Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 508 Miserable Is Really Miserable

Chapter 508 Miserable Is Really Miserable
After these two waves, Ueno immediately gained a huge advantage in the early stage of CR, and the audience at the scene were all excited, and Li Shuyao could faintly hear the cheers outside through the earphones.

This is indeed a rhythm that CR is very familiar with.

It seems to be quite simple, but this wave is actually the cooperation of five people. Although the bot lane said they didn't do anything, they also obtained the lane right in the bot lane and pressed the opponent under the tower. earned.

Jingyi didn't seem to come, but she firmly bit the opponent's mid laner.

In order to achieve this series of operations, in addition to the tacit cooperation of five people, each person's super personal strength is also required.

You must know that the opponent is not a rotten fish and shrimp, but a strong team that can be ranked in the world, at least the top five teams in the world. It is not easy to suppress the opponent across the board.

At this time, the SK players on the opposite side had a very deep experience. They were very uncomfortable with laning. Everyone on CR's laning ability is very strong, which is even better than in the training game.

They also played a training match with CR before, and now it is the first match in the World Championship. Of course, their impression of CR is still at the level of the training match, which caught them by surprise.

"I'm here, I'm here, let's sell it." Xiaoye spun around and slipped to the top road, ready to take the lead after catching a wave.

"Can he believe me if I sell it suddenly?" Li Shuyao asked doubtfully.

"It's okay, they stole my ult in the middle and leaned upwards. I guess the jungler is squatting back and preparing for three-on-three." Tantai Jingyi said: "You can sell it. When there are junglers, they can't help it. of."

"Yes, yes, let's act a little bit." Xiao Ye said with a chuckle.

"I'm here, too. I'm here too. After the fight, prepare for the vanguard team." Coffee Bean also said.

My Neighbor Totoro: "..." o(╯□╰)o
"Come on, come on, take the bait, go up." Li Shuyao cleverly sold an opening, and sure enough, Qinggang Ying, who had been patient for a long time, kicked up directly, and immediately after that, the opposite jungler, the Ruined King, appeared.

"Chong Chong Chong, haha, sure enough, the opposite jungler is also there, this jungler is useless, not even a big move!" Seeing the opposite jungler appear, Xiao Ye jumped out excitedly.

At the same time, the two card ultimate moves were lit up, and the positions of the 10 people on both sides were all exposed at once.

"I'm here, I'm here, I'm flying over, fix it for me! Haha." Jingyi jumped down and was locked down by the ruined king who was about to run away.

The three people from SK were ready to run, because they saw the coffee bean who had already run to the first tower on the top road. This time it was 4v3 and they must retreat.

Their support is on the side of several red buffs. In fact, they didn't plan to start fighting so early, they had to wait for the support to be in position to start fighting.

But Li Shuyao bought a loophole and it was too tempting, Qing Gangying couldn't hold back and kicked him up, so he had to fight.

However, CR's goal here is to kill the vanguard, so naturally they won't let go of the opponent's jungler. No matter what, the jungler has to be here.

"Wait for me, wait for me, let me get an assist!" Coffee Bean drove forward in Q, and then saw the blind monk kick the bloody Qinggang Ying into his face with a roundabout kick, and he took advantage of the situation to pull Then two punches took away Qing Gangying.

"Brother nice." Coffee Dou giggled, Tantai Jingyi and Li Shuyao were busy killing junglers, and he accepted the head.

This wave of CR won a big victory, the opposite mid laner and support turned around and left, and directly sold the top laner and jungler, and the vanguard naturally couldn't see it.

Anyway, when they gave up, they were so decisive that they didn't even look at it.

If this is in LPL, even though there are no top laners and junglers, the other three people will have to come and harass for a while, in case you can grab it, right, even if you can’t grab it, you can’t get it so comfortably resources.

But SK's bottom lane didn't come.

Or dare not come.

Originally, the vanguard was lost. If you look at it again, if the tower is pushed hard by the bomber, it will hurt too much to drop the tapi.

After getting Vanguard, everyone seems to develop for a short time. It stands to reason that Xiaolong was wiped out by Xiaoye before, and now there are no map resources. Everyone should make peace and brush each other.

But what I didn't expect was that within 2 minutes, Li Shuyao had just pushed the pawn line under the opponent's tower, and the blind monk appeared directly. After crushing the vanguard's eye, the two of them beat up Qinggangying .

The opposite middle road wanted to steal a big move and flew over, but turned around and saw that Tantai Jingyi had run far away, and she wouldn't steal it for you at all.

Then it was killing people and taking towers, and even the two continued to escort them forward for a while, forcing away the jungler who was defending the line, and the protection vanguard bumped into one another...

After this wave, this Lucian was somewhat unstoppable.

Li Shuyao was not in a hurry to radiate her advantage to other lanes, but continued to fight with him when the opponent switched to the bottom lane. The top lane was handed over to Jingyi, and the middle lane was given to Totoro and Coffee Bean.

Just changed the way, but the opponent remained the same.


"Come, come, let's pack him up for this wave, and beat Xiaolong when it's over." Xiaoye and Jingyi went straight to the grass behind the red Fangxia Road, scanning all the way in, and there was no eye-catching position.

"Tsk tsk, it feels a bit cruel." Li Shuyao said while clearing the line of troops.

"Cruel?" Xiaoye bared her teeth when she saw that Qinggang Ying only had half a tube of blood left. Who is cruel? This Qinggang Ying has never been full of blood online, and has been suppressed for more than 40 minutes in the past ten minutes. Too many knives, who is crueler than you?

"Come on, come on, go up, Xiao Ye, you fight the tower first." Tantai Jingyi saw the line of soldiers entering the tower, and rushed over without talking nonsense.

When Qing Gangying saw the card, he obviously panicked for a moment, turned around and flashed directly, and then was fixed there by the card, and then the card pulled his body, the blind monk rushed up to resist the tower, and Li Shuyao followed the output.

In about two seconds, Qinggang Ying was gone.

At this time, the duo in the middle retreated directly, and Totoro threw a big move to clear the soldiers. He didn't like fighting at all and was very skilled.

As expected, the opposing mid laner and jungler appeared in the middle...

After pushing the tower and taking Xiaolong, Li Shuyao and Jingyi went home directly, while Xiaoye went straight to Dalongkeng. The opponent should have started playing the second vanguard, and the two in the middle were harassing.

"Come here, come up, go up." Li Shuyao saw that the staff over there had almost settled down, so she and Jing Yi sent a teleportation and flew here.

The SK players were all stunned. Are you fighting for the vanguard or the big dragon? The little dragons are all given to you. We can't even replace a vanguard. As for the two teleporters?
You two just teleport for a while and we fight Dalong, do you still have a cable or not, you are unscientific!
However, CR just wants to grab this rhythm and is looking for you to play a team. Since it is looking for you to play a team, there is no difference between playing a dragon team or a vanguard team.

This wave of teams is CR's determined winner, and there is one less top laner on the opposite side. It is unreasonable not to fight at this time!
Naturally, SK also saw that this wave was not a good time to fight a team. After these two teleported out, they didn't plan to fight anymore. It would be a good idea to withdraw them as soon as possible. The time difference between teleportation can be used to do a lot of things in the future. .

So the coffee beans flashed up and started a group...

 Moving the office today...a lot of things...

  Today's update

(End of this chapter)

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