Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 525 I Don't Like Watching Thriller Movies

Chapter 525 I Don't Like Watching Thriller Movies
Li Shuyao looked at the two people who were scared and shrank at the foot of the bed, and Xiaohong who just fell to the ground, opened her mouth speechlessly:
"So, you guys just watch horror movies here all night without sleeping?"

"Oh, no, there is a rule that you can't watch horror movies at night, what's the matter with me watching movies, use your house... oh, it's your house, eat your rice... oh, eat... I don't care, anyway, horror movies It’s only interesting to watch at night.”

Fang Xuening hid behind Lu Yao, staring at Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi with wide eyes.

"Uh, why didn't you say something in advance when you came back today, just to scare us." Lu Yao rolled his eyes.

"Meow." Brother Gou, lying in Lu Yao's arms, yelled along with him. He was also taken aback just now, but the meowing of the kitten matched the screaming ghost on the big screen at this time. It's a little bit weird.

"Come on, let's watch it together." Tantai Jingyi didn't say anything for a long time, and she just watched the movie beside her happily. She had seen this movie before, and it was about to reach a wonderful place.

There's nothing wrong with re-watching a good movie you've seen before, big guys often watch old stuff when they're bored.

But Li Shuyao doesn't like it, she rarely reads what she has seen before, unless she likes it very much, otherwise she won't watch it!

Although she has never seen the movie in front of her, it doesn't prevent her from not liking horror movies!

"You can't be afraid." Fang Xuening accurately pierced Li Shuyao's "lie", and then the three of them lay on the bed together and looked at her with smiles.

Oh, and two kitties are also included.

"Who... who is afraid, I am the kind of person who can be afraid, who doesn't know that my nickname is ghost, can I be afraid of ghosts? Cut... I have also made horror videos, such movies, what a joke " Li Shuyao glanced at the screen disdainfully, and then saw a person with a bluish body and wounds crawling out of a certain well...

Li Shuyao quickly turned her head.

Gan!Why do these people always like to crawl out of the well when making horror movies? Is this thing so scary?ah?Why can't they just sit down and have a meal together happily? Why do you have to make yourself so scary.

"You are not afraid, why don't you come and watch together." Fang Xuening stuck out her tongue with a smile.

"That's right." Tantai Jingyi also smiled along with her.

Both of them have the same expression!
Lu Yao was different. She turned her head to watch the movie. It was very exciting at the moment. She lost a little bit of the plot after being frightened by Li Shuyao just now, and she can't lose it again.

"Hey, whoever is afraid of anyone, come here."

Li Shuyao raised her neck, she didn't lose if she loses, even though she was a little bit scared, she absolutely couldn't back down at this time!
Li Shuyao casually picked up Xiaohong, who was lying sprawled on the ground, and hugged her, then she slipped into Tantai Jingyi's embrace.

Anyway, there are four people and two cats here. If you squint your eyes, there should be no problem.

Besides, if you can't do it, I just close your eyes, right, anyway, you guys can't see clearly!

After making up her mind, Li Shuyao held the cat in her arms and squinted at the big screen...

Soon she stopped watching.


Looking at this kind of thing is just dirty my eyes!


Li Shuyao closed her eyes and prepared to sleep, and then covered Xiaohong's eyes at the same time, don't watch such scary things like kittens, it's not good for your physical and mental health!

Uh, as for Brother Gou, he doesn’t care about it. The main reason is that he doesn’t care about it. This thing runs so far away that he can’t even touch it, so let’s forget about it. Please don’t be scared of disobedient children. Hum!
If you dare to pee on my bed, just wait!
Li Shuyao closed her eyes in peace of mind not to look at those scary scenes, and the scene became a little quiet for a while...

"Meow..." Xiaohong stretched out her paws and pawed at her face. She had seen it well before, so why didn't she let her see it when she came back.

Although it said that it was a little scared and hid on the top of the cabinet to watch it, but it also watched it together, and now it can only listen to the sound, which makes it itchy.


The little cat heard a scream in the movie, then covered his own hands and shook, and then he could see the movie through the gap.

Now that she could see it, Xiaohong stopped pulling Li Shuyao's hand, and just lay in her arms with peace of mind, watching movies through the gap was quite comfortable.

It's just that the hair on the body will stand up unconsciously, and you have to be careful to keep your claws away. If you get caught by Ma Ma, you may be beaten soon.

Everyone was watching intently. Tantai Jingyi smacked her lips and was a little hungry. Although Lu Yao was a little scared, she also watched with gusto. Fang Xuening was actually also very scared, hiding her eyes in the back. But still keep watching.

Youcai love to play again belongs to yes.

Only Li Shuyao shivered with her eyes closed...

Ma Dan, I don't know who invented the thriller movie. Isn't watching a movie just to relax your mind?

Even Li Shuyao felt that she didn't need to look at it, just listening to it was scary, and just hearing the sound made her feel cold all over, and she didn't dare to move at all.

Looking at it this way, the video she made before was not scary at all!
Compared with this movie that scares me so much that I dare not move just by listening to the sound, my one is like a child's play.

No wonder so many people read it and said it wasn't scary at all.

Li Shuyao thought for a while, the current state is not good, she is lying in Tantai Jingyi's arms, this guy is not afraid at all, she can definitely feel her stiff body now...

Therefore, I have to show that I am not afraid!
Well, even though I'm scared to death, this is the world champion's desire to win!

So Li Shuyao felt that if he could fall asleep bored at this time, he would definitely be better than them, but the problem was that he couldn't fall asleep now.

In this movie, ghosts are crying and howling, and Fang Xuening will yell from time to time, she doesn't feel sleepy at all.

Looking at the current situation, it can only be forced to sleep.

Don't dare to say anything else, anyway, for things like sleeping, she said she fell asleep when she fell asleep!

Turned on the system to take a look, and then selected a gene... Uh, let's use electricity, quickly increase the level of discharge, it will also be useful after the RV is out.

After the selection, Li Shuyao was directly promoted to a level, and then fell asleep immediately...

Xiaohong immediately felt the hands on her face hang down.

Xiaohong was startled, what the hell, the situation in the movie is... dead?
"Meow meow." Xiaohong called out quickly, don't look, Mama was frightened to death.

Brother Gou jumped up when he heard this voice, and fell on Li Shuyao's face with a thud, feeling Li Shuyao's clear breathing and angrily called out to Xiaohong: "Meow..."

It's okay, don't talk nonsense, it scares the cat!
Several other people were also taken aback by the behavior of the two cats.

"What's the matter?" Lu Yao stretched out his head and took a look here.

"Oh, Li Shuyao is asleep." Tantai Jingyi glanced at Li Shuyao and said.

"Are you sure you didn't faint from fright?" Fang Xuening looked up at Li Shuyao curiously.

"Uh, not really."

"Hiss, it's not good to say."

(End of this chapter)

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