Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 529 It's not scary at all

Chapter 529 Not scary at all

"Hahaha, no, brother, what are you doing..."

"What are you tearing it up for?"

"I do not……"


When Haihuang got excited, he tore the story paper in half. Everyone couldn't hold back and laughed again. Li Shuyao was helpless. She felt that if she made a video with these people, her stomach would hurt at night...

Just laughing all the time.

"Hey, I can't do it anymore. I feel like I'm laughing a little bit. Please tell me to slow down, or I won't be able to stop for a while." Li Shuyao kept taking deep breaths, restraining her apple muscles and so on, to calm herself down quickly.

She is quite experienced in this point, the main reason is that there was a guy in the team who was always laughing and laughing, which made everyone laugh every time. Ways to calm yourself down.

It really is the survival of the fittest!

This man, if you force him, there will always be a way.

Xiao Chao looked at Hai Huang who was holding two pieces of paper in both hands and said helplessly: "Just read it like this, okay."

"Uh, fight... read..." Hai Huang squinted at the camera and then at the four people here, and quickly said: "Don't laugh, horror video!"


As soon as Haihuang finished speaking, she couldn't bear it anymore. Li Shuyao covered her stomach, pursed her mouth and leaned on the sofa, twitching. Just now, she regained her composure.

"Huhu...Okay, okay, let's get started." Li Shuyao took a few deep breaths and suppressed the energy.

"Okay, then I'll start." Hai Huang pinched the piece of paper with two fingers, then waved the other hand in the air and said:

"Something, but I can't say a word."

"Ah? What, can you say it again?" Xiao Chao looked at Haihuang suspiciously.

"Yeah, what do you mean?" Li Shuyao was also stunned.

Haihuang ignored the doubts of several people and continued to wave his right hand and said:
"Noodle soup, people who have been sleeping for a long time wake up, I really want to say..."

"What is it?" Xiao Chao couldn't bear it anymore, stood up and grabbed the two pieces of paper in Haihuang's hand and turned them upside down: "You spelled it upside down, big brother...hahaha..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

This time I really couldn't bear it anymore, Li Shuyao turned around and patted the sofa, this video can't be recorded anymore, my stomach can't stand it before it even started.

This is really unbearable.

This is also outrageous.

"Huh...huh..." Li Shuyao kept taking deep breaths, Haihuang was far more outrageous than her, she was sure that they could record a video for an hour or two in just a few minutes.

Finally, it was time to answer questions. After listening to Haihuang's noodle soup, everyone began to ask their own questions.

Li Shuyao was holding back a smile while participating in the questioning. Anyway, the big guy was still laughing while asking... She guessed that there would be a lot of things that would be cut off in this paragraph...

Finally, the big guy still didn't guess it.

Haihuang announced the soup base, which was woken up by the teacher when he was sleeping in class.

Everyone was stunned for a long time.

What about the horror suspense?How about scary?The result... that's it?
"No, aren't you sleeping deeply?" Xiao Ao asked in a daze.

"That's right, I fell asleep in class." Hai Huang said.

"It's the teacher that he's afraid of?" Xiao Ao continued asking with his arms around his shoulders.

"Ah, yes." Haihuang continued to nod.

"It's not... this question... we guessed it earlier, so you just leave it to me?" Xiao Ao quickly rushed towards Xiao Chao: "Is he afraid of the teacher? Just the school teacher? I ×& %¥#@..."

Xiao Ao stretched out his claws towards Haihuang, Xiao Chao and Gao Si hugged Xiao Ao, the scene was extremely chaotic for a while.

Li Shuyao... Li Shuyao laughed so hard beside her...

"Hey, hey, no, no, what are you blaming him for? It's not his problem, it's the question, and this is what the question came up with." Xiao Chao hugged Xiao Ao and shouted: "He just read it, and he didn't write it. .”

"Oh yes, that's right, Ang, yes, I'm sorry about the question..." Xiao Ao changed his face in a second, and sat back with a smile.

"Are you sick...hahaha..."


"Excited. Excited."

Li Shuyao hammered her head beside her, she felt that she might not last until the end of the video recording.

Next came Xiao Ao, Xiao Chao, and Gao Si, who were finally a little more serious. Although there were still many links in the middle that made Li Shuyao laugh a little bit, they survived anyway.

However, this created a result.

As if she was paddling.

But she's really not paddling!I really can't open my mouth!One mouth is hehehe.

Should I say it or not, Xiao Ao and Gao Si's soup base is really oozing, and it belongs to the kind of thoughtful and frightening. After listening to it, the temperature suddenly cools down, and it's hard to laugh.

Finally when it was time for Li Shuyao to ask questions, she walked to the separate sofa, took her own note, and sat down solemnly.

Li Shuyao picked up the note...

"Is someone dead..." Xiao Ao asked deeply.

"Huh? I haven't read it yet. If I haven't read it, you can ask me." Li Shuyao's expression that had just come down from seriousness unconsciously floated up again. These people really are!

"Oh, yes, yes, yes, you haven't read it, you haven't read it." Xiao Ao laughed and said, "You read it, you read it."

"Soup noodles." Li Shuyao looked at the note seriously: "The man brushed his teeth early in the morning and found that his teeth were glowing green. He is crazy."

"It's over?" Goth asked.

"Ah, it's over." Li Shuyao nodded.

"Is he dead?" Hai Huang asked.

"Crazy, crazy, didn't I tell you that you were crazy..." Li Shuyao gritted her teeth, I am really going to be driven crazy by you.

"No, this is a question, you have to answer yes and no." Xiao Chao smiled and pursed her lips.

"Ah yes yes yes, my question is my question." Li Shuyao looked at the note, then slowly shook her head: "No."

"Oh...then he was driven crazy by himself?" Gao Si asked.

"Yes." Li Shuyao nodded.

"Did you go crazy because of the green teeth?" Xiao Ao asked.


"I understand." Haihuang raised his hand: "He is an alien, his gums are bleeding, and his blood is green, but he can't accept the fact that he is an alien, and then he goes crazy."

"No." Li Shuyao gritted her teeth and shook her head.

"Is this toothpaste green?" Gao Si asked.

"It's okay." Li Shuyao thought for a while and said.

"Is it related to this person's occupation?" Xiao Chao asked.



"Is this person a chef? A writer? A magician? A teacher?"


Several people guessed for a while and still couldn't figure it out, so Li Shuyao could only let Li Shuyao announce the answer.

"The man is a mortuary custodian. Recently, he found that the corpses in the mortuary were always lost, so he called the police. After the police came, they painted green fluorescent paint on the corpse. After the corpse disappeared again, the police did not find any clues. And when the man woke up in the morning, his teeth glowed green."


After Li Shuyao finished speaking, the four boys gasped together.

"That is to say..." Xiao Chao touched his chin and thought for a while.

"He ate fluorescent paint?" Haihuang said suddenly.

"Uh, in fact, he probably ate the corpse. There was fluorescent paint on the corpse, so he only found his teeth glowing green when he woke up in the morning." Gao thought for a while and said.

"Oh..." Several other people suddenly realized.

Li Shuyao smiled at the side, anyway, with these few people, the scary stories are not scary at all...

(End of this chapter)

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