Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 533 There will always be chapters that will be lost one day

Chapter 533 What I lost will come back one day
After seeing the sunset at Mingsha Mountain, seeing the Crescent Moon Spring in the afterglow, and riding a swaying camel, the journey on the first day was successfully completed. Except for student Fang Xuening who ate a mouthful of sand, everything else was fine. Very fulfilling.

The first day was a little tiring, so the two of them didn't go shopping in the snack street, but ate the rice bowls in the hotel, and then took a shower and went to bed.

The next morning, Li Shuyao did not urge Fang Xuening to get up, and did two rounds of Tai Chi at the entrance of the hotel, which aroused some people's curiosity.

Although it is not the peak season for tourism, there are people who come to visit Dunhuang all year round, so Li Shuyao soon became the scenery in people's mobile phones.

Today, there is no need for the help of the big sister guide. There is a special tour bus over there, which takes the tourists who bought tickets to the Dunhuang Grottoes.

They were not in a hurry to go in, and the digital movie would have to wait a while to start, so Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening entered the cultural and creative store first.

There are a variety of Dunhuang co-branded cultural and creative products on the shelves here. Apart from being related to Dunhuang culture, these products also have a common feature-expensive.

Li Shuyao bought some paintings, silk scarves, etc., and drew ten thousand dollars...

Anyway, those paintings are basically three or four thousand pairs, and there are seven or eight hundred silk scarves.

It is estimated that people saw that the shipment volume this time was a bit large, and they generously gave Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening some small souvenirs, such as Dunhuang-themed tattoo stickers...

Carrying the small ice cream from the basil, the two of them stored the things they bought first, and watched two promotional films of Dunhuang culture in the cinema.

When she came out of the movie theater, Li Shuyao was a little silent.

Sure enough, there are some things that I haven't come here in person, but there will still be a big deviation from hearing the rumors.

Walking to the Dunhuang Grottoes, there will be a special guide leading the team to explain to everyone:
"You can take pictures and videos outside, but you can't take pictures and videos after entering the cave. Please put away all the camera equipment before entering."

Li Shuyao felt that the narrator looked at her side specially when he was speaking.

Uh, it seems that except for myself holding a camera, everyone else is basically just taking pictures with their mobile phones.

Holding the camera, Fang Xuening hurriedly walked around outside for a few times, then put the camera away, and followed them into the cave.

To be honest, the inside of the cave is still very dark, and there will not be too many people entering the cave at one time, because too much carbon dioxide will also cause damage to cultural relics.

Sometimes promotion and protection are really contradictory. When listening to the commentator's emphasis over and over again not to touch these murals, Li Shuyao can feel the commentator's love for this culture.

In particular, a tourist touched the mural lightly curiously, and was scolded by the guide...

Li Shuyao felt that the commentator was cursing in a tearful voice, saying that these are cultural relics, and it is not easy to preserve them for thousands of years.

Li Shuyao could feel the tourist's embarrassment, and he kept apologizing in embarrassment.

Everyone could tell that the narrator did not intend to insult people. Seeing the narrator crying while continuing to explain, everyone was a little silent.

Each cave cannot stay for too long, as I said before, carbon dioxide will cause damage to cultural relics.

Walking out of the cave and looking at the tall nine-storey attic, Li Shuyao felt somewhat emotional. It was not easy for these cultural relics to survive after thousands of years of deposition.

However, they will eventually disappear at some point in the future, just like we can’t find cultural relics before the Shang Dynasty to some extent, because human beings in that era couldn’t create any cultural relics that could withstand the tempering of time Come now.

Perhaps the publicity and promotion at this moment is to make these cultural relics disappear on this planet, and some of us know that they once existed.

Whether it is those cultural and creative products or the staff who repaired the murals in the cave, these are all to let more people know about this culture.

But at this moment, Li Shuyao didn't have any intention of traveling back to beat up that Taoist priest.

Ask yourself, if she was in that position, would she do better?

In that turbulent era, when the high-level officials at that time didn't pay much attention to these cultural treasures and did not protect these cultural treasures at all, could he really keep these precious scriptures?
Li Shuyao naturally hopes that our own things can stay on our own land forever, but for thousands of years, countless wars have destroyed too many cultural heritages.

Perhaps, from a certain point of view, it is good to preserve it. I hope that in the future, at some point in the future, when our country is really strong to a certain extent, these cultural treasures will naturally return to the motherland. embrace.

So, work hard and make our country and nation great.

That night, Li Shuyao had a dream. She dreamed that those cultural relics that had been lost overseas were sent back here as national gifts, and returned to their hometown...

She doesn't know when this day will come, but she firmly believes that this day will come.

On that day, what is lost will come back.

Early in the morning, Li Shuyao stared at the nine-colored deer hanging on the wall in a daze.

It was a decorative painting of the hotel, but it reminded Li Shuyao of the exquisite murals she saw in the cave yesterday.

One after another looks like a mythical deer galloping in the mountains and jumping in the clouds. People with lights on their heads ride on horseback and say hello to the deer cordially.

Although these murals are mostly painted for religion, this art always captures some kind of truth, which Li Shuyao prefers to call Tao.

When you use art to express a certain way, no matter who you are, whether you believe in this religion or not, you will experience the existence of beauty from it.

"Let's go, today we're going to take a flying photo shoot." Fang Xuening was very excited today. She had practiced with the flying photo shoot team here, and was going to go to the desert to take a set of flying-themed photos.

"Let's go, let's take a look at your photo." Li Shuyao also smiled. The thoughts in her mind are constantly churning, and she feels that some inspiration is about to break through.

However, this inspiration still needs a little opportunity, and she is going to look for this opportunity here.

Perhaps, she will write her first song written by herself.

Not sure what it's going to be like...

The elder sister of the guide drove them to the desert again. Fang Xuening changed her clothes before coming, and she was almost exactly the same as the one who bounced the pipa on the mural.

There are a lot of people in the photo shoot team, and the division of labor is clear.

Li Shuyao chatted with these people during the preparations. There are actually quite a few people who come here to take photos every year, some are Internet celebrities, and some are actually ordinary people.

It's nice that people want to save their best years.


During the shooting process, the little brother behind Fang Xuening lifted his skirt against the sand over and over again, just to find the picture of Fang Xuening floating in the air at a certain moment...

Come on, it was not easy to shoot this.

It was not easy for Fang Xuening.

Because as long as the cameraman doesn't yell, she will dance over and over again... Well, it's still the kind without shoes, that is, there is a mat underneath, otherwise it should be quite painful.

 I hope that the country will be prosperous and strong, and one day they will send back the lost national treasures with their own hands.

  Today's update

(End of this chapter)

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