Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 485 New Song Warming Up

Chapter 485 New Song Warming Up
Li Shuyao exited the reading page with her mobile phone, and then found that there was a shopping cart link under the book introduction page, clicked on it and took a look, all the products of this book can be found here.

In other words, if you are following the update, every time you read the latest chapter, you can click on all the product pages to buy.

"However, there is a threshold for this. Only those who have published more than 20 VIP chapters and have more than 1 fans can apply. Therefore, it is impossible to directly open a book and put it here to sell things directly. Then It has become a pure selling platform.”

Fang Xuening said with a smile:

"If you say that there are authors who start selling bad things after meeting the requirements, but such sales are generally not very good, and readers are not stupid. If you are an eunuch, who will continue to read it? In fact, it is still the same. Your novel If it is exciting enough, enough people can see it, and the traffic is high enough, the sales will be good."

Li Shuyao nodded, yes, novels and short videos are still different. If you post short videos, people can always find them, and even strangers can find them. Simple, simple and rude, you can earn as much as you find the rules.

But novels are not so good. No one buys novels without traffic. After all, this stuff is actually an extra income for authors, but if you lose yourself because of this, you don’t pay attention to novels. Quality starts to bring goods every day...

Then readers may abandon the book.

Without a reader base, let alone bringing goods, you may not be able to write novels.

It's like in the era when the video industry was just emerging, the up owners with traffic were crazy about advertising and carrying goods, and if they didn't polish their video quality and check the quality of their products, they would only be abandoned by the audience in the end.

"It's hard to say whether this thing is good or bad, and there may be a lot of criticism." Li Shuyao said with a smile: "But it should be good if we can really give some support to those authors who are more difficult."

"In this era, traffic is wealth, and there are many ways to monetize traffic, as long as you don't cheat others and do what you should do well." Fang Xuening breathed a sigh of relief, watching the things smashed all over the floor He slammed his mouth: "Look, many of our RVs have everything in place, hehe, it's not bad."

"It's okay." Li Shuyao smiled.

She just paid attention to it. The novel that Fang Xuening was reading had a relatively low traffic volume. Perhaps because of this reason, the products on the shelves here are basically relatively low in price.

The most expensive items are tents and grills.

But it's only a few hundred yuan, and there are no ones that break a thousand yuan.

More of the kind of gadgets that cost three to five yuan, ten yuan and 20 yuan.

Li Shuyao estimated that after the opening of this system, the proportion of writing modern novels should increase a lot, mainly because writing in this way will make it easier to sell.

I picked up a bottle of peach-flavored juice and drank a couple of sips. It tasted pretty good, and it still had pulp.

From this point of view, in fact, the merchant has found a sales outlet, or found a group of salesmen who only get a commission and have their own large or small traffic.

We don’t know whether it’s a loss or a gain. Anyway, if someone buys and consumes, it shouldn’t be too much of a loss.

Li Shuyao smiled. Anyway, she didn't have this thing in her previous world, and she doesn't know much about the development of this industry. Maybe it's just an attempt of this world's novel website. Can it last as long as a short video website? Certainly.

After Fang Xuening sorted these things away, Li Shuyao began to prepare her own things, rested and played, and played.

She's about to release a new song.

Lu Yao went to prepare for this early in the morning. Taking advantage of the enthusiasm, he began to promote the release of a new song.

The last time Li Shuyao released a new song dates back to the end of MSI, and the song "Hibernation" really made many people cry.

The faded that Fang Xuening posted before was actually a collaboration between the two of them, but it was mainly sung by Fang Xuening.

Therefore, the listeners who were madly released by Li Shuyao a while ago for Yang Diao's taste will obviously not be satisfied with her just participating in harmony and production.

Li Shuyao naturally leaned on the lazy sofa on the balcony on the second floor, basking in the afternoon sun, while taking out her phone to look at it...

Well, it's a bit reflective... But it's okay, she has good eyes!
Uh, anyway, the light of the mobile phone is adaptive. At this time, the mobile phone has already turned on the light to the maximum in a very sensible way.

Li Shuyao opened her account at Station B, and there was a new post on it, as usual, there was a paragraph with a picture in the post:
"The battle in the dark night is to regain the light."

The picture below was drawn by Li Shuyao herself. It is a teenager walking in the thorns and darkness. She stretched out her hand hard, chasing the light above her head.

And on her body are numerous scars, and the tattered clothes can vaguely see the style of the Summoner's trophy depicted on it, which seems to prove that she was once watching.

Surrounded by various weapons protruding from the darkness, it can be seen that this is the hero's weapon used by the opponent when the lpl division team crashed in the final finals in S10 last year.

There are still some incomplete weapons under the feet. It can be seen that they are the weapons used by the opponent when CR won the MSI.

There is also a summoner's trophy hidden in the light ahead.

There are a lot of careful thoughts in this painting, but generally speaking, there is not much hidden, and it is easy to see.

And in this picture there are two lines of small characters:

"At 9:12 on September 0th, I will meet you in the nursery rhyme live broadcast room in the book."

"Cheer for the S11 League of Legends Global Finals in the lpl division."

This post has been posted for a long time, and there are more than 2000 comments below:
"Congratulations for the spring and summer double championships, looking forward to the performance in the S game, and looking forward to the new song."

"This song is full of combat power at first sight."

"Finally a new song, my God."

"Fight for light!"

"Looking forward to the new song, Yaoyao, come on!"

"When will it be live, when will it be live, when will it be live!"

"In the past two days, Xue'er didn't live broadcast, Yaoyao didn't live broadcast, Jingyi didn't live broadcast, I don't even know what they are doing!"

"Finally there is movement. There has been no movement for so many days after winning the championship!"

"You know how I've been here for the past few months!"

"Come back to the live broadcast, all the flowers I've been waiting for are gone."


After Li Shuyao won the championship, there has been no movement in the past few days, but everyone can understand that after all, he has just finished the game, and there is some kind of expedition ceremony tomorrow.

Seeing that so many people wanted her to go back to the live broadcast, she decided to respond to these people and come back to start the live broadcast after the expedition ceremony is finished tomorrow.

Hi, I am really a fan.

After seeing everyone praising her or urging her to live broadcast or update, Li Shuyao turned off her phone in satisfaction and threw it aside.

Sure enough, sometimes people just want to accept some compliments, and being praised by others will make them feel much better.

Looking out of the window with her head in her arms, Li Shuyao let out a soft breath. Sure enough, her eyes were a little sore when looking at her mobile phone under such a bright sun. From now on, it seems that it is more comfortable to sleep here.

Thinking of this, she gently closed her eyes, the feeling of psychological joy and physical relaxation is really intoxicating.

 Come on RNG, today is the final!

  I haven't slept well these two days, and I'm always a little tired.

  Well, an update today.

(End of this chapter)

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