Chapter 506

The previous game has not finished yet, and they are still waiting. At this time, everyone does not drink water or eat, so as not to affect the upcoming game.

Anyway, it's just a BO1 game, and after the fight, we will go home for dinner, so everyone doesn't have any psychological burden.

SK was also present, and the lounges of the two teams are still a bit far apart. Anyway, if the two teams are opponents, generally speaking, they will be relatively far apart.

The main reason is that I am afraid of getting angry and causing a little friction.

This kind of thing has actually happened before.

But now there should be no teams that dare to engage in small friction with CR, not to mention that everyone basically knows about the fact that they practice martial arts every day, just say that Li Shuyao is chopping bricks with bare hands...

Anyway, they don't think any of them can beat someone who splits bricks with bare hands.

As for some people who play tricks on the Internet, they are basically quite "easy-going" offline.

After some time, Li Shuyao brought everyone together to fight together. No matter what, they still had to calm down, no matter whether they were nervous, proud or angry... All these negative emotions that might exist were given to them by this set of Tai Chi. obliterate.

Although they have always maintained a good mentality, it is impossible for these small emotions to disappear completely. It is impossible for any team that has been winning since the spring to be not proud at all.

We are all young people in their 20s, and it is impossible to have the calmness of 50 or [-] years old that has been honed through vicissitudes.

But now they can use this set of Tai Chi to calm themselves from the outside to the inside.

Everyone is talking about normality, but it is actually not easy to maintain it.

If you are interested in studying it, you can actually find that CR's first game win rate is extremely high, whether it is BO3 or BO5, most of the first games can be won.

So in fact, CR's BO1 is ridiculously strong.

Finish the fight and pay off.

Everyone silently checked their own things, and those who should go to the toilet went to the toilet.

The previous game is over, and it will be their turn to play soon. Everyone still has to show their faces for the first time.

When waiting behind the curtain, there is actually a very special feeling.

Looking at the SK players on the opposite side who are eager to try, CR seems very calm, but maybe this is in the eyes of the other party, CR may be too scared to speak...

Anyway, what Li Shuyao heard the people over there whispered was this content.

Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, sometimes it's not a good thing to mutter in a low voice, maybe there is a person with good hearing who happens to understand what you are talking about.

Talking to the other side, he nodded towards them. It seemed that he really felt that there was nothing wrong with speaking Korean in a low voice.

"Did you hear what they said?" Seeing Li Shuyao's strange expression, Tantai Jingyi leaned over and asked in a low voice.

"I heard that, they said we were scared, and there was no expression on our faces." Li Shuyao said with a curl of her lips.

"Tsk tsk, then this one is up to you." Tantai Jingyi looked ahead and patted her shoulder with a smile.

"Of course, look!"

When the players of CR came on the stage, shouts like a mountain and a tsunami flooded the entire arena.

As a team that has informed the arena for more than half a year, CR has gained countless fans this year, regardless of whether they are champion fans, or whether they are black CR online, but at this moment almost the entire audience is shouting.

The voices of the two lpl teams that played before are higher.

The venue for the World Championships can accommodate 1 spectators, although it is much less than the 9 in the Bird's Nest, but the shouts of [-] people are also very fierce.

At this moment, not only the players of CR, but also all the staff of lpl were also excited.

Li Shuyao couldn't help thinking, if it was ancient times, if an army of ten thousand people shouted together, would it really be able to scare the opponent out of their wits?
She turned her head and looked at the expressions of her opponents. She could see that most of them could face it calmly, especially the opponent's mid laner. I don't know what I'm thinking.

But the opponent's top laner was a bit uncomfortable, especially when Li Shuyao was introduced, the sound of the audience seemed to be on a higher level, which made him even more uncomfortable.

He thought that his little thought before could cause some troubles for Li Shuyao, but now it seems that he has not been affected at all.

After the debut, everyone went to their own machines to prepare for the competition.

Li Shuyao feels full of heart at this moment, this is the advantage of the home field, so many people are cheering for you, so many people are cheering for you, at this time, you are naturally very proud in your heart!

"Come on, I'll play Lu Xian!" Li Shuyao laughed after sitting down.

"Lu Xi'an is not in a hurry, let's see what the opponent will come up with first." Fried noodles was a little helpless, she had been worried that Li Shuyao's fighting spirit was not enough, but now it seemed that her fighting spirit was a little strong.

The top three banned heroes on both sides are actually more or less targeted. CR has banned cats, enchantresses, and female knives, while SK has banned Gwen, Prince, and Ryze.

Gwen is a strong top laner in the current version, Prince is a hero that Xiaoye has played very well in the rankings recently, and Ryze is to limit the volunteer heroes that Jingyi has been playing recently.

"Let's take the blind monk first." Fried noodles thought for a while and said.

This one is still relatively safe.

The opponent quickly locked down the upper-field combination of Ruined King and Qing Gangying.

"Hahaha, Qinggang Ying, the opponent is playing Qinggang Ying, come on, I'll play Lu Xian, let him see what it means to fight with long hands and short hands." Li Shuyao was happy when he saw Qinggang Ying on the opposite side, this game is not good Play Lucian, Sabie!

"Card and Lucian." Fried noodles said.

"Okay." Jingyi and Xiaoye nodded.

The lineup has almost been formed in Chow Mein's mind, and this time he will still play the line they are most familiar with this year, with Li Shuyao as the core.

Speaking of it, it seems a bit unwise to take this route at a time when it is obvious that the opponent is also going to focus on the middle field.

But Chao Nian fully believes in Li Shuyao, and also believes that the players can use this most familiar system to win the game.

The opponent took Silas in the third hand, obviously for the card.

Both sides have taken all the top and middle field, but CR still has the possibility of swinging.

After all, there is a combination of Lucian and Nami that is very popular now, maybe it will be shaken to the bottom lane.

Sure enough, in the second round, SK banned Nami and Jess, which directly fooled the opponent's coaching staff, making the opponent think that Lucian is going down the road, while CR banned the female gun and German Levin, aim at the opponent's bottom lane combination.

When the two sides formed a bottom lane combination, SK played the more traditional Kai'Sa and Suguang, while CR chose Bomberman and Sett, bringing the top lane system to the extreme.

"This game is still based on the top lane. Anyway, everyone is familiar with it, so I will repeat it. I believe you. The whole world thinks that we are very strong in BO5. In fact, our strongest is BO1. Let them see, who is the best? It's the strongest team in the world."

Chow Mein smiled:
"The speed of Ye Dong on the other side is not as fast as ours, so we seized the opportunity and crushed this Qinggang shadow to death."

 It's been raining for the past few days, and I feel a little tired...

  It's almost over, it's the last few days... but I have to move the office for these two days... oh...

(End of this chapter)

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