Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 524 I'm Fat Again

Chapter 524 I'm Fat Again

Knowing that Li Shuyao was going to leave, she had already accepted it, so the big guys had a very happy meal. Seeing that everyone was almost full, Li Shuyao stood up again holding a water glass.

"Uh, I didn't want to say anything at first, but after thinking about it, it's too low to say goodbye without saying goodbye, and it's not necessary. I just left and didn't die, so I think it's better to say it to everyone. "

Li Shuyao held up the drink with a smile and said:

"I came here to realize my dream. Now that my dream has come true, it's time for me to go back and rest. To be honest, I'm really tired this year, and my brain hurts from training every day."

"Well, I'm just a person who does what I like. After my goal is achieved, it's time for me to play with other things, haha."

"And I didn't leave completely, maybe one day I'll be happy, right, I'll come back and be your coach or something, haha."

"Well, thank you all for your company and tolerance this year. I am very happy to be able to complete this journey with you. As the old saying goes, there is no feast that never ends. We also often say that all encounters in this world are reunions after a long separation."

"You guys have to come and support me when I broadcast live in the future, haha..."

"Come on, come on, cheers!"

Everyone stood up and clinked glasses with Li Shuyao. In fact, everyone knew something about her departure. Even if they didn't know that she was going to leave, they all knew when her contract was up to. They were all available on the Internet, just check it out. .

As for when the contracts of several people will expire, in fact, everyone knows it well.

Uh, maybe Li Shuyao didn't check it out.

Everyone has been playing professionally for several years, and we have seen a lot of things about changing teammates after returning from vacation, so there is nothing special, but this time I feel a little bit more reluctant.

"Brother Yao, if you want to say thank you, I should be the one thanking you."

"Haha, why do these words feel a bit strange."

"Brother Yao, don't worry, just call me for live duo, haha, let's score together."

"Brother Yao's rank can no longer be double queued."

"Uh... It's over, the rank is exposed."


It's always fun to be with my teammates. The big guys are all people who are used to parting, so I don't think it's a problem. There must be some reluctance, but it's not enough to cry.

Every year, or even every season, the teammates around him may change. If he cries every time, the reputation of the little cry bag will soon spread.

Just like a doctor is down on life and death, most of the league professional players in any event will also be down on parting.

After eating, Li Shuyao went back to pack her things.

In fact, it was almost packed before, and there is not much of her luggage here. When she came, she had a big bag, and when she left, it was also a big bag.

And not only herself, but everyone else was also packing up.

After working for so long, it's finally time for vacation, and everyone is not going to stay at the base anymore, so it's only reasonable to go home and take a good rest.

"Let's go." Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi dragged their luggage and went out.

Li Shuyao's luggage is bigger, while Tantai Jingyi's is smaller.

Tantai Jingyi will come back after her vacation, and Li Shuyao will basically never come back.

"Goodbye, come to play often."

"We'll be leaving in a while."

"Let's play games together during the holiday broadcast."

"Hey, let's eat chicken together during the holidays."


After saying hello to his teammates, Li Shuyao drove Tantai Jingyi home together.

To be honest, when Li Shuyao left the base, she was in a very happy mood, somewhat like the joy she felt when she worked in a certain company for several months in her previous life, and then suddenly quit her job that day.

Well, anyway, on the day of resignation, I felt relieved.

After all, before resigning, every time I saw the company's building, I felt uncomfortable.

Although she didn't feel uncomfortable seeing the base building now, she still didn't feel comfortable going home.

It can be said that she has already established her reputation, and as long as she follows the steps and does not make any mistakes, she can make money lying down!

Coincidentally, Li Shuyao likes to lie down.

It would be more comfortable if I could hug a white fur on the left and touch my abdominal muscles on the right.

"What are you thinking, you are smiling so... um, obscene." Tantai Jingyi sat in the co-pilot and saw Li Shuyao smiling so strangely, she thought for a while, then curled her lips and said.

"Ah? It's so obvious... Cough cough, is it? How is it possible, don't talk nonsense!" Li Shuyao restrained her face, and then continued to drive happily.

"It's finally a holiday, when are we going to leave?" Tantai Jingyi leaned on the car seat.

"Rest for a few days and then set off." Li Shuyao thought for a while and said, "I need to get a good night's sleep. When I come back from this tour, I will live broadcast it and tell the audience more or less about my future plans."

"Okay." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile: "It just so happens that I will go home and have a look these two days, and live broadcast to make up for the time."

It was getting late, and there were fewer cars on the road. Anyway, after the morning and evening peak hours, this road is quite smooth.

All the way home, it was almost 10 o'clock in the evening.

After parking the car and entering the house, Li Shuyao jumped from the door into the hall on the first floor in a jerk.

"I'm getting fat again, hahaha... Uh, why is there no one..." Excited Li Shuyao looked around, but didn't see anyone.

Uh, not even a cat shadow.

"Maybe they are all asleep." Tantai Jingyi said a little uncertainly.

"How is it possible, those two can go to bed at 10 o'clock?" Li Shuyao didn't believe it: "Even if those two went to bed, where did Brother Gou and Xiaohong go?"

"Maybe, it's because they went out to a party." Tantai Jingyi rubbed her chin, thinking that maybe the two kittens took her little friends out to play, don't they often go out to play.

"It's possible, but the time may be a little early." Li Shuyao slammed her mouth and said, "Go, go up and have a look, I feel that they might be secretly doing something upstairs behind our backs!"

Tantai Jingyi: "..."

It started again, and the person started again.

"It's tricky, it must be tricky! Look, I won't tell them, but coming back suddenly will definitely have an effect!" Li Shuyao hunched slightly, then slowed down and started to walk upstairs little by little.

Tantai Jingyi: "..."

This is your home, can you not act like a trespasser.

Tantai Jingyi shook her head helplessly, then put her luggage beside her, and walked up quietly along with her.

Uh, well, she was somewhat curious about what these people were doing, although she thought it was normal that there was no one on the first floor at such a late hour, and it was okay for people to lie down and play with their mobile phones on the second floor.

But since Li Shuyao thinks there is something tricky, let's see if there is anything tricky!

She didn't think it was impossible at all!

When the two came to the second floor, they could vaguely hear some hissing and haha, and then some screams of "ahhhh".

These voices come from the speakers as soon as they are heard.

Li Shuyao regained her spirits when she heard it, and ran all the way to the door of her house, and then opened the half-hidden door with a bang.


She was greeted with two pillows and a scream:
"Ah... ghost..."


Then there was the sound of clanging and something falling on the ground...

 Recently, I always dream about being in love in my dreams. Why is it so fat? Is there anyone here to explain the dream.

(End of this chapter)

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