Chapter 530

Li Shuyao played for a day in the company of the Xiaochao team, er, although it was for shooting videos, it was indeed a day for her.

Anyway, she laughed almost from the beginning to the end, and also filmed board games and cooking videos together. If you don’t do the challenge, you don’t shoot. They have no such plan for the time being.

One more time, it's almost time to finish shooting these.

It looks like a short video, but in fact it takes a long time to prepare, the script design, the layout of various props and scenes, and if the effect is not good, it needs to be re-shooted.

There are a few rehearsals before shooting.

At least for board games, you have to play and understand the game, and for gourmet food, you have to do it several times to master the process.

After a day of filming, Li Shuyao had an intuitive feeling.

Uh, no wonder that bastard Fang Xuening always said that he was fishing. Looking at it this way, he has indeed been fishing all the time. After all, it seems that he is really fast in making videos.

After bidding farewell to Xiaochao's group of people happily, Li Shuyao drove home by herself.

After the filming this time, it may take a long time to edit and release. She is not in a hurry, anyway, she is not in a hurry about anything now, just take her time, don't make mistakes, and don't lower the quality.

Now for Li Shuyao, the most important thing is to walk steadily step by step.

After arriving home, the first floor was still quiet.

Student Fang Xuening is broadcasting live, and student Lu Yao is at work. It seems that she will not come back tonight. She only comes to live occasionally, not every day.

Tantai Jingyi went home, she hasn't been home for such a long time, she took advantage of this time to go home and visit her parents.

The main reason is that Tantai Jingyi has no interest in Li Shuyao's next travel plan. After playing for a year, she is also quite tired and doesn't have much energy to travel. She will start live broadcasting after two days of rest at home.

and so……

She and Fang Xuening were left in the family.

Oh, and two kittens.

Fang Xuening was still in her own room during the live broadcast. Li Shuyao made two glasses of peach juice and quietly walked into Fang Xuening's room, listening to her discussing herself...

"Wow, Yaoyao, Yaoyao went out to shoot videos today, and I don't know when she will be live streaming... huh?" Fang Xuening was talking, and saw Li Shuyao walking in on tiptoe, and then gently Put the juice next to her.

"Do you want to say something?" Fang Xuening covered the microphone and gave Li Shuyao a wink in a low voice.

Li Shuyao waved her hand, then found a chair and sat outside the camera.

She didn't speak, just sat beside Fang Xuening and watched the live broadcast.

It's not the first time she has done this, anyway, this kind of feeling of sitting by and watching other people's live broadcast is very good, as if there is an illusion of two worlds.

There is a world in front of the camera, and another world outside the camera.

Anyway, as long as you don't get into the mirror, you can feel free and easy, and it doesn't matter what you do.

For example, she is making crazy faces at Fang Xuening right now, but Fang Xuening can't do anything, so she can only watch over there angrily, just...

It is interesting!
Fang Xuening gave Li Shuyao a helpless look, then turned her head.

"Yes, that's right, Yaoyao is back. I asked her to come out, but she just won't come out. This person is too lazy now." Fang Xuening pouted her nose at the camera.

Li Shuyao was very comfortable next to her. She went downstairs and cooked a plate of fried pork with chili peppers, and then made a plate of sliced ​​pork and fried garlic, and poured all three dishes into a big bowl.

Well, the bowl that is bigger than Li Shuyao's face may be a basin in some people's conception.

Of course, freshly cooked rice had been placed in the bowl before.

In this way, a big bowl of rice bowl is ready.

Use a large spoon not much smaller than a palm to stir the rice bowl evenly in a large bowl, and the fatigue will disappear after one bite. Three or five mouthfuls of rice bowls are paired with a mouthful of ice-cold peach juice...

Sure enough, being a talent is the most beautiful thing in this world.

However, from Fang Xuening's point of view, Li Shuyao has always been not a human being.

She worked so hard to live broadcast here, and that person had food and drink there, and it was so delicious!She can only drink some drinks, and then she easily wants to go to the bathroom while drinking, and then she can only go to the bathroom and then come back and continue the live broadcast.


"I can't take it anymore, this guy has been eating and eating next to me, you don't know, my god, it's so delicious, I... eat at night, but I have a meal, but the whole person is holding a big Eat the bowl there, I want to eat it too!"

As soon as Fang Xuening said that, she rushed over, grabbed the big spoon and made a big spoon for herself, then ran back to continue the live broadcast.

Anyway, when she went back, she stared at the camera and chewed for a long time with her mouth puffed out, then swallowed slowly, picked up the drink and drank it down:
"Huh... It's so comfortable, you don't know, this person just eats when he's next to him, and he's still chewing slowly, so he eats very slowly! I just helped her share it, yes, um, It's delicious, haha."

Therefore, this bowl of rice bowl was basically divided between the two.

"Okay, that's the end of today's live broadcast, hiccup... I just ate too much, I'm going out for a walk, haha, everyone, go to bed early, good night."

Seeing that the time is almost up, Fang Xuening is ready to download it.

Li Shuyao's big bowl was indeed quite a lot, and she ate a lot, and now she is a little overwhelmed.

She felt that she had to go for a walk, or else she would wake up three catties fatter.

After the broadcast, Fang Xuening took Li Shuyao and prepared to go out for a stroll.

"I told you to wake up in the morning and you couldn't get up to exercise, but now you're refreshed again." Li Shuyao was speechless, she was already quite tired today, and she was going to sleep after eating and washing, who would have thought that this guy would have to go out for a walk.

"Oh, what time do you go to bed now, do you have something to do tomorrow?" Fang Xuening glanced at Li Shuyao.


"So, let's take advantage of the evening breeze. Isn't it a good time to go out for a walk? It's not so cold outside at this time, so the weather is just right." Fang Xuening changed into a pair of long-sleeved trousers while talking Black sportswear, with creamy white hair, looks quite energetic.

Li Shuyao had no choice but to go out with Fang Xuening.

She hadn't changed her clothes before, so she just put the pots and pans in the dishwasher and went out.

Speaking of which, Li Shuyao really hasn't wandered around the community for a long time. Naturally, she doesn't have time at the base. Even if she comes back, she mostly rests at home, and she just drives in and out.

"Phew, the air at night is not bad." Li Shuyao looked at the stars in the sky. At this time, the park was quite quiet.

"It's not bad, haha. I often go out for a stroll. Look, there is a row of peach trees planted over there. It is estimated that peach blossoms will bloom tomorrow."

Li Shuyao looked in the direction Fang Xuening was pointing at, it was too dark, only rows of dark young trees could be seen.

Then the shadow of playing turtle soup came up a little bit today.

No matter how I look at it, I feel that something will suddenly jump out of it... It seems that I don't know what to be afraid of, but I am a little scared.


Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng, several black shadows sprang out from the peach grove.

 The dream last night was somewhat complicated. It felt like I had provoked someone, and then all kinds of ghosts and snakes came out and told me to run away. I said there was no need to run at all.

  Then there were killers jumping out constantly, and I was very chic, one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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