Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 507 Level 1 Regiment Design

Chapter 507
"Chong Chong Chong, brothers, it's been a long time since I played a game, my hands are a little itchy, haha." Tantai Jingyi laughed and said, "You're stuck on the bottom of this chinchilla."

Totoro is helpless: "Okay, I live by myself."

Coffee Bean said with a smile: "Hey, when we beat them to the road, you will be able to take the lane in the middle. It's okay. I have a hunch that your output in this game must be the top two."

My Neighbor Totoro rolled his eyes. This is no nonsense. This lineup means that Lucian can compete with him in damage after he wakes up. Can a functional mid laner compare damage with him?

Not to mention the blind monk, it's not bad if you can deal thousands of damage.

If he can't hit the output of the top two, then he can still play with a hammer.

"Brothers, I have an idea." Li Shuyao suddenly said as soon as the fence inside the spring was opened: "Let's go, let's go on the road together."

"Catch it directly at level 1?" Xiao Ye asked.

"I've studied this guy. He likes to squat in the second bush on the road at level 1. Let's catch him, at least a flash." Li Shuyao laughed.

"Come, come, let's take a look first. If there is someone, I will learn to cut the cards." Tantai Jingyi said immediately.

"At that time, I will learn to pull." Coffee Bean said.

"Well, I won't learn fixed-point blasting, otherwise it will be difficult to play online."

My Neighbor Totoro's Bomberman has actually been specially trained, but no matter how I practice, it's a bit difficult to play in the lane at the first level. There are already two controls here, and he doesn't need to learn another one.

"It depends on the situation. If the place where he flashes is not good, I will learn to blast at a fixed point." Totoro added.

If the opponent flashed just to pull a little distance, he could directly blow this guy back, so that he not only handed in the flash but also the head.

Then the opponent's first level will be split directly.

Now the first level of this game is very important. Many first-level teams win the game directly. The snowball gets bigger and bigger, and there is basically no chance to fight back.

The 5 people sneaked all the way to the second grass on the road, blocking their vision to prevent the other party from finding out.

They are the blue side, and the other side is the red side.

In fact, generally speaking, many people like to stay with the triangular grass on the top road to help see if anyone comes to counter the red. If not, wait until the line of soldiers arrives and go online directly.

But SK, the top laner bandit, likes to stand on the second of the three bushes on the top lane more often.

Because in the past, the top laner of the blue side would squat in the pass from the blue buff to the river or in the grass above it, just to see if anyone came against their blue.

So bandit likes to run directly to the second grass above after the ward is warded by Hong, so that when the opponent is online, he can take the opportunity to catch him by surprise.

Of course, it is impossible to kill, at most it consumes some blood.

But don't underestimate the success of the early blood exchange, which is likely to allow him to take the initiative for a period of time, thus forming a little bit of suppression of the opponent's top laner.

What they are best at is to gradually accumulate a little advantage into a big advantage, tearing a gap and opening a hole.

Same as before, this time after Bandit cast an eye on Hong, he slipped away and walked up the grass.

Although the opponent is long-handed, he is also fragile. As long as he can stabilize in the early stage, he can directly kill Lu Xian in seconds when he sees a big move in the middle and late stages.

Hmph, what is long hand playing short hand? This is a fighter fighting a shooter. You, a shooter, still want to beat me as a soldier?
When bandit was thinking that he would survive to win the victory and win the mvp, suddenly a yellow card flew on his head, and all kinds of injuries hit him in an instant, and Seti was not in a hurry, just walked from his side ran over.

Bandit struggled violently in his heart, but there was still no flash.

He wanted to flash out at the moment the yellow card ended, but he had Tian Yinbo hanging on him, and Seti had already moved forward, so he couldn't run away even if he flashed again.

So he could only try his best to move forward, and then watched himself being dragged back by Sett.

"Xiba...they are hiding here, damn it." Bandit said, "It's a good thing I didn't dodge."

"The blind monk got first blood, which is not good news." The jungler frowned.

"They designed it." Bandit sighed: "I won't be able to fight on the road, so come more."

"I went back squatting after brushing the red, and I felt that they would go straight to catch you." The jungler said: "Try to keep your blood volume, or find an opportunity to consume her."



"Haha, this wave is comfortable, but it's a pity I didn't catch the flash." Coffee Bean laughed and said: "Go, go, Xiaoye, you have to keep the rhythm after eating human heads."

"Of course, when I push the line in the middle, I will go directly to the opposite red after the blue is opened." Xiaoye said.

"Okay, I'll push the line to accompany you." Li Shuyao nodded.

"Silas couldn't push me in the early stage, so I'll go too." Jingyi also said.

"Let's push in the early stage of the bot lane, and I will come back when we are in the vanguard." Coffee Bean said.

My Neighbor Totoro didn't say a word. Anyway, it has nothing to do with him. It's good for him to get an assist. Anyway, when he was a vanguard, he ran to the middle lane to support a big move and then had to run down the lane.

His tapi can't be pushed too much.


At the same time, the anchor Jiuhu is also watching this game. Station B has the broadcast rights of the global finals, so it will be divided into several second channels for other anchors. When the time comes, the popularity will be higher than The price of a single live broadcast room is much higher.

"Qinggangying was killed once. Although he didn't lose too much, he also lost two soldiers, and his experience will be quite different. Oops, he was directly pushed out of the experience zone."

The jug sighed and said:
"This Yaoyao's suppressing power is really fierce. Here it comes. The most controversial before is the crossing line suppression. The ranged soldiers just don't attack Yaoyao."

"Haha, didn't you question me in the ranking? Didn't you say that we will meet in the arena? Then we will meet in the arena. Haha, this Qinggang shadow is too uncomfortable. I couldn't help it, so I just kicked it up." , Whoops, was dodged by walking, followed by a sliding step to pull away from the body, and the Q skill also missed, whoops, this was hit by a small half of the blood volume."

"Look now, the top lane and the middle lane both pushed the line through, and they both have the right to line. Oh, Xiao Ye directly invaded the opponent's red zone, squatting in the grass, and Kaka and Lucian made expressions there."

"Punishment! I just stole your red. At this time, SK's top lane and mid lane can't make it through. The junglers of both sides are also going to the imperial city to PK, but they have red, and they took first blood. You must fight against each other. Well."

"After a couple of fights, I found that I couldn't fight. I drove through the scorched earth and ran straight up the road. Hey, I met love at the corner. When did Lucian run over from the top road? Haha, Qing Gangying was beaten back home. Lucian intercepted him directly from behind, and the blind monk also came over at this time."

"The middle route is pressed under the tower and cannot pass, and the cards are also leaning here, but it seems that they can't be used."

"Hey, this blind monk took another head. The early stage started 2-0 dreamily, and the opponent's field was a little bit jumpy."

The jug laughed and said:
"That's right, it's the familiar rhythm of CR. The rhythm is full in the early stage, and this blind monk can't stop it. Next, I guess I will start giving the road package."

 The e-sports part is almost finished
(End of this chapter)

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