Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 486 New Song Released

Chapter 486 New Song Released
The next day was the bubbling match, which was the last day of the S11 qualifying match. Li Shuyao returned to the base, put on the team uniform and prepared to participate in the departure ceremony after the bubbling match with everyone.

Because CR made it to the finals at MSI, lpl won the fourth spot in the S tournament. The first and second seeds were taken away by CR and FSG, and the remaining two must be obtained through the qualifying round.

Today is the competition for the fourth seed, and one team is destined to leave the field sadly.

But these have little to do with Li Shuyao, they are opponents in LPL, and they are actually opponents in the World Championships. They really won't meet in the group stage, but the probability of encountering them in the knockout stage is very high.

In addition to blood and struggle on the field, there are cruelty and parting.

In the end, the four teams of CR, FSG, LIG, and NK won the tickets to enter the World Championship. Li Shuyao also felt a little proud when he stood in the middle of the field wearing Conqueror.

Anyway, we have finally come to this last stop, um... Take a good rest first, and then work hard to win the last battle, and then you will be liberated!

Uh, the host spoke impassionedly on the stage, and I don't know what he would think if he knew that Li Shuyao's only thought was to retire after finishing the World Championship.

After the expedition ceremony was over, Li Shuyao went home directly. This time, there was still about half a month of rest time, mainly because the competition was at home, and there was no need to prepare passports in advance, so it was not bad.

If it weren't for the fact that they had to go back in advance to train and prepare for the game, they might have had a longer vacation.

After all, they didn't need to play in the play-in round, they started directly from the group stage.

Tantai Jingyi still returned to the base, and there were still some advertisements to be filmed. In fact, when Li Shuyao returned to the base today, she was also dragged to shoot some posters.

After returning home to relax for a night, Li Shuyao started the live broadcast the next day. In fact, the operation of station B has been confirming the time of her live broadcast with Lu Yao in the past two days.

After Li Shuyao's live broadcast was confirmed today, the big banner on the homepage was pulled up, and even a small trending search was made, and those e-sports self-media also forwarded the announcement one after another.

Anyway, if nothing else, the traffic will be full for you first.

Li Shuyao also felt a little bit emotional, she is actually not a particularly popular star, compared with those big stars who can always occupy the top few hot searches for several days, she is still far behind.

But even so, when she wanted to do something, traffic came to her door.

Sure enough, sometimes you are framed here, unless you want to retire, otherwise you will represent the interests of many people, and these people will push you forward.

Maybe if there is a big problem, it will be picked up and hyped up and a wave of traffic will divert attention...

Fortunately, Li Shuyao's head is not that big, and it can't reach the point of being picked up by others to divert their attention.

No matter how wildly she thinks about herself, she still started the live broadcast that night as promised. Her life is pretty good now, and nothing has happened to annoy her, so she still has to make money. If she can make money while giving others Bringing happiness, she thinks it's pretty good.

This day's live broadcast was naturally very popular, and Li Shuyao didn't do anything, just broadcast the League of Legends honestly.

At present, this professional player is still right, and most of the audience in her live broadcast room are attracted by her consecutive spring and summer championships, so when she is not advertising, she is basically playing the league during this time.

Besides, there haven't been any interesting stand-alone masterpieces recently, so wait until it comes out.

After a few days of live streaming, the popularity has gradually stabilized. Although it is not as popular as the first two days, the popularity is not low.

In the past few days, in addition to the live broadcast alliance, there is also an advertisement for a mobile game... The main reason is that the manufacturer of the mobile game is also generous, and now all major live broadcast rooms are advertising this mobile game, which costs a lot Sprinkle a generous amount.

Li Shuyao tried to recharge the value, good guy, 100 yuan is thrown in without even a little splash... This kind of mobile game can only be understood, and she also recommends that if you want to play, you can download it and try it. But you must spend rationally.

September 9th is a Saturday, and Li Shuyao is also planning to release a new song at 11:12 tonight, which is the 9:12 on September [-]th as mentioned in the trailer, but she can't really start broadcasting at midnight.

There are still some games to be broadcast ahead, and new songs will be released after 12 o'clock.

In the previous world, Li Shuyao liked this song when it first came out, but it was not that popular at that time, and it was only relatively topical in the League of Legends circle.

But as time passed, the popularity of this song began to soar wildly in a short period of time, even to the point where 10 out of 6 videos used this song as the BGM.

Anyway, reaching this level will definitely arouse some people's disgust. After all, no matter how good this thing sounds, it can't stand listening to it all the time.

Moreover, the result of the large-scale spread is that many children like this song. It may also be that the concept of this song is relatively good, so it is liked by many parents and schools, so many people feel that listening to this song is also similar to the song. Children are the same.

Li Shuyao felt that it was completely unnecessary. It was actually quite good that this song could be liked by children. There was nothing wrong with making them pay attention to those unsung heroes from an early age.

If in this world, this song can also become a song that children like, she feels that she is quite successful.

That's right, the song she is going to release this time is the Chinese theme song for "The Battle of Two Cities" - Lonely Brave.

Apart from other things, the quality of animation series created by Riot official for so many years is really strong, and she thinks this song is more about describing Silko, those who are full of crimes but want to break the authority and let the townspeople A man with a straight chest.

Silko hated Van der's compromise, but when he took this position, he had to compromise because of certain things.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Li Shuyao stopped playing the game, leaned slightly on the chair and looked at the camera and said:

"Different people will have different perceptions of a song. Maybe the author wrote this song for this reason, but the audience hears different meanings."

"Because each of us has different experiences and perceptions, and naturally reacts differently when we look at something. The same is true for songs. Everyone will have their own different perceptions."

"Today's song is a bit different from previous songs. Strictly speaking, this song is not for me, but for whom. I believe that after listening to it, everyone will have their own answer in their hearts. .”

"I hope this song can give more encouragement to many, many people who are not standing in the glory. Don't give up because of the gloom at this time. As long as you have a dream, don't give up. Whoever said ordinary people are not heroes, who said standing Those who live in the dark are not heroes, and whoever says they are in rags is not a hero.”

"In our society, everyone can be a hero. When you decide to help others, you are a hero at that moment."

"It's almost time, so I will give you a song called The Lonely Brave, I hope you will like it."

 RNG won the championship, haha, MSI triple crown, hahaha, congratulations.

(End of this chapter)

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