Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 493 You Can Die

Chapter 493 You Can Die

In the past, Liu Mengxi never played like this. Whether it was when she was in school or after graduation, she would mostly play along with the music score. Even though she was very familiar with the music, she still couldn't get out of that framework.

But now, she no longer cares about the score or framework, no matter what the rules are, no matter what the requirements are, she just wants to play according to her own heart.

No matter what kind of melody, if it is grafted at will in her hands, it will be a little jerky at first, but gradually it will become smooth and tactful.

It's as if a martial arts practitioner has opened up the two lines of Ren and Du. When she thinks that she is about to face death and that this is the last performance in her life, she completely lets herself go.

Beads of sweat gradually ooze from her forehead. Although Li Shuyao has treated her just now, it is not completely cured, and even if she is cured, she is too weak now.

So after playing continuously for more than 20 minutes, she began to feel a little tired.

But she didn't seem to feel any weakness. Her movements were very large, and she kept swaying her body along with the melody. She also chose some very intense melodies in the improvised melody, so she needed to use more force. to keep up with the rhythm.

The three people next to her couldn't help crying when they saw Liu Mengxi who was playing hard at the moment. From their point of view, Liu Mengxi had burned her entire life for the final performance, which was her swan song.

So Liu Mengxi gritted his teeth and insisted, Jiang Quan couldn't make a sound with tears streaming down his face, he could only open his mouth wide and breathe hard, but he didn't dare to turn around, for fear of missing the scene at this time, he couldn't really draw her charm .

Li Shuyao did not interrupt Liu Mengxi, although she knew that Liu Mengxi would not die, but keeping her in the emotion at this moment was very helpful for her musical journey.

Many famous writers, musicians, and painters who have gone down in history have relatively tragic experiences, and those experiences allow them to create the most moving works of art.

There is nothing more frightening than death. The so-called life is worse than death, but it is still the feeling of the living. No one tells us what it feels like to die.

The unknown is the most frightening.

Faced with such fears, different people will have different choices, and artists will always transform these fears into various emotions, and then integrate their own understanding of the world into their works, thus creating a a cultural treasure.

After the tempering of time, it is the scientific level that continues to improve, and it is those art classics that represent a civilization.

It is said that art classics are too far away from these young people, but it is hard to say whether Liu Mengxi's feelings this time will make her break through.

After more time, maybe 30 years later, she will become an artist.

Li Shuyao knows that she cannot become an artist, but she can influence some people to become artists by carrying the excellent works of that world.

Art always needs to be accumulated little by little. Except for a few perverted geniuses, I have never heard of anyone who became an artist at a young age. If so, it was either hyped up or experienced too much pain.

In Liu Mengxi's music, Li Shuyao heard her nostalgia for the beautiful world, her accusation of unfair fate, and her openness to the short life...

People's moods are always complicated. At this moment, she is showing her "last" willfulness to her heart's content, and even gradually no longer sticks to the existing tunes, and starts to play according to her heart.

This is the process of composing music.

Li Shuyao could feel that Liu Mengxi's mood was stirring. Under such circumstances, music symbols would continuously jump out of her mind.

Creators are all like this. When inspiration erupts, it really seems to have snatched a classic from the hands of God. The feeling of creating something from scratch is really amazing.

This time, he played willfully for half an hour. After a burst of passionate tunes, he returned to peace and relief. Since death is inevitable, let's face it calmly.

Li Shuyao looked at Fang Xuening helplessly, this guy has made some achievements in music, she can almost understand the emotions Liu Mengxi wants to express, so this guy is basically the one who cries the most.

Worse than Jiang Quan and Liu Mengxi's mother crying next to her...

Tantai Jingyi must have been brought to this point by the atmosphere, and then those who were infected also shed tears. However, she was not as excited as Fang Xuening, but she was a little moved and regretful.

The only person in the audience who didn't have any ups and downs was probably Li Shuyao.

Now that she has been rescued by others, those who don't smile are already taking care of the mood of the scene, and it is impossible to make her cry. She is not an actress, and she doesn't know how to design those plots...

Tsk tsk, I almost sang it.

But she also closed her eyes very cunningly, as if she was moving with the music, as if she was also intoxicated in the music.

In fact, she was a little lucky, glad that she could really save her, otherwise she would cry like Fang Xuening here.

After she stopped playing, the smile on Liu Mengxi's face never stopped. She was very happy. Apart from being happy that she could play together with Li Shuyao, she was also happy that she had finally composed her first piece of music.

Now she has a feeling that she will die every day after hearing Daoxi, and she feels that she finally has no regrets after leaving this piece of music.

She turned her head and looked at Li Shuyao: "Yaoyao, I've changed my mind. I think it's okay to play the Lonely Warrior at the end?"

"Okay." Li Shuyao smiled and stood up: "I will sing, and you will play the piano."

"it is good."

Li Shuyao walked to the microphone, which was prepared before, but she was going to sing hibernation before, but now she changed to sing the lonely brave man.

The score is also ready-made, and all the songs she has produced have scores.

Liu Mengxi walked up to the piano and gently stroked every key of the piano.

The two looked at each other and nodded in unison.

Liu Mengxi began to play heavily.

Although there is only the piano, the momentum is not weak at all. At this moment, Liu Mengxi really seems to be a martyr, exhausting his last strength to make every note full of strength.

At this moment, the song Lonely Brave seems to have returned to its original meaning.

Li Shuyao thought of the lyricist of this song, the one who was teased by fate but never gave up.

Thinking of her, Li Shuyao added some emotional changes to her singing.

Liu Mengxi is the most sensitive at the moment, she has keenly noticed the changes in Li Shuyao, and a feeling of bosom friend arises spontaneously.

If, if there was even the slightest hope of being cured when it was first found out, maybe I would go for the treatment myself...

But nothing if.

She felt that her state at this time was the best in the past month, perhaps it was the legendary flashback.

After returning to the light, they should all die.

So, let me finish this piece at the end.

To die in music may be my last romance in this world.

While playing, Liu Mengxi looked at Jiang Quan, with reluctance and tenderness in his eyes.

Thank you, if there is an afterlife, I would like to be with you forever.

It is enough to have family, you, and music in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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