Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 499 Hall of Honor

Chapter 499 Hall of Honor
As for how to activate a player's fighting spirit, Chow Mian thinks he has a lot of experience. Anyway, he is also an experienced coach, and it is still possible to activate a player who is not very active.

For Li Shuyao, he chose three to five methods, and he felt that there was always one that was suitable for Li Shuyao. Aren't they all children, so foolish!

Seeing that the World Championship is getting closer, Fried Noodles decided to start his own action!
Just after the training match, everyone started to rank. Chow Noodles classmate stopped Li Shuyao. Speaking of which, he was actually ready yesterday, but the big guy went to shoot a promotional video yesterday.

It was a hot day to shoot various promotional videos for the World Championship. After returning, one or two of the big guys didn’t have much energy, so he felt that yesterday was not a particularly good time. He was physically exhausted, and he couldn’t cheer up no matter what. .

So he let it go for a day.

Li Shuyao looked at the fried noodles inexplicably, then looked at the others, stood up from her seat and walked to the side of the fried noodles: "Coach, what's wrong?"

"Let's go, I'll take you to see something good." Fried noodles said with a smile.

Li Shuyao: "..."

It's a good thing you didn't say you were going to take me to see a big baby, otherwise I might have just punched him.

Li Shuyao glanced back, the big guys were all yelling and started to rank, but Jing Yi glanced this way, as if she was asking what happened.

Li Shuyao shook her head. She didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in this gourd. If it was about the group stage, it had been agreed two days ago. What else is there to do today?
The two walked out of the base all the way to the first floor of the CR building.

"Here is the newly built Hall of Honor, which is not yet open to the public. Let me show you first." Fried Noodles pointed to the front door and said with a smile.

In fact, this place was suggested to be built when Fried Noodles first arrived. Before that, there were only displays of various trophies and medals. He felt that it was not enough. This could not show everyone’s hard work, so he rebuilt it.

CR executives thought it was good, so they began to rebuild the original hall of honor.

After several months of reconstruction, this place has been completely built, and this place has also become the first step for fried noodles to activate Li Shuyao - a sense of honor!

Li Shuyao walked in following the fried noodles in a bit of bewilderment, pushed open the door, golden rays of light bloomed softly from all directions.

She found that people in e-sports especially like gold, maybe because the fireworks are usually golden when winning the championship, or maybe because the gold medal represents the highest honor.

After walking a few steps forward, the golden light gradually receded and was replaced by a background like a starry sky.

Li Shuyao looked around, and it really looked like an exhibition hall. There were some photos on the wall, and there were some items in the glass showcase below, with text descriptions.

The hall, which was originally wide at first glance, has also been transformed into a long corridor like a picture scroll.

"In 2012, the CR club was established. At that time, there was no lpl. The 5 players were more like an Internet cafe team. The whole club was more like a product of group games. They didn't give much support. Our players even asked Go get sponsors yourself."

Fried Noodles pointed to the photo of the first five people and laughed:
"In the beginning, everything was irregular, the game was irregular, the club was irregular, and even the manager of the club took the players out for drinks..."

"That time, we went to the S2 World Championship, but because the version has been lagging behind foreign countries, and we haven't played many foreign servers, so we have to re-adapt after going there. We are still using the strategy of rebirth."

Fried Noodles said with a smile:
"We lost terribly in S2, and the brother team even played BO8 for 5 hours in a row, and was frantically replayed. At that time, no one looked down on us."

"In 2013, lpl was established, and in that year, the CR team was formally established, and we started to compete in lpl. This road is not easy for us."

"This is a photo of everyone participating in the first German Cup together. At that time, it was really pure joy. Everyone was working hard for victory...and also to share the prize money when they can win."

Fried noodles smiled and shook his head:

"Our wages were really low. The biggest income for us was the bonus after winning the championship. Later, we gradually started to attract more people's attention and more sponsorships."

"Those of us who are called 'bad students' and 'Internet addicts' have finally begun to have our own identity and status, and have our own direction of hard work and a place to store our dreams."

"We are no longer oil bottles and waste wood, we have begun to become objects of worship."

"This photo is the first time we won a cup and took a group photo with fans. It's hard to imagine that people like us have so many fans."

"We failed to enter the finals in S4. It was also from that time that I chose to retire and become an analyst, step by step to the coach I am today."

Fried Noodles looked at a picture of eating with some emotion:

"This is our breakup meal. We failed to enter the World Championships. This meal was the most uncomfortable meal I have ever had. At that time, I made up my mind that even if I can't enter the World Championships again, I will I must lead my team to the World Championship."

Fried Noodles was talking while looking at Li Shuyao, the two of them walked forward all the way, S5, S6, S7, these three years CR has entered the World Championship, but was beaten and bruised again and again, the highest also stopped in the top 8, the LCK team It was as if a huge mountain lay across in front of them.

All the turning points started from S8, but that was also the turning point of the brother teams. S8, S9, S10, MSI champions, and S champions were included in the LPL team one by one.

But the honors that belong to CR are only the champion of the Intercontinental Championship and the semi-finals of the World Championship.

"Those veteran teams have won their own honors, some are MSI champions, and some are S champions. Although many people say that the gold content of MSI is not as high as that of S games, they are also world champions, and it is also the dream of many professional players."

"Last year, CR didn't even make it to the playoffs. Breaking up and reorganizing is easy to say, but I'm afraid only they can understand the sadness of this."

Li Shuyao looked at the photos, there were many influences of Jingyi in them, including her excited waving, her sad silence, and even tears shed on the field.

"This year, to be honest, we took a big gamble. No one would dare to push a player who has never played a game directly to the LPL stage, but Lao Shen and I trust you, and Jing Yi also trusts you. "

Chow Mein laughed and said:

"My original contract with the club was that if I couldn't lead the team to at least the semi-finals of the playoffs, my salary would not be paid for half a year. If I couldn't lead the team to the finals of the playoffs, my salary would only be one-third."

"Facts have proved that we have all succeeded. We have won the spring championship, the MSI championship, and the summer championship. Now, we are only short of the last game."

The two continued to walk forward. Along the way, there were already many pictures of Li Shuyao in it, including her first appearance, first interview, and first cup...

Think about the few lonely people when we first started, and look at the golden rain when holding the cup now, and the cheers of the audience.

The two finally made it to the huge display case that held the trophies.

There are the championship trophies of the spring and summer league, the championship trophy of the Intercontinental Championship, and the championship trophy of MSI. Now there is only one most important championship trophy in the middle.

 In the past two days, we have been working on the graduation of students. Because of the epidemic, many students have not been able to come back, so their luggage has not been packed, which is very troublesome... I have to find someone to help carry the luggage.


  One more today.

(End of this chapter)

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