Chapter 523

In the next few days, Li Shuyao did not go home immediately, but cooperated with CR in various post-match promotional activities, participated in some commercials, posters, etc., and conducted several interviews, including An interview with a relatively heavyweight official media.

One is that there is no need to leave immediately after winning the championship. Doing some things after winning the championship together at this time is also sharing the joy of winning the championship.

The other is that these resources are actually only available to CR, and Li Shuyao basically cannot enjoy them.

These matters have been busy for almost a week. During this period, the senior management of CR also approached Li Shuyao many times to discuss the renewal of the contract, but she refused them all.

Although CR's conditions are very generous, and the salary is basically given to the top, but she really doesn't want to fight anymore. One is that she is really too tired, and she doesn't have time to cooperate with other up masters, and she doesn't have time to update The video is up.

The other one is that if the fight continues, the audience will probably scold their mothers.

Well, that's right, it's about you staring at your phone right now.

She is very cooperative with CR's series of activities after winning the championship, but she will not participate in the aftermath. At most, she will come out to participate in the year-end ceremony.

Anyway, there's still a month left.

After participating in the last interview, everyone in CR returned to the base.

In fact, everyone has been very busy for more than a week. In order to maximize the benefits of winning the championship, the club has already arranged everyone's schedule.

If it was the same as the previous few times, Li Shuyao would go home directly, but after all, it was the last paragraph, she followed the arrangement very obediently this time.

After it was over, she plunged into the kitchen, looked at the various ingredients prepared in advance, and nodded in relief.

This was what she had agreed with Shen Zongyue in advance, to prepare a large table of meals before leaving, and treat it as a breakup meal.

Walking to the familiar stove, bits and pieces of this year can't help but emerge in my mind.

The familiar porridge pot, it seems that I will not use it again in the future.

"Really decide to leave?" Tantai Jingyi leaned to the side and said while gnawing on an apple.

"Yeah, playing professionally is too tiring. I've been playing for a year, and I've got all the honors I deserve. I need to take a good rest." Li Shuyao said while processing the ingredients quickly.

"En." Tantai Jingyi nodded: "Thank you."

"Hi." Li Shuyao smiled and shook her head, then the corners of her mouth slightly hooked: "Let me touch my abdominal muscles again..."

"Go." Tantai Jingyi rolled her eyes angrily: "Who made you unable to practice on your own."

"I'm also puzzled." Li Shuyao was helpless. What's the aesthetics of this system? It's great to have abs. Why can't I develop my abs!

Just outrageous!
"Are you going to drive the RV out this time?" Tantai Jingyi asked.

"No, this time I'll just fly there. Isn't there still a year-end celebration? After the year-end celebration, the Chinese New Year is coming soon. I'll probably take two or three months to go out in a caravan. This will delay the Chinese New Year. I don't care. If you or Xiao Ning can't celebrate the New Year in a caravan, so I plan to drive out in a caravan after the New Year, so I'm more prepared."

Li Shuyao is a person who prefers to plan. Of course, it is definitely not the kind of dogmatic writing on paper, and then follow the plan one by one.

She just likes to plan what she is about to do in her mind, so that she has a general goal for her actions in the future.

She won't get stuck in time, but simply straighten out her thoughts.

In this way, she will have more time to fish...

Arranging things well and then taking a good rest, this is what Li Shuyao thinks she is doing pretty well. She doesn't have any plans when she is resting, and she does whatever comes to mind.

If you want to play games, you can play games, if you want to watch videos, you can watch videos, if you want to play the piano, you can play the piano, if you want to eat, you can eat...

Chatting with Jingyi while cooking, Jingyi is also used to the fact that she can't get involved in other people's cooking, so she talks beside her with peace of mind.

Well, Li Shuyao will help put the food on the table after putting it on the plate.

Tantai Jingyi was not surprised or sad about Li Shuyao's departure. She never thought that Li Shuyao would come to play professionally. It was unexpected that she could finish a year of competitions, and she had won so many championships , she is already very satisfied.

Anyway, I can go to Li Shuyao's house to stay for a few days when I have nothing to do, so I don't have any worries about parting.

Soon, a large table of food was ready. Li Shuyao felt that this was the last meal in a short period of time, so she cooked [-] dishes at once, each with a large amount to fill the table.

Naturally, it wasn't just their teammates who were eating, but also the coaching staff, team leader Yan Renjin, psychological counselor Shi Qiulian, and the person in charge Shen Zongyue who called her in.

It can be said that it is a large collection of CR.

"Wow, it's so rich, what day is it today?" Xiao Hui was the first to jump down from the second floor, drooling at the food on the big table, but didn't move his chopsticks. Wait until everyone has arrived before eating.

Xiao Hui is very happy recently. After winning so many championships, he also got a lot of money and his salary has increased. After sending it back to his mother, it is said that he still cried with his mother on the phone for a long time.

"Hey, it smells so good, haha, brother Yao's cooking skills are really amazing."

"That's up to you to say."

"Hey Hey……"

Several other people also came soon, they washed and changed their clothes on it before... Well, they didn't want to take a bath in broad daylight at first, but under the strong request of Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi, they went to wash up anyway.

Now it feels good to eat after washing.

After a while, other people also came. Looking at a big table, it was soon full of people.

"Come, come, let's toast Yaoyao first, and thank her for cooking such a big table of food for us." Shen Zongyue stood up with a smile holding his cup.

Everyone didn't drink, and the base didn't exist, it was just drinks anyway.

"Come here."

"Thank you Brother Yao, haha."


After happily taking the first sip of the drink, everyone looked at Li Shuyao. Everyone knew that this game was organized by Li Shuyao, and she cooked the meal, so there must be something to say.

Li Shuyao looked at everyone's eyes, held the drink in the cup and said with a smile, "I'm getting nervous when you look at me like that."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Actually, I don't have any special ideas. The main reason is that we haven't had a proper meal together for such a long time. This time it's our CR dinner. Everyone eats and drinks well, haha."

Li Shuyao didn't directly say that she was going to leave, but now she said that it would be a distraction during the meal, so I'll talk about it after the meal!
"Wuhu~Brother Yao is mighty!"

"Let's eat, I can't help it, haha."

"I'm welcome!"


Li Shuyao was not polite, just like usual, eating in full swing, Shen Zongyue and the others knew why Li Shuyao cooked this table of food, and they were somewhat moved.

Who would have thought that a miracle would come out just because of the heat of his head...

That's right, in the eyes of many people, Li Shuyao is a miracle, jumping from an up master to a professional player, and winning all the championships in the main game in one year.

The proud Phoenix will never stay in one place for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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