Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 526 What is Turtle Soup

Chapter 526 What is Turtle Soup

Regarding the fact that Li Shuyao fainted from fright, everyone didn't believe it at first, but after a certain Baimao's explanation, it all seemed to make sense.

"Look, Yaoyao is not very courageous, she doesn't dare to watch ghost movies against each other." Fang Xuening said while hiding behind Lu Yao.

"En." Lu Yao and Tantai Jingyi nodded together.

"She is timid and dare not look at it, but she is not convinced and insists on seeing it right."


"She didn't dare to move after reading it, and then froze there."


"You see, this already has a great psychological foundation. She didn't dare to look at it and forced to look at it. In the end, she didn't dare to move, and she might faint from fright. Of course, the most important thing is That's not it."

"What is that?" Tantai Jingyi asked suspiciously.

"Look, aren't our two little cats very smart?" Fang Xuening pointed to Brother Gou and Xiaohong who were lying in their arms.

"Meow." Brother Gou raised his head and barked when he heard someone call him, "I'm watching a movie, don't cue."

Lu Yao and Tantai Jingyi looked at the two kittens, and then nodded together. These two kittens are definitely Einstein among cats, and there should be no more outrageous kittens than these two kittens.

"And some aspects of small animals are more sensitive than humans, yes."


"Then look at the performance of Xiaohong and Brother Gou just now, are they very nervous, as if something happened to Yaoyao?"

"When you say that, it seems to be true." Tantai Jingyi thought for a while and said.

"Look, yes, on the whole, she has the soil of being frightened and fainted, and the performance of these two kittens is almost that she fainted from fright. From the above, she should have fainted from fright .”

Fang Xuening is very proud of her crooked reasoning, which can make her come back, what is this called?Oh yes, it's called logical self-consistency, haha, she doesn't know if others are in harmony, but she is in harmony anyway.

Then, in the brief silence, the big guy heard Li Shuyao's slight snoring.

Well, the voice is very soft. If it weren't for the fact that few people were not talking at this time, and there was no sound from the movie, the big guy still couldn't hear it.

"Uh, it seems that there is no need to call an ambulance." Tantai Jingyi covered her mouth and smiled.

"Well, sleeping so soundly, calling an ambulance is a waste of other people's medical resources, let her continue to sleep." Lu Yao shook his head helplessly.

During this period of time, Li Shuyao was indeed too tired.

Now that Li Shuyao has gone to bed, everyone stopped watching the movie and did not pack anything. They turned off the movie, lay down and went straight to sleep.

Now if I get up and go to bed after tidying up, it might wake Li Shuyao up, since I'm sleepy, go to sleep, and it won't be too late to clean up after I wake up tomorrow.

Cleaning up now will also drive away the drowsiness accumulated with great difficulty.

Everyone slept soundly that night. It was rare for Tantai Jingyi and Li Shuyao to go home to sleep. Lu Yao was exhausted for the past two days, so he had a good rest today.

Fang Xuening...

Uh, Fang Xuening sleeps so soundly all the time.

It's rare that everyone didn't get up too early. After sleeping until eight o'clock, everyone woke up one after another.

At this time, everyone was awake except Fang Xuening who was still sleeping late.

Li Shuyao cooked porridge naturally, and also ran to the backyard to exercise naturally.

Once you become a habit of exercising, don't give up. Otherwise, it will be difficult to pick up again. Maybe people's instinct is to enjoy leisure and not to work. Everyone likes to be comfortable, which is why there is such a difference in the world.

However, she is still very "proud" about falling asleep while watching a horror movie last night. When she was having breakfast, she smiled proudly:
"Ahem, this horror movie is just like that. I watched it just like that. I fell asleep."

"It's not very scary at first." Tantai Jingyi said with a small bun in her arms, "I often watch it while eating."

"Ha, haha, what's the matter, next time I'll watch it while eating." Li Shuyao said with pouting.

Anyway, it's hard to talk, anyway, there will definitely be no next time, anyway, she doesn't want to watch it anyway!
Fang Xuening puffed her mouth while drinking porridge. She always felt that Li Shuyao didn't seem like someone who could fall asleep watching a horror movie. She was a little scared to fall asleep while holding Lu Yao in her arms last night. Li Shuyao was able to sleep so soundly , this is not normal!

"Yaoyao, do you know about sea turtle soup?" Fang Xuening suddenly remembered the video she watched two days ago.

"Huh? Sea turtle? Is it delicious?" Li Shuyao thought for a while: "I haven't eaten it yet, but can sea turtles be eaten? Could it be some kind of protected animal? Why don't you try soft-shelled turtles, I think the taste should be almost."

"It's not that turtle." Lu Yao was speechless: "You are going to play a job, why is it like being isolated from the world?"

"What is that?" Tantai Jingyi also raised her head and asked.

"Hey, you can understand it as a miniature script killing."

Fang Xuening chuckled and said:

"That's right, the soup maker, that is, the person who made the question will give a noodle soup that is difficult to understand, and then the soup drinker, that is, the listener, can ask any questions, narrow the scope, and then find the truth of the matter."

"But, the soup maker can only answer yes, no, it doesn't matter, and yes and no."

"Well, stop for a second, I can understand the first three, what does this mean?" Li Shuyao raised her hand and asked.

"Hey, that's a good question. Whether it's true or not is completely correct, because the question you play may be wild and unconstrained, which is somewhat relevant, but it's not accurate, and it's either true or not." Fang Xuening replied.

"Oh." Li Shuyao nodded: "The soup maker gave this noodle soup, but he knows the truth, right?"

"That's right." Fang Xuening nodded: "Then, the clues you got through asking questions finally restored the truth of the whole story, deduced the soup base, and that's about it."

"Oh, it sounds quite interesting, a bit like a verbal version of a detective game." Tantai Jingyi suddenly realized.

"Well, almost." Lu Yao said with a smile: "This theme is not bad, if you want to record it, you can find a few up masters to record it together."

"Ahem, I'll forget it, I'm not that style." Fang Xuening quickly waved her hands, and she can just sing well, and forget about other things. If you can't guess it when the time comes, wouldn't it be selfish? stupid?
Well, Bai Mao also has idol baggage.

"Hey? What you said is right, you don't record it yourself..." Li Shuyao said strangely: "What is the theme of these sea turtle soup?"

"Usually it's about thrillers and suspense." Lu Yao said with a smile, "Someone must be dead, and it's more exciting to be disabled."

Li Shuyao: "..."

These are all messy hobbies, so they can't be good. The dead and disabled don't sound like a good thing. Why do you like such things? It's crazy!
"Really want to record?" Li Shuyao looked at Lu Yao.

"You can do whatever you want. Now as long as you don't mess around, you'll be fine, and you just need to review all the videos you post. We have a special review team, and any that may cause controversy will be cut out." Lu Yao shrugged. shrugged.

"Uh, that... that's fine too. I'll post it on Moments and see if anyone plays with me." Li Shuyao thought about it for a while, and it's okay to take a photo. It sounds interesting.

 Anyway, I definitely don't watch horror movies.

  Mainly it's disgusting.


(End of this chapter)

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