Not a while after Jingyi left, the downstairs doorbell rang. Fang Xuening, who was playing with her mobile phone, stood up suddenly, and ran out: "Hahaha, my delivery is here."

Li Shuyao was worried that something might happen to this guy's body, so he walked over with him.

When I arrived at the door, I saw the courier pushing a small cart directly, and there were a bunch of express boxes, large and small, on the small cart.

"I'll go, how much did you buy?" Li Shuyao opened his mouth.

"Hey, it's not much, I just bought some of the book that was sold, and I bought some more if I think it's not bad." Fang Xuening said with a chuckle: "I asked the post station to collect all the books. Send it to me together, I guess it should be sent today."

Li Shuyao helped Fang Xuening move everything in, then returned the car to the courier, scratched her head and asked, "Wait a minute, which book did you say you sold? What do you mean?"

"Oh, it's the novel I'm chasing. I'll support the one that the author brought." Fang Xuening flipped through her courier with a little excitement, and then wondered which one she should dismantle first.

"Is the author of the novel you read broadcast live?" Li Shuyao was taken aback for a moment.

"No." Fang Xuening shook his head and took out his phone: "Short oil, it's the goods in the book. On a certain app, there is a shopping cart behind the newly updated chapters of this book, and you can buy the goods in it. s product."

"Huh? There is such an operation?" Li Shuyao was stunned by this operation.

Li Shuyao looked at the chapter that Fang Xuening opened. In fact, it was also a normal chapter, that's right. The protagonist wanted to drink Bingkuoluo in all kinds of coquettish and cute ways. After getting it, everyone drank Bingkuoluo comfortably... ...Looks very interesting, and then I turned to the end of the chapter, and when I opened the shopping cart, there was Coke in it...

"Ah, this..." Li Shuyao blinked, what else could she do?
"And this chapter, I like this chapter the most." Fang Xuening flipped back again.

Li Shuyao continued to read, Fang Xuening continued to unpack the package.

This chapter is actually very simple. It tells the story of the protagonist leading his friends out for a picnic, then playing various games and eating various delicacies on the grass. In the end, the two friends of the protagonist collided with a small spark of love. .

This chapter is easy for people to see, the corners of the mouth are raised. Although it is said that the protagonist ate a mouthful of dog food at the end, the impression is still very good.

In the end, all kinds of picnic equipment were naturally hung in the shopping cart, as well as the chocolates that the last two friends gave each other.

"I... um..." Li Shuyao just opened her mouth when Fang Xuening stuffed her with a piece of chocolate.

"Haha, how about it, it tastes pretty good." Fang Xuening said while chewing a piece of chocolate, "I wanted to eat it when I saw it."

"What, what is this? Is this a peripheral or a delivery?" Li Shuyao said looking at this with a bit of a smile.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter what it is, anyway, we enjoy watching it, and then we can buy it if we want." Fang Xuening shrugged.

Li Shuyao scratched her head. She really didn't expect that the online novels in this world had already developed to the point where they started selling goods: "Not many people read your novel, so you can sell it?"

"Yes." Fang Xuening said as a matter of course: "He is not advertising, and the merchants don't need to pay him advertising fees. He just hangs this shopping link behind his novels. Once he sells an order, the merchants will I will give you a commission for closing an order, and if you can’t sell a single order, then you won’t have a penny.”

"Oh..." Li Shuyao nodded thoughtfully: "That is to say, in fact, this author is equivalent to being a salesman with no basic salary, and he gets paid entirely by commission."

"That's right, it doesn't matter to the merchant. If you hang up, it's like promoting me. I'll give you money if you can sell it. It's an extra sales channel." Fang Xuening shrugged: "Now Isn’t there a lot of up masters who specialize in bringing goods in a certain sound, they don’t have any video content, they just sell goods, this is to write a good chapter of a novel based on these goods.”

"This is a modern novel, what about those ancient novels? They can't really sell flying swords, fighting qi cheats or something." Li Shuyao spread her hands.

"Actually, those particularly popular books don't have to worry about what to sell, they even have to choose merchants. Merchants will pay extra advertising fees to find them, just like now that merchants are looking for you to sell goods, they also have to pay you advertising fees of."

Fang Xuening said:
"As for other types of fact, there are always angles, such as food and drink, even if it's fantasy, you still have to eat, even if it's a historical novel, it's easy to sell some court cakes for you. "

"Also, everyone is basically time-traveling novels. It's very simple for the time-travelers to come up with some modern things. It's really impossible to make a memory, right? It's normal to recall the past and bring something along the way."

"Won't readers think this is too commercial?" Li Shuyao asked.

"Some people think this way, but everyone thinks it's okay. If more authors can make money from writing, there will be more high-quality works. Besides, a novel is so long and so long. It doesn't matter how many chapters you bring along, it won't affect the overall senses." Fang Xuening spread her hands: "Don't just start from the beginning to the end, that will be rejected by everyone."

 The past two days have been extremely busy, the students are graduating, the holidays are coming, there are many things to do... I didn't watch the RNG game yesterday, I just watched the last game, and I almost missed it...

  Let's update it in two days.

(End of this chapter)

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