Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 500 One move is not enough, another move

Chapter 500

"You are different. From the first time I saw you, I felt that you are different. Everything this year has proved that you are different!"

Fried Noodles pointed to the vacant seat and said passionately:

"No one has ever been able to win the league championship all the way in the primary field, no one has ever been able to directly score the regular season MVP in the first season of the game, and no one has been able to win consecutively in the first season. Win the spring championship, the MSI championship, and the summer championship."

"But you did it!"

"Your online suppression and control in team battles are unprecedented. Whether you admit it or not, you are now the number one top laner in the world."

"Now, look at this empty seat, don't you want to put the summoner's trophy here yourself!"

Li Shuyao was also a little emotional when she looked at the empty table in the key point. I have to say that after watching this journey, she was somewhat full of thoughts.

Although the path of e-sports in this world is somewhat different from that in that world, there are also many similarities, the same difficult start, and the same group of people who are not expected to get together.

It can be said that e-sports has saved many children, and also allowed those children who like to play games to have their own paths. Just like what fried noodles said, e-sports has given many children an additional path and a dream.

These two worlds also have a lot of the same things, the same early bullying, the same strong LCK.

But after the alliance of LPL, and after generations of e-sports players began to walk on the road of regulation, the soil of LPL will glow with powerful strength.

Now LPL is strong, and has won two S champions. Although it is less than LCK, in the World Championships, LPL teams have defeated LCK teams many times.

Last year's defeat disappointed many people, and this year, the S crown must be brought back no matter what.

Listening to the fried noodles' generous speech, Li Shuyao nodded along with a serious face.

Yes, she thought so too!

She is bound to win this year's S crown!
While talking, Fried Noodle secretly looked at Li Shuyao's expression, then nodded in satisfaction, and secretly gave himself a thumbs up in his heart!

Although blowing is a bit blowing, but blowing is not so excessive.

He is so witty, he awakened Li Shuyao's fighting spirit with honor!

He felt that Li Shuyao's strength was sufficient and her self-confidence was sufficient, but after the summer split, her fighting spirit and training volume decreased.

Although I don't know why she has less training, but her strength is still so strong, maybe she is at her peak now.

Li Shuyao is now able to crazily beat the top laners of other teams in the training match, not only the LPL itself, but also those foreign teams that have already been photographed. Basically, they have beaten the top laners of the teams participating in this World Championship...

Chow Mein is happy but at the same time afraid that she will become slack because of the loneliness of the master, and thus lose the game due to carelessness on the field.

Now it seems that the effect is still good!
Satisfied with the fried noodles, he returned to the training room. In his imagination, after he walked with her for such a period of time, she must have pumped up her spirits and started to rank crazily.

Among other things, it is not too much to say that the national server is the first. Now everyone is playing the national server, and the foreign teams that came to participate in the S game are also playing the national server.


He just watched Li Shuyao walk back to his seat, spread out there, and then he was thinking about something with a happy face...

The chow mein was a pat of the thigh.

Bad, is it because the pie I drew for her is too big, and she has already started to fantasize about what will happen after winning the championship?
This is not possible, the play-in competition has not yet started, and there is nothing to see now, why do you start to fantasize about winning the championship, if this suddenly starts to float, it will be a bad idea!

Back in the day, a few LPL teams entered the World Championship with arrogance, and even before they entered, they started live broadcasting about which skin to choose. As a result, they were beaten violently in the group stage, and even lost to the wild card division. Did not go in.

There have been several precedents of lpl failing because of underestimating the enemy, and Fried Noodles must not let such a thing happen to their own team!

That's it for today, tomorrow I must reverse Li Shuyao's psychology!

Come on, fried noodles, you can do it!

After Chow Noodles cheered him up, he left under Shi Qiulian's strange gaze.

Shi Qiulian looked at the fried noodles, then at Li Shuyao, who was in a daze and started to hit rank, and smiled thoughtfully.

The next day, after the training match.

"Ahem, that, Yaoyao, come here."

Fried Noodles stood where it was yesterday again, beckoning to Li Shuyao.

Li Shuyao scratched her head in puzzlement, today's training match was played by Xiaohui, what can she do with her.

Tantai Jingyi also looked at these two people wonderingly...

"You said, what does the coach do with Brother Yao every day?" Xiao Hui asked with some doubts.

"I don't know, maybe there is some secret tactic?" Xiao Ye asked.

"It's probably because Brother Yao hasn't been in a good state these two days." Coffee Dou said.

"Is she still okay?" Totoro bared its teeth.

"Yes, if she is not in good condition, who else is in good condition." Xiao Hui stuck out her tongue.

Among the many top laners who were beaten violently, there was a classmate Xiao Hui... Li Shuyao often gave Xiao Hui extra training.

"Maybe it's mentality." Coffee Dou glanced at Li Shuyao's back: "Sister, why is Brother Yao a little absent-minded recently? It seems that after training, he always feels in a daze."

"Really?" Tantai Jingyi thought for a while: "Maybe, it's because she bought a new car?"

"Huh? What kind of car?"

"That's right, what kind of car."

"Is it a sports car?"

Tantai Jingyi looked at the young men who suddenly got excited when talking about the car and said with a chuckle: "RV."


"What do you buy an RV for?"

"Ah this..."

On the other side, Fried Noodles brought Li Shuyao into the conference room. Since the first move was can't be said that it was useless, but it caused some extra trouble.

Well, it's just a little trouble, but he can still work hard to correct it!

Then, this second trick can be taken out.

If the first move was to use honor to stimulate her motivation, then he was going to use some strong medicine for the second move.

Now Li Shuyao is a little drifting, so she has to use some things to lower her spirits.

It's useless to use the game data or something. This guy has almost no mistakes on the field, and it's useless to use the data to talk, so we have to use the yin and yang of the netizens.

Fried Noodles collected many comments from netizens attacking Li Shuyao. Of course, he chose relatively good ones. He would not choose those who cursed at others. His purpose was to arouse Li Shuyao's fighting spirit, not to Make her angry and fight with netizens.

Fried Noodles reckoned that if a fight really started, there would really be very few opponents of hers, and maybe they would hold up their mobile phones and ask for a group photo whenever they met offline.

They have seen this kind of people a lot. Offline they call elder brother and elder sister, and they attack hard online.

"Yaoyao, well, although we are now saying that we have won so many championships all the way with sparks and lightning, but in fact, there have been many doubts along with us. I think you should also find out what everyone thinks of you. This motivates you to keep working hard.”

(End of this chapter)

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