Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 505 There is a conspiracy!

Chapter 505 There is a conspiracy!
Li Shuyao really feels a little baffled right now. If you say she is angry, she is not. If you say she doesn't care at all, she still cares a little bit. It's just... inexplicable.

She is not a saint, so naturally she can't do her own thing, let alone naively think that people are not talking about herself. Although you didn't explain it clearly, you can quibble on the surface, but everyone understands this thing.

Naturally, Li Shuyao would not respond, it was as if she had a guilty conscience.

She was just wondering how could there be such a person looking for abuse... She was so loud before the game, so she wasn't afraid that she would beat him up during the game?Or does he like everyone to watch the video of him getting hammered in the rankings over and over again?

What kind of special habit is this? Doesn't he know that no matter what, everyone will definitely go to watch the qualifying match after you send that message...

After being publicly executed, you will still anger yourself... anger yourself...

Hiss, could it be that this person just wanted to piss him off, and then make himself lose his mind during the game, and then he would call his teammates to gank him, and set himself a trap!
Wow, this person's scheming is so heavy, he's going to start planning from now on!
Hmph, I won’t be fooled, I will definitely score 12 points when I am in line with you, be careful, I will never let you succeed, if you catch the opportunity to catch me, then you will definitely start jumping Woke up.

Can I make you jump up?That must not be the case!
Xiao Mian, I saw through your scheme, tsk tsk, you can't beat the game and started to move outside the market, right? I didn't expect you to be such a person!
"Hey..." Li Shuyao accidentally laughed, and Tantai Jingyi next to her woke up.

"Why don't you sleep, the first battle will be tomorrow." Tantai Jingyi whispered with her eyes closed.

"Oh, I'm looking at that SK's top laner, I've seen through his plot!" Li Shuyao said a little excitedly.

Tantai Jingyi was silent for a while, then opened her eyes, turned around and got up.

They were head to head, and then Li Shuyao found that there was an extra head on top of her head...

"I'll go, you're so scary at night." Li Shuyao said nothing, patting Tantai Jingyi's head.

Tantai Jingyi backed away, then lay down again and said lazily: "What conspiracy? Let's hear it."

"Aren't you sleeping?" Li Shuyao asked curiously.

"Wait until you finish talking before going to bed." Tantai Jingyi took out her phone and glanced at it: "It's just after 11 o'clock, I'm fine."

"Oh, look, the ins that person posted, did they say that I was hacking?" Li Shuyao slapped her mouth. If it is serious, does the system count as hacking?In fact, it can't be counted, this is my personal ability, it can be counted as a failure, obviously it can't be counted.

"Well, it is." Tantai Jingyi nodded.

"But I think that anyone who is not a fool would not think that I would hang up at this time, and the other party said so cryptically that he has left himself a way out. If he can't beat him, he can quibble, right, so he said this It's the drunkard who doesn't mean to drink, he knows that I didn't write the script, he just wants to mess with my mind, and then ask someone to set up a game to kill me during the game!"

"Uh... Is it possible, he really thinks you're cheating." Tantai Jingyi grinned and said.

"How is it possible? He's not a fool. Who would cheat at this time? Isn't that a joke about his career?" Li Shuyao said in surprise.

"He just kept his mouth shut and refused to admit that he was blown away by you in the qualifying match." Tantai Jingyi shrugged her shoulders.

"How is it possible? Why do you have to be so stubborn? If you can't beat it, you can't beat it. What's the matter? Isn't it normal if you can't beat it? Isn't this normal, real men don't babble, it's true in the game."

"It's really possible for him." Tantai Jingyi smiled while covering her mouth.

"No, I don't think so." Li Shuyao said incredulously: "No, it's just a qualifying match. As for it."

"Who knows, this is our server. If this is someone else's server, maybe they will start investigating the account ban." Tantai Jingyi curled her lips. Last year, her account was banned in Hanbok, which is outrageous. of.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter that much, just beat him when the time comes." Li Shuyao shook her head: "Anyway, I'll be more stable when the time comes. You come a few more times to go on the road and have meat to eat."

"Okay." Tantai Jingyi pouted: "The last time my account was blocked, it was this SK mid laner who did it. This time, we will avenge our old and new enemies together."

"Okay!" Li Shuyao nodded.

Although it doesn't seem to be considered hatred, but doing something before the game seems to get everyone excited all of a sudden.

For example, Li Shuyao is very motivated to beat them now!

The next day, the much-anticipated group stage began. In other words, in the eyes of many people, entering the group stage was the only way to truly enter the World Championship.

Early in the morning, the CR team members were not too nervous. Jingyi and Coffee Dou have experienced many world championships, and the other team members have also experienced many competitions this year. They will be excited about the competition, but they will not be too nervous.

Everyone got up about an hour later than usual. After getting up, they punched a set, drank two bowls of porridge comfortably, and then began to prepare for the game.

First warm up the hands, play two small training games internally, and then hold a meeting to study today's opponents.

They only had one game on the first day, and that was against SK, the third seed in the LCK.

The entire CR coaching staff seemed to be facing a formidable enemy, because in the previous World Championships, CR had never won SK in a BO5, and had won a few times in a BO1, but it was rare. The strength of the opponent was not to be tolerated Underestimated.

However, the players were very excited. When they drove to the scene, everyone was discussing today's game:
"Brother Yao, we will definitely catch that one and hit the road today."

"Yes, yes, military training him, haha."

"Let him experience how our lpl deal with the top laner, haha."

"Don't they want to operate, we will kill them directly and see how they operate."

"Yes, yes, just beat them in the early stage and make a quick decision."


The tactics CR adopts today is to prepare a lineup that is fast in the early stage, and will choose a lineup that fights in groups.

Among other things, we must fight. If the two sides add up to one or two kills in 20 minutes, then enter the opponent's rhythm.

Although it is true to say that they are operating, there is no need to fall into the rhythm of the other party.

As the saying goes, using one's own strengths to attack the other's weaknesses is the way to win, and it would be a fool to insist on head-on where others are strong.

CR's personal ability is top-notch due to long-term adjustments to his schedule and physical exercise. Fighting more will naturally bring out his personal ability and team assistance ability to the extreme.

Moreover, orderly operations during fights are the main content of CR's training during this period.

Sitting in the lounge, listening to the cheers in front, Li Shuyao was somewhat excited.

"This World Championship is just different, I feel that the voice is louder." Li Shuyao laughed at Tantai Jingyi next to her with a smile.

"Today is the first day of the group stage, and there will be three lpl teams appearing, so there must be a lot of people." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile: "How about it, are you ready to beat SK?"

"Of course." Li Shuyao pursed her lips: "Teach him how to be a man today!"

 Classmates and classmates, I will have a holiday in one week!
  Later, I plan to write a few songs by myself and put them in the novel...

  Well, smug about it, haha.

  Today I'm going to spray the whole school's apartment... Well, one more.

(End of this chapter)

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