Chapter 492
Li Shuyao was driving the car in front, and Jiang Quan held Liu Mengxi in his arms at the back, silently feeling each other's warmth.

Through the rearview mirror, Li Shuyao could see that Liu Mengxi hugged Jiang Quan very hard, as if he took this time as his last hug, but Jiang Quan didn't dare to use too much force, because Liu Mengxi was too weak now.

Neither of them said that Liu Mengxi hadn't eaten since the last time he fainted, and was always infused with nutrient solution.

The doctor advised Liu Mengxi to start treatment immediately, but in fact, everyone knows that at this point, the chance of her being saved is almost zero.

She has already endured the pain, and she doesn't want to suffer any more. She doesn't want to cut off all her hair. She wants to save her most beautiful side until the last moment.

She is very nostalgic for the feeling of this moment, surrounded by the person she loves most, and her favorite up owner is driving in front, taking her to fulfill her last wish.

If all of this can be done, then she will die without regret.

However, there are obviously many, many regrets...

I can't think about those anymore, and I can't help but think about them... Since it's my last wish, let's use all my strength to fulfill it.

Regarding leaving, Liu Mengxi thought a lot, and even thought about secretly disposing of all the paintings that Jiang Quan drew, so that Jiang Quan could find his future happiness without any burden.

But after thinking about it for a few times, she realized that she still couldn't be so magnanimous. She admitted that she was a little selfish and wanted to make her life as perfect as possible...

Then let Jiang Quan handle it by himself, his future girlfriend will never be jealous of her who is dead.

She doesn't want to do things on her own, let it be, she is going to die, so be free.

In her mind, she recalled the bits and pieces she had spent with Jiang Quan during this period of time, and when her parents learned about these things...


Liu Mengxi closed her eyes gently, if she left at this time, maybe it would be a beautiful life, at least, she left at the most beautiful time.

Li Shuyao slowly drove the car into the garage, and looked back at the two people who looked reluctant...

Inexplicably, she felt as if she wanted to drag these two people to the execution ground.

There was another car following them, which were Liu Mengxi's parents. They didn't object to the child's last wish. Instead, they were very grateful to Li Shuyao for fulfilling her wish, so they came together after being discharged from the hospital.

"Come on, let's take a rest, and then we can start shooting." Li Shuyao turned her head to look at the two people in the back seat.

"It's okay, no need to rest, I'm ready." Liu Mengxi took a deep breath and got out of the car directly. At this moment, she didn't seem like a patient.

Jiang Quan hurriedly jumped down from the other side, then ran to support Liu Mengxi.

Liu Mengxi smiled sweetly at Jiang Quan, and then came to this room that she had seen many times in the video before for the first time...

After everyone came in together, Fang Xuening and Tantai Jingyi were both there, their eyes were red, and it seemed that during the period when Li Shuyao went to pick him up, the two of them were often thinking about this matter...

Right now, everyone in the audience, including Li Shuyao, is in a pretty good mood.

Because when she was helping Liu Mengxi to get into the car just now, she first helped to heal her a little, and after outputting a wave of energy, her condition should have improved a lot.

Li Shuyao found out that Liu Mengxi was really seriously ill. She just helped with a little treatment and consumed a lot of energy.

She reckoned that she had sent in all the energy she had accumulated before, and there was no way she could cure Liu Mengxi completely, at most to about three-quarters, to ensure that she would not die...

Li Shuyao also thought about it. After all, she still has to go back to the hospital. It might be a bit scary if she recovers immediately. If her wrong gene expression is reversed, she can gradually recover by herself in the future.

Li Shuyao even felt that a lot of energy had been replenished to Liu Mengxi's empty body, otherwise she would not be in such a good state to stand up now.

Seeing Tantai Jingyi and Fang Xuening supporting Liu Mengxi from left to right as if they were holding a rare treasure, Li Shuyao also sighed a little.

She never thought that one day she would save a person's life like this. Speaking of it, there is a risk of exposure, but such a friend stands in front of you, and you have the ability to save it, how could you not save it? .

Besides, even if she comes to my house to record a video together, she won't be cured immediately, but it will take a while to recuperate from a dilapidated situation to a better situation.

Li Shuyao reckoned that he would output another wave later and pour in as much energy as possible, so that he should be able to safely rescue her.

"Yaoyao, thank you." Liu Mengxi's father said.

"Thank you...thank you..." Liu Mengxi's mother covered her mouth with tears streaming down her face.

"It's okay, we're friends."

Entering the piano room, Liu Mengxi's footsteps suddenly slowed down. She carefully touched every musical instrument placed in the piano room. At this moment, her eyes were infinitely gentle...

She walked to the violin and turned to look at Li Shuyao.

Li Shuyao nodded with a smile, then walked to the front of the piano.

After receiving Li Shuyao's affirmation, she picked up the violin, checked it, and began to tune it seriously.

In fact, there is nothing to adjust. Li Shuyao often uses the violin, but as her "last" performance, she has to finish every link seriously.

Soon, the melody of hibernation sounded in Liu Mengxi's hands.

Although there are many good songs, this one touched her the most... Perhaps, she will fall asleep forever before this winter.

Liu Mengxi was auditioning, but Li Shuyao's piano sound naturally joined in at a certain point.

The two collaborated for the first time, but they seemed to fit perfectly. In other words, Liu Mengxi found that no matter what she played, Li Shuyao could follow along.

Liu Mengxi admired in her heart, this is really amazing.

Gradually, she seemed to have forgotten her illness and her imminent death, and devoted herself wholeheartedly to music.

Fang Xuening and Jiang Quan also set up their cameras.

Fang Xuening was going to record all of this, and Jiang Quan was going to find his favorite photo, and then draw this moment.

This is Liu Mengxi's wish, she wants to use this painting as her portrait.

Perhaps music really has the magic power to pull people's minds. In the melody, everyone gradually became intoxicated. Even Liu Mengxi started to play some of her most proficient pieces of music, and Li Shuyao followed naturally.

After Li Shuyao came to this world, she also studied some classic songs of this world, so she also quickly switched to it when Liu Mengxi played.

Originally it was just Liu Mengxi's sound audition, but the two gradually became better, as if two elves chasing each other in the ocean of music, spreading the moving melody to every corner of the room to their heart's content.

At this moment, Liu Mengxi seemed to be burning her own candle to the fullest. She stood in front of the piano and pulled the bow vigorously. She closed her eyes and was intoxicated by the music.

At this moment, Li Shuyao gave her the feeling that please play to your heart's content, and show your talent in the music to your heart's content, no matter what kind of music you play, I can make it into the most perfect harmony.

Heartbroken Liu Mengxi felt that she had completed some inexplicable transformation at this moment.

She felt that her music was gradually getting rid of some constraints, like a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon, gradually spreading its wings.

 Now my daily routine is to get up early every day, hold meetings, sign, hold meetings, sign, and make forms...


  Today's update

(End of this chapter)

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