Chapter 531

Li Shuyao's hands trembled, and she subconsciously turned around and wanted to run, but then she stopped by herself... Isn't it just a few kittens jumping out...

So this is the reason why she doesn't like horror stories. You may not really think there is anything scary about this thing at the time, but you are afraid of thinking about it.

The more you think about it, the more terrifying it becomes, and the more you think about it, the more terrifying it becomes.

Therefore, Li Shuyao strongly suspects that the more he thinks about this thing, the more afraid he becomes, and the more he knows, the more afraid he becomes.

For a person like Tantai Jingyi who only has games in her mind, she won't be afraid of anything you tell her!
"What are you doing?" Fang Xuening looked at Li Shuyao in surprise, then gently pursed her lips and smiled in her ear: "You are not afraid of a few kittens, are you?"

"Let me tell you, I listened to all kinds of weird ghost stories for a long time today, and he was surprised by this stuff. After you listen to it, you always want to think about it. If you think about it, you will start to diverge your thinking. If you diverge your thinking, there will always be Something that you were afraid of surfaced."

"Understood, I scare myself."

"Actually, it's almost the same. Don't these things just scare yourself, oh my god... Brother Dog, can you stop being so elusive all the time, it's scary, you know!"

Li Shuyao was halfway through speaking when Brother Gou jumped onto her with a single swipe, and then she threw him on the ground with a slap.

Brother Gou looked at Li Shuyao grievously, why did you throw your cutie on the ground? You didn’t hug your cutie when you came back after leaving for so long, and now you threw it on the ground again. love me!
Well, I'll go!
As soon as Brother Gou turned around, Li Shuyao picked him up, grabbed him in his arms, rubbed him, and then hugged him.

This place is so scary, how could it be possible to let go of someone who looks familiar after finally catching him!

"Well, why don't we go back, it's almost time for a walk." Li Shuyao slammed her mouth, feeling that it is really not suitable to go out for a walk in the middle of the night today.

"Okay." Fang Xuening picked up Xiaohong from the ground, turned around and walked back, Yaoyao is very timid today, is that okay, hehehehe...

Fang Xuening thought for a while, there seemed to be some small things prepared for Halloween on the attic.

It's not that she's going to celebrate Halloween, it's mainly because of the live broadcast of the whole small atmosphere, yes, anyway, no matter what festival happens, she will make some show effects in the live broadcast room.

It's nothing, it's just a change of skin.

But tonight, she felt that she made those things for something else!

After returning home, Li Shuyao breathed a sigh of relief. As expected, the home is reassuring. She threw the dog brother who was stuck on her body to the disinfection side for disinfection, and ran upstairs to take a bath and sleep!
At this time, only a warm quilt can soothe the wounded heart!

Isn't there a saying that those little ghosts have signed an agreement, and those who enter the bed cannot be disturbed!
"Hey, don't you take a shower?" Walking to the door of the bathroom, Li Shuyao found that Fang Xuening didn't come in with her, which made her somewhat surprised.

There is still such a loss... er, a little regret?

impossible!Absolutely impossible!
How can I feel sorry for this kind of thing, I should obviously feel happy!

Seeing Li Shuyao enter the bathroom a bit awkwardly, Fang Xuening secretly smiled, this thing is really a habit!

After estimating the time for Li Shuyao to take a bath, Fang Xuening ran to the small attic, looked at her small basket of props and thought about it, then picked out a small mask.

Forget it, let's scare her a little bit, don't scare Yaoyao.

Well, I heard that people tend to react aggressively when they are frightened. Yaoyao is very skilled. The small body may not be able to hold on.

Forget about makeup or something, no makeup, just a little scare will do.

Thinking of this, Fang Xuening ran back to her room with a small mask in her hand, and then chose a miserable white dress with some "blood stains" on it.

Pair it with this mask and it will definitely work!

"Hey." Fang Xuening changed her clothes, thinking that when Li Shuyao came out, she suddenly appeared, and then she screamed and threw herself into his arms, and then he comforted her well.

"Tsk tsk, the plan is perfect!" Fang Xuening waited outside the bathroom with a smile on her mobile phone. She tidied up the area and waited there with peace of mind.

Naturally, Li Shuyao didn't know that Bai Mao was waiting for her outside wearing a mask and "bloody" white clothes.

Although she was a little guilty, but after turning on all the lights in the bathroom and soaking in the warm water, her mood gradually stabilized.

Familiar environment, bright lights, and warm atmosphere are relatively easy to soothe the soul.

So when she stood up from the bath and slowly dried the moisture on her body, she was no longer afraid.

Maybe it's also because I relax in the bath and let my mind go, so I won't scare myself.

"Phew... I don't know what Fang Xuening is doing." Li Shuyao let out a long sigh of relief, wrapped herself in a bath towel, and went out. As soon as she opened the door, a masked "little ghost" pounced on him.

To be honest, the bloody white hair is indeed a bit scary, but this mask is a bit too dramatic, and paired with Fang Xuening's voice, it is not scary at all.

And maybe a little cute.

Fang Xuening looked at Li Shuyao completely unmoved, even pursed her lips and wanted to laugh...

This, no, even if you weren't startled, you should hit me once. If you hit me, I'll jump into your arms, right?

This is obviously the way you are attacking me, or I am attacking you, how come you are standing there looking at me.

Also, why are your eyes so strange!
"Hmph!" After Fang Xuening looked at Li Shuyao for 10 seconds, she snapped off the mask on her face, and then jumped onto Li Shuyao's body, rubbing her small face against her neck. of.

"Okay, okay, I just took a shower, and you haven't taken off the makeup on your face yet, so you rubbed against my face again." Li Shuyao was speechless, this person obviously couldn't do tricks, and now he was starting to lose his temper!

"Then wash it again, anyway, you didn't wash it clean just now!" Fang Xuening ignored it and continued to rub.

"Who said that, I washed it clean." Li Shuyao said dumbfounded.

"There is, there is, it's not clean!" Fang Xuening rubbed on the other side after rubbing on one side.

"Okay, okay, don't rub it, you've become a pretty face."

"Elbow, go take a shower!" Fang Xuening jumped off Li Shuyao's body, then dragged Li Shuyao back to the bathroom.

"Hey, hey? You haven't changed yet." Li Shuyao held her towel and raised her head, and was dragged into the bathroom again.

Fang Xuening walked forward with her head depressed, and as she walked... well, she changed into the emperor's new clothes.

At this time, the bathtub was also filled with water. Li Shuyao refilled the water after washing before, and it was originally intended for Fang Xuening to wash.

"Plop." Fang Xuening jumped into the bathtub, then stared at Li Shuyao with a small head...

Li Shuyao was helpless.


Well, it suddenly feels normal for two people to wash like this.

(End of this chapter)

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