Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 487 To everyone who struggles outside the light

Chapter 487 is written to everyone struggling outside the light
This is a busy laboratory. Even though it is about 12 o'clock in the morning, everyone still doesn't seem to have any intention of getting off work. Many people are even a little impatient with the barking female anchor on the big screen next to them.

But there is no way, the director ordered to install large screens in all major laboratories of the institute. Every night after 10 o'clock, if everyone does not go back to rest, various online videos will be played, or live broadcasts or something.

Of course, they must have been carefully selected, and they were not released randomly. After all, the videos on the Internet are now good and bad, and some things will affect everyone's mood.

Since Li Shuyao started the live broadcast, the big screen here at night is basically her live broadcast.

I didn't know but I thought the director was a loyal fan of Li Shuyao.

In fact, the purpose of the director, one is to let the striker rest more, not to stay in the laboratory every day, and the other is to have a little contact with the outside world, so as not to get into the laboratory every day and lose touch with the world.

Let’s start, not everyone can accept the sudden game live broadcast. After all, they usually read academic papers. Some people hate games, and some people don’t hate them, but they can’t understand them. ...

On the contrary, everyone likes the singing environment after each live broadcast.

Gradually, everyone started to discuss things about Li Shuyao after work. The most discussed was why such a good singer didn't sing well, and what games he played all day long.

I am very happy about everyone's change of director. According to the research results of the psychoanalyst, everyone's nervousness has been relieved during this period of time.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages. When watching the live broadcast, the efficiency of the experiment is terribly low...

So how to do this in the future needs to be studied again. Although it is better to say that one piece is better, if it affects the experiment, it still needs to be cut off.

Today I still watched Li Shuyao’s live broadcast as usual. Everyone took the live broadcast as the background music while doing experiments. Anyway, after these few days of adjustments, everyone moved some of the more relaxed experiments to the evening, and those that require absolute concentration are all here. The live stream ended before it started.

At first, everyone didn't pay much attention. After hearing what Li Shuyao said, many people gradually put down the experiments in their hands and turned to look at the big screen.

To say these few words is actually a bit different from Li Shuyao's usual live broadcast style. She is usually technical and funny, but suddenly saying this today made everyone somewhat uncomfortable.

Especially these words...

They were somewhat touched, and when Li Shuyao announced the release of a new song, more people stopped their experiments and wanted to hear what her new song was like.

After listening to the song every time, they will feel that they are more focused on doing experiments.

The strings of melody seemed to come from afar, and the previous part seemed a little low. Everyone nodded along with Li Shuyao's singing, and when they heard "Who said that a person covered in mud is not a hero", they felt like Several people listened to the experiment and turned to look at Li Shuyao on the screen in surprise.

The melody became more and more exciting, and when the line: "Who says a hero stands in the light." was sung, many people felt their brains buzzing suddenly.

More and more people stopped the experiments in their hands, turned their heads to look at the girl singing on the screen, and the intense melody seemed to hit their hearts.

Their research institutes are unknown, and their research will not be published. Their biggest research project has not yet achieved results. It may take ten or 20 years of continuous research to succeed. It is not yet visible. any hope.

But even if it is successful, can the results of the research be made public?
For a short period of time, it cannot be made public, or even used, and can only be archived.

Their laboratory is like a person walking in the dark night, no one pays attention, and they can't even be paid attention to. They are invisible and must be invisible.

Some experimenters remembered the shock and perplexity they felt when they became an official member of the laboratory and learned about the real experimental project here, and also remembered what the director said at that time:

"Someone has to do it, and everyone else is doing it. We have to do it. What we can do is to keep the bottom line. This bottom line is not easy to keep, because having this bottom line will slow down our research process infinitely, but I still insist on science. There must be a bottom line.”

"Others have it, we can't do without it, I might be a little slower, but we can't stop doing it, we may never use it, but having it or not are two concepts."

"And our research can eliminate many existing terminal diseases, making cancer no longer a nightmare for ordinary people."

"We are the longest-surviving civilization in the world. The reason why we can survive is not only because of the heroes who threw their heads and blood, but also because of countless people who silently contributed on the other side."

"There is no famous history here, no attention, and there may even be a bad reputation for thousands of years. Maybe we will be full of infamy, but in order for our civilization to survive, then someone needs to do it!"

Several experimenters looked at the white coats on their bodies... Maybe they were no longer white coats, not to mention the colors of red and black, and some had holes and missing corners.

It's not that they don't have new clothes, it's just that they often forget to change them.

Those who can pass the previous tests may not be the best scientists, but they must be the most lonely experimenters.

At that time, everyone was able to endure loneliness, and being able to endure loneliness did not mean that there was no wave of loneliness in their hearts.

They also long for someone to understand them.

When they came here, they got rid of the arrogance in their hearts and chose to lower their heads, but when they heard this song, they still couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

They knew that Li Shuyao didn't sing this song for them, but she also said before, who is this song for, after listening to it, everyone will naturally have the answer in their hearts.

When the song gradually came to an end, they roughly had the answer in their hearts.

Although it was only the first time I heard it, as long as almost all the researchers in the entire institute stopped their research and listened carefully, you will know that this song touched them.

Sun Xiaoming looked at the scene in the laboratory in shock. This was the first time he had seen everyone stop to look at the big screen.

He understands that although everyone is willing to do experiments here, although everyone has given up those fame and fortune and chose to give silently, it doesn't mean that they don't have pride in their hearts.

On the contrary, those who are willing to bury their pride in their hearts are extremely proud people. They say that they don't need other people's approval, as long as they do the right thing.

But how can there be someone in this world who doesn't need the approval of others at all.

Even a poet who has returned to the countryside will write a few poems to let future generations know his noble character, let alone those who are carrying a burden.

Every sentence in this word seems to have nothing to do with them, but it seems that every sentence is talking about them.

If we say who this song is written for, then it should be written for everyone struggling outside the light...

 In fact, I wanted to write Gu Yongzhe for a long time, but I didn't expect this song to become more and more popular, and it has reached the trend of flooding...

  The first time I wanted to write this research institute was to match this song... When I first wrote the research institute, it was the time when I wanted to write about the lonely brave.

  I hesitated in the middle, the song "Lonely Brave" actually had a lot of stories this year, so I was wondering whether I should write it or not.

  Later, I thought, this song is very good and sounds good, why give up this song for those things, so I wrote it.

  Just in time for RNG to win the championship, this time the championship is also full of ups and downs...

  It can be regarded as dedicated to RNG.

  LPL's fourth MSI champion!

(End of this chapter)

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