Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 522 Sleepless Tonight

Chapter 522 Sleepless Tonight
Holding the FMVP trophy, Li Shuyao accepted the interview again. In the past, six or seven people received the attention of the audience together. At this moment, she is regarded as the center of attention. Almost the eyes of the whole world are focused on her...

The world is focused on you, Intel...err, no advertising!

Being watched by so many people, Li Shuyao didn't feel nervous, and was even a little excited. Maybe it was a social cattle gene that was shining brightly. Anyway, she happily accepted the interview. After the host announced the end, she turned around and carried Going backstage with the trophy.

Next, I'm afraid there are more interviews waiting for her.

But having come this far, she's been very patient with what's to come.

Well, definitely not because she whispered to her that there was a big meal when the fried noodles came, it was purely because she wanted to leave more legends about herself to e-sports...

Today's finals were played very quickly, and it wasn't long before it got dark when the game was over, but after all kinds of interviews, it was completely dark.

Walking out of the venue, there are still many fans waiting here. Seeing the CR players come out, everyone waved and cheered excitedly, and the CR players also waved happily to the fans.

Tonight belongs to CR, belongs to LPL, and belongs to all viewers who like e-sports.

Sitting on the bus, everyone was excitedly discussing today's game, discussing where to play after the holiday, discussing how much bonus they can get this time, discussing how many fans they can gain this time...

Discussing and discussing, everyone sang together.

"The smallest me has big dreams..."

Still this song, it seems that everyone has a soft spot for this song, so many video clips about CR are also made with this song, many times, just like the song Kai Tian, ​​this song has become BGM played by CR.

This time the bus did not go back to the base, but went directly to a big hotel. This year's victory made CR a lot of money. In order to reward these heroes, the boss of CR hired the entire hotel and invited many Young friends come to the celebration banquet together.

Among other things, Li Shuyao and the others had a lot of food on the table anyway, the host on the front stage was expressing his emotions, and then the CR team members were eating nonsense below...

"What are they talking about?" Li Shuyao swallowed hard the food in her mouth and then asked Tantai Jingyi next to her.

"I don't know, who cares, eat and eat." Tantai Jingyi was also very hungry. They didn't eat anything to fill their stomachs during the previous interviews, and they were just preparing for tonight's meal.

"That's right, don't care what they do, let's eat ours." Coffee Bean took a sip of the soup and said, "This soup tastes really good."

"Hey, I didn't eat anything backstage." Although Xiao Hui didn't play today, he resisted the temptation of all kinds of snacks backstage.

My Neighbor Totoro and Xiao Ye didn't say anything, they just ate there. Anyway, watching Li Shuyao, the gourmet up master, eating and broadcasting on the spot was very enjoyable, and the big guy was really hungry, so it was a joy to eat.

There were no outsiders at their table, just a few of them and the coach fried noodles, and everyone else was at another table, and a group of people at the other table were polite, talking and laughing.

Anyway, they are eating all the time at this table!
They don't have any polite words at all. If you want to be polite, go to another table. This table is here for dinner!

In the middle of the meal, Tantai Jingyi was pulled to the stage and said a few words, nothing more than some kind words of thanks, some dream come true, after saying a few words, she came down, and a new plate was served Salted egg yolk crab legs, if you don't grab them, they will be gone. These animals are really edible!
Li Shuyao is certainly the one who can eat the most, but the appetites of the others are not small. These are all young men in their early twenties who are already strong enough to eat. In addition, the big guys are all practicing boxing, so the appetite for one or two is quite amazing.

The result is that after eating here, they start to serve new ones, and some tables next to them haven't eaten much yet.

The big guy didn't think they were rude, anyway, they are the most dazzling now, as long as they don't go out of their way, whatever they do is reasonable and acceptable.

Anyway, as long as it is said by a celebrity, it must be a famous saying, and now they are celebrities, and what they do is also straightforward and natural!
Li Shuyao had a great time eating. This time, the dishes were carefully cooked Chinese food, and all kinds of dishes that she couldn't name herself tasted very rich.

She is already going to steal a few dishes and go back to cook them. She should be able to find this thing after thinking about it and looking up information, and it should be because she has already greeted the chef. The dishes on their table are full of food. It also looks very appetizing.

After eating, the celebration banquet was almost over, and there was a lot of food left, but CR obviously didn’t have the habit of wasting it, so they packed it back. Anyway, CR has many branches, and these good-looking meals will be sold out soon. Digest it.

Uh, the League of Legends branch is the absolute main force!

After eating, the excitement of the big guys dissipated a lot. All the way back to the base, the place has already started to decorate. Anyway, the big screen outside the CR building is full of promotional videos of winning the championship, even in the middle of the night. Few fans are waiting here.

Seeing Li Shuyao and the others getting out of the car, they didn't do much, just refueling or something from afar.

Li Shuyao and the others glanced at each other, then ran over to take pictures with the fans...

It was quite late at this time, and people waited until this time, and they were also very polite, so it didn't matter if they took a group photo together.

After half an hour of tossing at the gate, a group of people finally returned to the base.

Looking at the time, it was almost 12 o'clock in the middle of the night.

Let's talk about sleepiness, in fact, it's a little sleepy, but everyone is very excited now, and it seems that they can't fall asleep.

Besides, after living a regular life for such a long time, the big guys also want to be presumptuous for a while, as if they finally finished the college entrance examination, right, I don’t want to sleep much today!
I didn't want to sleep, but I didn't want to touch the computer, so everyone ran all the way to the activity room.

Now a complete set of karaoke equipment is installed in the activity room. Singing is always the best way to vent emotions, so when the training was tense before, they would occasionally come to sing.

Everyone can't sleep today, and they want to be unrestrained. If you don't want to sleep, let's come to karaoke together!
The big guys left the most powerful Li Shuyao aside first, since rolling on the blanket is also very comfortable.

Li Shuyao just leaned on the carpet like this, and then watched several other people take turns to sing on the microphone, sometimes they didn't go up, just sat on the carpet and sang, there were songs that Li Shuyao had sent, and there were songs that were originally from this world.

The light ball above the head turned colorful light spots, these light spots mixed with the music and passed by Li Shuyao's side. Although the rapping and singing were so-so, everyone was very happy to sing together anyway.

At this time, Li Shuyao felt that she had the feeling of being a sage at the moment, she was somewhat hopeless, and the contract was about to expire, and she felt that it was time for this journey to end.

It's also nice to have a good time with your teammates before it's over.

 Happy weekend~
  Poor thing, I'm still coding, so I can't play rough~
  One more today.

(End of this chapter)

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