Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 532 The rivers and mountains are good, go for a walk

Chapter 532 The rivers and mountains are good, go for a walk

After waking up, Li Shuyao didn't have any fear in her heart. Although she said that she had frightened herself for a while yesterday, overall it was quite interesting, no matter what, she laughed from beginning to end.

The image of Chaoyang in literature always represents endeavor and vigor, and represents the original appearance of light, so those "little ghosts" in my heart under the Chaoyang will disappear in smoke.

Anyway, Li Shuyao thinks that the things that he had been thinking about yesterday have basically disappeared, and even the dream last night was actually hehehe just having fun there...

"Come on, look at how beautiful the morning sun is, how fresh the air is, why are you yawning all over the place." Li Shuyao looked at Fang Xuening next to him and said, "Look at you, you dog Brother and Xiaohong, both of them can keep up, but you can't keep up."

"My God, big sister, you have the nerve to talk about me." Fang Xuening's eyes widened suddenly: "You didn't know what happened to you when you slept last night, you were always there laughing, you don't know how permeable your smile is." Yeah, I didn't sleep well all night."

"Uh... is there any?" Li Shuyao rubbed her chin.

"Is there anything else..." Fang Xuening puffed her mouth angrily: "Next time I will record it for you, so that you can listen to how terrifying it is when you suddenly laugh in the middle of the night."

"Hi, so I took you out to see Chaoyang. Take a look, don't you suddenly feel empty and open, wanting to embrace a better tomorrow?"

"No, I want to embrace a better mattress right now."

"Cut, get ready, we'll set off tomorrow."

"Where are you going?" Fang Xuening tilted her head.

"Going to Dunhuang, I booked a class A ticket for Mogao Grottoes one month in advance, the day after tomorrow, hehe, I will go around tomorrow, and then go to Mogao Grottoes the day after tomorrow." Li Shuyao said with a smile: "Let's go to see the desert. "

"Uh, the desert..."

"I heard that there are many delicious ones. The mutton over there tastes really good."

"I think I can leave today!"


The two of them naturally didn't leave on the same day. If they went on a trip, they still had to prepare some things. They didn't plan to sign up for any tour group, so they could go wherever they wanted.

Although let's just say, maybe sometimes I will spend a little more money, but well, it is considered to be a contribution to the country, and the two of them don't need to be so careful.

There is no need to think about playing for a few days, come back when you are tired, and play for a few more days if you are still interested.

Li Shuyao plans to travel around in the next few years.

Don't go abroad, just visit the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.

The rivers and mountains are very good, let's go for a walk.

Li Shuyao didn't bring much, mainly some personal items and a change of clothes. If there is anything missing, you can go to the place to buy it.

Fang Xuening brought a lot of things, two big boxes...

Accompanying classmate Fang Xuening to check in the luggage, Li Shuyao was also a little helpless: "We are just going to play for a few days, you don't need to bring so many things in such a big bag."

"You don't understand, I have specially made an appointment to take pictures, and I'm going to take some flying desert photos, how about it, do you want to take pictures together?" Fang Xuening said with a chuckle.

"I'll forget it." Li Shuyao shrugged: "I just came here to play, and I didn't want to bring any missions."

"I didn't take any missions either. Shooting photos of flying in the desert is just for fun. It's also for recording. I'm going to make a vlog this time." Fang Xuening said with a smile: "You just show up occasionally, and then help me hold Just a camera."

"Okay." Li Shuyao pouted, she didn't intend to shoot anything, Fang Xuening could shoot whatever she wanted, and help her to contribute to the whole joint contribution, it should be able to gain a wave of popularity or something.

Flying all the way from the east to the west, this feeling is still very strange. Speaking of it, Li Shuyao really has never traveled far for travel.

"Come on, let's go watch the sunset."

After putting down the luggage in the hotel, Li Shuyao dragged Fang Xuening out.

"Hey? Wait a minute, I'll take the camera."

Fang Xuening didn't care about packing her things, so she ran out with her camera.

There is a driver waiting downstairs. This is the local tour guide and driver that Lu Yao helped to contact. Anyway, he just hired her for a few days and asked her to take Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening to play during these few days.

This guide is nearly forty years old, with reddish cheeks, thin arms and legs, and a well-proportioned figure. It feels a bit out of place when driving an off-road vehicle, but she is a woman with very good physical fitness.

She is also very talkative. On the way to Mingsha Mountain, she is introducing camels, Crescent Lake and so on. She also mentioned her child in junior high school, with a proud expression on her face.

Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening were very happy chatting with the guide. Although there was a difference in age between them, they obviously knew how to deal with girls of this age.

After talking for a while, the atmosphere became pleasant.

This is not a peak tourist season, and the November holiday has passed for some time, and there are not as many people now as there were then.

After getting off the car, they rented two camels, and Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening walked forward slowly.

"Elder sister, why don't you ride a camel?" Fang Xuening looked curiously at the guide elder sister who was leading the camel.

"I'm tired of riding, and it's easier to walk." The eldest sister smiled, and then continued to walk forward.

Li Shuyao followed the camel and swayed back and forth between the two humps. It was almost dusk, and the figure was stretched on the camel for a long, long time...

The elder sister of the guide found a sand dune for the two of them. After getting off the camel, Li Shuyao's foot fell into the sand. As expected, she stepped on the sand herself, and then she understood why the elder sister of the guide reminded them to pay attention to their feet when they came down.

Naturally, the two of them were not wearing high-heeled shoes, sneakers or the like, but boots that they bought directly at the local area under the advice of the guide.

The signs were just taken off.

The benefits of these shoes are also obvious, at least when walking in the desert, you won't sprain your feet easily, and you won't always take off your shoes and pour sand.

Standing on the sand dunes, looking at the setting sun like blood, watching the scorching sun that cannot be seen directly during the day, now turned into a big orange fireball.

Not only can you look at it directly, but you can even taste it slowly and comment on it.

The wind, the sand dunes, the sun, and the plants on the sand dunes all seem to be quiet, and at this moment they have let go of their defenses and are ready to enter a state of rest.

It seems that only human beings are still pouring out their excess enthusiasm at this time.

Sometimes I feel that maybe the brain evolved by humans is the most powerful artifact in this world.

Standing on the sand dunes facing the wind, Fang Xuening opened her mouth and yelled like a fool. Li Shuyao would definitely not know how to yell. When the wind blows in the desert, yelling is nothing but eating a mouthful of sand. Other results too.

For example, at the crater last time, after she yelled, she had nothing but a mouthful of volcanic ash.

"Hahaha, it's so beautiful." Fang Xuening shouted against the wind while looking at the skyline that seemed to be boiling.

Li Shuyao smiled without saying a word.

"Yaoyao, tell me, this world is so magnificent, why there are always some people who spend their days moaning on the Internet, making it a mess, and everyone is unhappy." Fang Xuening continued to shout against the wind.

Li Shuyao thought about it carefully, and then gave an answer:

"Because I'm full."

 The dream I had last night was more or less supernatural, as if a tribe asked me for help, and then I had a person under my command who could travel through space, and I took this person to save that tribe.

  But when I arrived, they had been massacred, and their original city was also occupied by the invaders, so I led the survivors to escape, and then re-lurked into the city, assassinating the leader who caused the massacre...

(End of this chapter)

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