Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 498 She has to activate her fighting spirit wow!

Chapter 498 She has to activate her fighting spirit wow!

The issue of Li Shuyao's appetite was gradually forgotten by everyone after discussing it for a few days. There are still many interesting things in this world, and there are so many information on the Internet every day. It gradually returned to normal, and everyone put this matter behind them.

For Tantai Jingyi and Fang Xuening, who are not very good at mathematics, it doesn't matter if they eat 3 or 6 servings, they can't eat anyway.

Everyone was shocked that Li Shuyao ate almost 6 servings that day. In the past two days, Li Shuyao basically maintained a serving of 2 to 3 people, and the two of them thought it was okay.

But in the past few days, there have been waves of shock on Liu Mengxi's side. A terminally ill cancer patient miraculously began to develop towards recovery. This is not a miracle.

Now the hospital has set up an expert group to pay special attention to Liu Mengxi's physical condition every day. Everyone was shocked to see those devil-like cancer cells start to turn into normal cells.

It was as if when the dynasty was changing, the rebel army had conquered [-]% of the world, and the capital of the imperial court had been surrounded, and then suddenly the leader of the rebel army surrendered to Qianqian, and all the rebel army became the regular army of the imperial court.

This discovery directly confused a series of experts. The key point is that this is not scientific!
After knowing what Liu Mengxi had done, everyone was even more confused.

I've never heard that playing the piano can cure cancer, isn't this just nonsense.

As a result, the expert team became larger and larger, and a group of people stared at Liu Mengxi's various inspection results with dazed faces. Some people had already started secretly experimenting whether this could be promoted or not.

The point is, it's too unscientific!

In fact, Liu Mengxi was already at an advanced stage when she discovered it, and the probability of being cured was very, very low, so she chose to give up directly and prepare to spend the last days of her life quietly.

When Li Shuyao saw her twice, she was always smiling, but in fact she has been suffering some pain. It can be said that since the diagnosis, she has been enjoying herself in pain.

After a long time, she gradually got used to it, and she could only get a moment of peace after fainting or falling asleep after taking medicine, but she often woke up with pain in her dreams.

So she didn't sleep well all the time.

Speaking of which, the time when Li Shuyao was directly upgraded to forced sleep was the most sound sleep she had in the past year, so that day she slept straight until dawn.

Although the familiar pain still appeared after getting up the next day, it was much lighter than before.

But now, her body is getting better every day, and those pains are also easing a little bit. Every day is a surprise to her. Now she is full of happiness.

She recorded the song improvised at Li Shuyao's house before, and named it "Linyuan", which means that she was standing on the edge of the abyss, and fell into the abyss just one step away.

And after getting better every day, she was ready to start composing new music. She even thought of the name, one called "New Life" and the other called "Expectation".

She thought that she would hand over to Li Shuyao to perform after composing, and she had a hunch that these pieces of music should represent her highest level within a certain period of time.

This kind of music permeated with true feelings is something that can be encountered but not sought after.

If...if she really lives to be seventy and eighty, and then looks back on this past, she will write more levels of music.

She didn't know why she suddenly started to get better. When she thought about it, she started to get better after that performance, so she took it for granted that her new life was because of that performance, because of Li Shuyao.

She has already heard what his father said, anyway, no matter what Li Shuyao asks for in the future, she will do her best to fulfill it!
I don't know that Li Shuyao just jokingly said that she would come to accompany her after she recovers, but how did she pass it on and it turned into...uh, it turned into Jiangzi!
Li Shuyao actually thought that if she made a move, it would definitely cause some people to study Liu Mengxi, and some legends might even spread.

But anyway, I can't find her, she just played with others, if there is, it is the power of music!
There will never be someone who is big enough to think about it in some system, then it's nonsense, you think you are reading a novel here!
Uh... To be honest, there is one person who really thinks about Li Shuyao, that is a certain Ding Jiantuan who just got out of prison... He pleaded guilty on the spot at the time, and did not cause any serious consequences. It was considered burglary and was caught on the spot. See He admitted his mistakes very well, so the sentence was not too severe, and he came out in a few months.

After he came out, he began to collect information related to Li Shuyao.

In addition to the overwhelming news about music and e-sports, he saw someone discussing that he cured cancer by playing with Li Shuyao in the post bar.

In fact, it was Liu Mengxi and Jiang Quan who posted this on the post bar. Naturally, most people didn't believe it, thinking that Jiang Quan was making up a story.

But Captain Ding Jian breathed a sigh of relief...

It seems that what he did has finally worked. Because of the oath, the monster saved someone's life. It seems that he can finally start his new life with complete peace of mind!

Li Shuyao didn't know the series of things that followed, didn't know that Liu Mengxi was composing music crazily, didn't know that the team of experts who studied Liu Mengxi was getting bigger and bigger, and didn't know that Ding Jiantuan, who left her speechless, finally let her go.

Anyway, those things have nothing to do with her. After she is finally fine, her daily routine is to eat and bask in the sun besides the live broadcast...

After finally replenishing a lot of energy, CR also closed the team.

The other teams are still on vacation, but the four teams participating in the World Championship have already closed their teams and started training. After such a long vacation, everyone's hand feeling will somewhat decline, so...

So Li Shuyao crazily beat the top laners of each team in the training match.

She didn't say anything about the decline in hand feeling at all, and when she caught someone else's hand feeling falling, she would beat her up. After thinking that her hand feel was good enough, the fried noodle coach asked Xiao Hui to participate in more training games.

Generally speaking, Li Shuyao still plays more training games, but Chow Mein also has his own ideas.

"During the group stage, I want Xiao Hui to play a few more games, as long as he can qualify, what do you think?" Chao Nian looked at Li Shuyao on the opposite side and said seriously.

"Okay." Li Shuyao nodded with a smile: "How about... I still have the bottom line?"

"No, it's better for you to play two sets first, and then let Xiao Hui play after you win." Chao Nian thought for a while and said, "I will count the points or something."

"Okay, you can decide." Li Shuyao nodded, she didn't care, anyway, she was released after fighting for about a month, and her goal was to help Jingyi get an S crown, and she would not participate in the subsequent things.

What kind of all-stars are there in the future? She doesn't plan to participate.

She has booked her caravan, and she plans to accumulate more energy during this time, and then use it as a mobile power bank when the time comes.

Li Shuyao's gaze was a little bit complicated for Chow Noodles. She was still absolutely focused during the training games during this period, but she was absent-minded as soon as the training was over.

People are usually anxious to get angry if they don't let them play. They are very good, and they have to go to the court to catch fish...

No, no matter what, the World Championship has to activate her fighting spirit!

 I can go out soon, victory is in sight, these two days are counting the days, come on! ~
  An update today.

(End of this chapter)

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