Chapter 534
Seeing Fang Xuening soaring into the air again and again, and watching the strands of sleeves dancing in the air, Li Shuyao couldn't help being a little stunned.

At this moment, the images she saw in the cave yesterday flooded into her mind, and the figures stepping on the clouds seemed to come alive in her mind.

They played the moving melody, stepped on the white auspicious clouds, and looked at the sky devoutly.

They sway in the air, not bound by the earth.

After thinking about it, Li Shuyao felt that she had found the opportunity she was looking for, and hurriedly entrusted the camera to a brother who looked like a videographer next to him, and then the elder brother borrowed a pen and paper, turned around and lay down on the table to make a few strokes wrote it down:

Soothing the wind and sand has a lingering sound

Ancient Scriptures in the Loess Red Chamber

Wrist-rolling silk scarf

Stepping on the clouds and swinging the moon toward the heart of heaven

pursue, pursue

The sun, the moon and the stars are next to each other

at ease

Distracting thoughts

drive a lotus petal

a brilliant song

I fly to the sky

The bustling drama is empty here

if one leaf world

blazing like a flower

Eternal robbery between gravel

Drunk and hazy dancing

come on come on
I'm here to play Cangxia

go, go
who would like to send this answer

After a series of lyrics came down, Li Shuyao let out a long sigh of relief, and wrote two words at the top of the lyrics - Xiangkong!
This is the first time she has composed a song entirely by herself, and it may not be as good as those famous songs, but this is what she really felt after traveling for the past two days.

Whether it was the setting sun in the desert or the red building in the loess, she had seen them in the past two days.

But the "Flying Apsaras" who were agile and elegant in the song kept churning in her mind.

Those murals seem to be not just murals, but vivid characters. Although they are static on the murals, they are dynamic in their thoughts.

Li Shuyao felt that she seemed to see the figure painted on the wall stroke by stroke by those painters thousands of years ago.

It is not an exaggeration, this is an exchange of souls.

She seemed to see the painter's pious expression and the slightly trembling brush.

After finishing writing, Li Shuyao let out a long breath, those scenes all disappeared with the end of the lyrics, but the appearance at that moment was already engraved in her mind.

It may not be useful, but it has subtly affected her and has become one of her own cultural heritage.

Human temperament is accumulated bit by bit like this.

The works you have read and the knowledge you have learned will eventually be transformed into your personality.

"I'm done filming, oh my god, I'm exhausted." Fang Xuening walked over stretched, then looked at Li Shuyao who was reading the lyrics he had just written over and over again and asked:

"Uh, what are you doing?"

"Haha, Xiao Xuexue, you are awesome. I just saw you bouncing up and down, and then I was inspired, and then I wrote a lyrics." Li Shuyao haha ​​hugged Fang Xuening and gnawed on her cheek.

Fang Xuening: "..."

Why is it just me jumping up and down, the source of your inspiration is very strange, you say, you get inspiration after I jump up and down at home twice a day?

What a weird inspiration.

"I'd like to see what kind of lyrics you have, it won't be some bouncing lyrics." Fang Xuening took the piece of paper in Li Shuyao's hand, looked at the beautiful handwriting on it, and first praised it, it's really a good handwriting , and then read it carefully.

After a while, Fang Xuening said with some surprise:
"Hmm... is this written about me?"

Li Shuyao opened her mouth: "Uh, well, how about it, do you want to sing?"

"Okay, okay." Fang Xuening nodded: "Let's come to Dunhuang to shoot the MV again, I have the picture in my mind now, haha, I want to perform the MV in Feitian's clothes."

"Well, I think we can put a big drum in the desert at that time, and then you dance on the about it, can you dance?" Li Shuyao said with a smile.

"Okay, why not? Besides, it can't be learned. You can master it after practicing hundreds of times." Fang Xuening looked at Li Shuyao with a strange expression and said helplessly: "Sister, who do you think They can learn as soon as you do."

"No, I'm shocked that you can practice hundreds of times." Li Shuyao laughed.

"Every time I cover a cover or release a new song, I'll sing it hundreds of times before recording it." Fang Xuening rolled her eyes: "You don't care about me at first glance."

"You close the door every time, who knows what you are doing inside."

"So if you don't release a song every month, I'm sorry you recorded it so quickly, you know that." Fang Xuening took out her phone, laid the piece of paper flat on the table, and took a photo.

This piece of paper may not know where it was lost. If it is really lost, it is a pity. If the lyrics cannot be found, it will be miserable.

Authors generally cannot memorize creation. If you write it like this once, it may be different the next time.

Well, at this time she had forgotten Li Shuyao's photographic memory.

It may also be that Li Shuyao has too many abilities, and she has ignored them.

Fang Xuening carefully stuffed the folded food into Li Shuyao's pocket, and then zipped it up. She is still wearing Feitian's clothes, so it is not convenient for her to carry this note.

After finishing their small affairs, Fang Xuening went to chat with the filming team, thanked them for their busy work today, and agreed on a time for filming.

Just as he was talking, suddenly the wind picked up gradually.

"Let's go, it's going to be a sandstorm." The guide sister found Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening and said.

"Ah? Sandstorm?" Fang Xuening opened his mouth. In the past two days, he has felt the magnificence of the desert, but he forgot that there is such a thing as a sandstorm here.

The filming team is also packing up things quickly, and it seems that this is not the first time they have encountered it.

Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening packed up their things and ran back quickly, there was still a little distance between them and the car.

While speaking, the wind gradually became stronger.

"Hey, there's something wrong with this sandstorm." Fang Xuening cried out as the sand hit her shoulders.

The sandstorm is not too big now, but the skin is a little sore from the blown sand, and Fang Xuening's flying clothes are leaking out of her arms and shoulders...

Li Shuyao took off her coat, which was a windproof jacket, which she also bought after arriving here.

Throw on a jacket, denim, and boots and you'll look handsome!
Li Shuyao hugged Fang Xuening in, lifted the jacket and covered the heads of the two of them.

From a distance, they look like a couple.

After all, Li Shuyao's clothes are more or less neutral.

Li Shuyao looked at the elder sister of the guide, who quickly waved her hand, indicating that she didn't need it.

So the two of them ran towards the car as if they were hiding from the rain.

"Oh, I finally came in." After quickly climbing into the back seat of the car, Fang Xuening let out a long sigh of relief. She was severely beaten by the sand.

"Come on, let's go back to the hotel."

"En." The guide lady nodded and started the vehicle.

The sand slapped on the car and made a clattering sound. Looking at the outside world from the window, the originally clear blue sky had turned khaki, and the road was full of swept away sand.

Sure enough, no matter what time it is, we still have to be in awe of nature.

 I wrote this song myself, I don’t know how it is written, haha, how do you feel, anyway, I feel good about myself, haha.

  One more today.

(End of this chapter)

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